Her Soulmate Chapter 2

Her Soulmate by Laiba Akhtar

Just because you don't have a prince, 

Doesn't mean you are not a princess. 

                   Zayn Malik

                        Mid December 

Faris entered the room and asked Salma to leave it. 

"May I leave for my house? " she asked anxiously.

"Yes. You can," he said in a monotone voice while eyes were on his bride whose eyes were casted downward.

"Thank you," she said and rushed toward the outside. 

Faris locked the door and gave all his attention to his bride, who was sitting in the centre of the bed with a rigid posture. Faris put his wristwatch on the side table and glanced toward her. 

"I have married you just because of Mr. Jalal." 

This was the first sentence which Daneen listened to from her soulmate. 

"He can't tolerate a characterless girl like you. So, he gave his burden to me." 

His piercing comment made Daneen shocked. 

"I also don't want you but his blackmailing  makes me marry you." 

He was filling her with information while rage started filling her being, and tears welling up in her eyes.

"I can't believe Uncle Jalal can do this!"

Brain was becoming numb and face becoming red because of all the insult she had to bear.

She was in deep thoughts when she felt her body roughly dragged from the bed. She yelped with surprise. Some seconds ago she was in bed and now was standing in front of Faris. Daneen's eyes widened with fear. 

"Now you are my wife! So never try to cheat me. I will not tolerate this. Do any trouble and see what I will do with you." 

He growled in a low voice. Shiver ran down her spine. She was looking at him with fear, and he was looking at her with disgust. 

"I have many things to deal with so remain harmless for me. It will be good for your own sake." 

He said and finally left her arms. 

She didn't move because of shock. Before marriage, different scenarios were in her mind but this type of scenario wasn't. She never expected such harsh treatment. 

Faris closed his eyes and took a deep breath to control his emotions. After some seconds, he opened his eyes and saw her with calm expressions. 

"Don't take my words as a threat. I have spent two years in prison so don't take me easy." 

Daneen's eyes widened in fear. She didn't know this fact. Hell, she just knew his name. 

"In Prison? " her voice was shaky. 

Faris's eyes get narrowed at this. 

"You don't know this fact?" 

He became surprised at her pale face. He thought that she knew everything about him but her head shaking no was a totally different situation. 

"I have survived two years of my life with the worst people of society so don't mess with me."

He said and entered the washroom. 

That news shattered Daneen. 

"He is a criminal. I have married a criminal. Uncle Jalal has married me to a criminal "

Those thoughts made her body numb. She slowly lowered herself on the floor and started to weep. She hugged her knees and put her head on it. Faris came out of the washroom and saw her posture. Many bitter words came on his tongue, but he holded it. He passed her body and lay on bed and switched off the lights. 

Daneen felt these movements but didn't move her head and continue her weeping. After some time, silence could only be heard. Outside, rain had stopped but her eyes still had to shower rain. All night she remained on floor, weeping on her fate. 


Heavy pour was still there when ASP Hassan arrived at the murder spot. The dead body of a child was lying under a shelter. He and his officers investigated the people around the body and also inspected the area. 

Hassan crouches on the floor and inspected the girl's body. She looked like around nine years and seems from a poor family. Her body's condition was telling that she had been horribly murdered. There were marks of cigarettes on her exposed arms. Her condition saddened Hassan's heart, nevertheless he composed himself and straightened his body. He was totally drenched in rain. 

People didn't know anything about the girl. After sending the dead body for postpartum, ASP left for his home. 

Rain had stopped falling and first rays of sunlight had come out when he reached home. 

Yawning, he closed the door, stretched his arms and lazily went toward the stairs. Mobile in his hand started buzzing as soon as it connected with WiFi. Hassan glanced at the screen while moving toward his room. His steps halted at seeing a Whatsapp message from his friend. 

"Daneen has got married."

This message widened ASP Hassan's eyes. He felt that his heart had stopped beating. The girl who was in his heart, whom he secretly had loved, had got married. Sleep ran away from his eyes, and whole world crumbled in front of his eyes.


Rain had become slow when Salma came near her house. A sigh of relief came out of her mouth upon seeing her house. She knocked on the door and called out to her seven year old daughter.

"Ayesha? " she shouted her name three to four times but still there was no answer. She started to become worried. It was midnight and her daughter was alone at home. 

Finally, after a few seconds, the door opened and a crying Ayesha was standing on the threshold.

"What happened, Ayesha? "

Anxiety hit her being at seeing the weeping state of her daughter.

Ayesha just hugged her mother, concealed her head in her chest, and cried. Salma kept on asking her why she was weeping. Different possibilities came in her mind. 

"I was scared." 

At last, after some minute of weeping, she whispered. 

Salma became relieved on listening to her reason. 

"You really got me scared, Ayesha," she said with relief. 

Ayesha broke the hug and stood in front of her mother, with a lower face. Salma couldn't see her hollow eyes. 

"Faris sir got married and I was busy with his bride. In the morning, I will take you with me so that you can also see the bride. You want to see her? "

Salma tried to make her daughter excited. Ayesha just nodded her head. 

"Ok. Now go to your bed. God forbid me, you are weeping like what disaster has come in home." 

Now Salma became a little bit angry at her daughter. Closing the door, she went toward the room while Ayesha remained standing there and seeing her mother with pale face and hollow eyes. 

Salma didn't see it so she didn't know that disaster was the reason for her daughter's weeping. 


At last, that rainy night came to its end and a new morning came in every living person's life. That morning was full of fog and cold wind. Islamabad didn't feel the warmth of the sun that morning. 

Faris slowly opened his eyes and his senses started to become active. He sat in his place and glanced at the room. His eyes stopped at the figure who was sleeping. She was still on the floor, back resting with a chair and head on her knees. She was still in her bridal dress. 

For some seconds, he stared at her.

Then, he walked toward the washroom, totally ignoring his bride. He got ready in fifteen minutes and left the room. In the kitchen, he made coffee for him and sat on his chair. His coffee was almost finished, when he felt movement on the stairs. He averted his gaze toward there and saw her coming down. She was now in salwar kameez with dupatta around her neck, while hair was tied in a bun.

She was roaming her eyes all around and then her eyes stopped at him, who was still gazing at her. 

"Assalam o Alaikum" she greeted with a hint of nervousness.

He didn't reply and took the last sip from his coffee. 

"I'm going out and will not be back till the night," he said to her and stood from his place.

She didn't say anything. 

"Salma will come and do the house chores and will also accompany you." 

He said to her and stood in front of her, towering her. His presence intimidated Daneen.

"Don't open the door to anyone. Don't repeat the story of Ahmad and Daneen in this house. I will not tolerate it." Daneen's eyes widened at this. 

"Protect my reputation and I will give you your rights and respect. Otherwise, you know well."  

He again threatened her. 

His threats made her fearful. He was a criminal, this thought sends a shiver in her spine. 

She nodded at him and swallowed the lump in her throat. He gazed at her with cold eyes and left the house. 

After he left, Daneen sighed in relief. She again glanced at the house. That house was so small compared to her mansion. Daneen had always lived in a mansion. So, this small house didn't attract her. The furniture and decoration in the house was also not of a high quality. This house's condition told her that it's owner is a middle class man. 

" I am Daneen, A princess. I was princess of Anwar's mansion but now, I am no more princess. I have to marry a prince but I am here, wife of an ordinary person. In fact, the wife of a criminal. My dreams, my life, all has been shattered. "

These thoughts brough fresh tears in her eyes. That morning brought darkness in her life, and there was no hope of a bright future.


Faris entered into his workplace with professional stature. His workplace, Jalal Group of Companies, was very busy at that moment. 

Hustle and bustle was there while some office members also peeked at him, the head of their security. 

Ignoring all of them, he kept walking straight and entered the office of Mr. Jalal with a scowl etched on his face.

"Faris! Come. Come" Mr. Jalal gave him a warm smile. 

He sat on the chair opposite to Mr. Jalal's.

"You should get some holidays from work. After all, you recently got married." 

There was warmness and smile on his face, opposite to Faris's expressions.

"Was that a marriage?" He asked with deep sarcasm at which Mr. Jalal sighed. 

"This marriage is giving you benefits. You have a wife ,which means you have a family. A proper and normal house. And I don't care what you do with Daneen. She is just your property."

Mr. Jalal was saying when Ahmad came in office. 

"YOU! " he shouted on seeing Faris. 

Faris also stood from his seat with a frown on his face. 

"What is he doing here Dad?" Ahmad asked with fury. 

" He has a office here, Ahmad. " Mr. Jalal said calmly. 

"You let him come into my company. This man... He stole my Dan... '' Ahmad didn't finish his sentence because he was cut off by furious Faris. 

"Don't! Don't use my wife's name with your mouth. This company is yours but she is my family now. And I don't allow any man to speak about my wife." 

 He roared. His loud voice caused Mr. Jalal and Ahmad to flinch. 

"Mr. Jalal! I am resigning from my job. I don't want your son near me or my wife. Is it understood? " Faris said this to Mr. Jalal.

Mr. Jalal wanted to say many things to him, but stopped and just nodded at him. 

Faris glared at Ahmad and left the office. 


After Faris left house, Daneen remained sitting on the couch, thinking about her life. After fifteen minutes, she got tired by over-thinking, so she took a brief round of house, and decided to make breakfast for herself.

She was eating breakfast, when the bell rang. 

She opened it and found Dilawar standing there. Parado, in which she came in this house, was also standing outside the house. 

"Assalam o Alaikum" he greeted with a handsome smile. No doubt, he and Faris both are extraordinarily handsome. 

"Walaikum Assalam. '' she greeted with a wide smile, and gazed at him who was stepping into the room.

"Sure," Dilawar said and stepped into the house. 

They both make their way to the lounge and sit on the couch. 

"Eating breakfast? " he asked while seeing the plate on the table. 


"Do you need anything? Is the house comfortable? "

"Yes. Thank you" she said. She had many questions in her mind but was not sure whether to ask him or not. 

"If you want anything, if there is any problem you are most welcome to call me. I am Faris' cousin and I will be very happy to help you" he said while giving her his card which had a number on it. 

"Thank you so much," she said with a smile and took the card. 

"If you ever have any issue, do tell me. I will always be here for you." He said affectionately at which she nodded her head, a bit confused of what to say.

She was going to reply when she heard a cough. Her head snapped toward that direction and saw Faris standing there, with furious expressions. 



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