Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 22

Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 22

Gloominess and tension were in between them when they were coming back from the coffee shop. 

Silence and gloominess were wearing her nerves, making tiredness a part of her being. 

Entering the home, Saba went toward the room to get fresh while Sahir sat in the lounge.

Gazing at her retrieving back, he tried to make some decisions in life. He decided to get rid of past pains and look at this matter in a new light. He decided to give this marriage a chance. 

The small plant of love in his heart made him anxious! So, he decided to get rid of this anxiety!

Taking a deep sigh, he went toward the kitchen to pour some water for himself. While he was pouring the water, loud music boomed in the home, causing the glass to slip from his hands, shattering into pieces. 

"What the hell! How much loud music! Where is the mob now?" 

He murmured in frustration, gazing at the large pieces shattered all over the place.

He bent down and put the large pieces of glass in his hand and moved out of the kitchen to find the mob. 


After changing her clothes, Saba went toward the couch with her laptop. Opening all the freelance platforms, she realized she had no work to do. 

No freelance project!

No assignments!

And she was disinterested in doing stuff of personal branding at that moment.

Her head started exploding due to a headache, and pain settled in her whole body. She decided to take medicine and a nap to get rid of all the worries of life.

She went into the kitchen and moved toward the jug of water present on the shelf. Due to her distressed state of mind, she didn't notice the water on the floor. 

And the result was obvious. 

She slipped and hit her face on the floor.

But the worst thing happened, there was still a big piece of glass on the floor: that slipped from Sahir's eyes and hurt the knee of Saba. A sharp pain came all over her body and a cry erupted from her lips. Hot tears welled up in her eyes while pain kicked in her leg. She called out Sahir's name while putting a hand on her knee. 

Sahir came into the kitchen and saw Saba lying on the floor and crying. He rushed toward her and bent on her. 

"Saba!" He said and gently helped her in sitting on the floor, while gazing at her with worrisome expressions.

"Are you alright? "

She shook her head while silently crying. All the physical and emotional pain came out in the form of tears. Sahir saw a bruise near her lips too. 

"It's ok, stand up now Saba, " he said while standing from the floor and extending his hand for her.

Gazing at the extended hand, reluctance took over her body, but she chose to grab the hand. Their hands intertwined, and he became the support she wanted at that moment.

"Saba! You get hurt?" he asked with shock while gazing at her knee.

Saba just nodded. She had assembled her courage and now stopped weeping. 

With the support of Sahir's hand, she stood a bit when he snaked his arm around her waist, helping her to take steps.

Tingles emerged on her back and hand while she tried to focus on her steps. 

They entered their room and Sahir placed her on the chair. 

"I should go to the washroom and see my knee." She said in a shaky voice.

The sound of music was also coming into their room. It showed that neighbors had no decency of sound level. 

But, now the music was soft and was not hurting the ears much.

Oh, beloved! You're my heart

Oh, darling! You are the one for me. 

"No, let me see it! I think you need a bandage, Saba. And obviously, you can't do it on your own in the washroom." There was an authority in his tone at which she nodded her head, but her heart was beating fast.

I have kept my heart with utmost care for you only

All my songs are dedicated to you. 

He took the medical kit and sat on the floor with his left knee and started to fold Saba's tight trousers. Air hit her leg at which blush crept on her cheeks.

I stay up the whole night only for you

Please believe my dear! 

He started to clean the wound while his heart was also thundering with this whole situation. When cloth touched the wound, Saba tried to muffle her cry and tightened her fists. 

After a few seconds, the pain subsided with the cool sensation of medicine at which a sigh of relief erupted from her lips.

In the background, the female version of the song had started. 

I have come here only for you

Take care of me

Take me with you

I go with you without any question

At these lines, Sahir unconsciously looked toward her, at which their orbs collided. A blush crept on Saba's cheeks and she lowered her orbs. A smile broke down on Sahir's face while he started wrapping the wound.

As soon as he wrapped the wound, she lowered her trouser swiftly. 

"Let me take you to the bed." He said, stretching out his hand.

Saba saw his hand in hesitation and then looked toward his face. He raised his eyebrow and then pointed toward his hand. She hesitantly grabbed his hand and stood. 

She was stumbling and moving toward the bed. The female version of the song was still going on.

It seems like I have known you for many years

If I stumble on the way, keep me steady! 

At these lyrics, their eyes again collided and then they again tore their gaze.

Sahir helped her lie on the bed and covered her with the duvet. 

"You need sleep." He murmured and went toward the door.


"Dear! How are you feeling now? We just came half an hour before and Sahir told me about your knee! " 

After sleeping for two hours, she went toward the washroom. When she came out of the washroom, Sahir and Mrs. Amna was standing in the room.

"I am fine Mom! It is not hurting much! " She said with a smile while limping toward the bed. 

Mrs. Amna and Saba sat on the bed and Sahir sat on the couch. 

"Mom, Is everything ok?" Sahir asked as he could see flashes of worry and anxiety in his mother's orbs.


"No! I am really worried. I went to my sister's house because she got a panic attack. '' Mrs. Amna said in a gloomy tone. 

"Ohh! Is Aunt fine now? Why did this happen to her? '' Sahir asked her. 

"Vaniza is getting divorced. This fact is killing her and also me! "

Saba and Sahir made brief eye contact at this. 

Amna continued to speak without noticing. 

"Can't understand today's generation! They give no importance to this sacred relationship. You can get married and then get a divorce whenever you want! No tolerance and no maturity is there regarding this matter!" 

There was remorse and pain in Mrs. Amna's tone.

Embarrassment and fear hit Sahir's being while gazing at the anxiety and pain in his mother's expressions and sadness in Saba's orbs.

"How can I give them pain?" This thought ran through his mind.

"But why did her husband want to give her divorce? There should be a solid reason behind it. "

Saba asked her. Mrs. Amna sighed heavily at her words. 

"I don't know yet dear! But I believe that the matter should be of no big importance that a divorce occurs between them! In nikkah, you are taking a vow by making Allah and His Prophet (P.B.U.H) your witness. You are engaging in that relationship that Allah called His one of the signs in the universe. How can you just take it easy? " Mrs. Amna said with grief. 

Saba and Sahir again looked toward each other. There was a complaint in Saba's orbs at which grief settled in Sahir's veins.


Darkness encapsulated the whole city. The sky was pitch black, deprived of any moon or star. This pitch darkness was peeking into the room where Saba was lying on the couch, binge-watching the Netflix movie "Look Both Ways".

Seeing the struggle of heroin in two different realities makes her wonder how she can manage her career and family duties. Beinga female, it is difficult for her to skyrocket her career and have a successful family.

Meanwhile, the door opened and Sahir came inside, holding a tray in his hand. 

"Why are you sitting on the couch? He asked while a furrow settled on his face. 

"I wanted to be on my couch." There was a bit of rudeness in her tone at which Sahir sighed.

He was understanding her state of mind, so quit saying anything. And moved the tray toward her. 

" Eat some food, so you can take medicine after that," he said. 

A small table was in between the couch and bed, and on that table, a tray was present. She lazily sat on the couch and started eating the food in a grumpy mood.

At last, dinner finished and Sahir went back with a tray. Saba sighed in relief. 

Sahir came after some minutes and saw Saba on the couch. 

"Saba! Please go to bed and have a complete rest. I don't want you to catch a fever due to pain!"

"No! I am fine! " she said in an emotionless tone. 

Fear of divorce and Mrs. Amna's words were the reason for this mood and Sahir was understanding this fact. 

"Please, dude! Go there. I will be worried for you all night." 

He said in a friendly tone and gently grabbed her upper arm.

"I don't want to." There was a bit of resistance from her side, but she stood from her place.

A bright smile etched on Sahir's face as she took her toward the bed.


Evening hues covered the whole city while the silence was in Sahir's house. Only Mrs. Amna and Saba were there as both males were in office. 

Saba was sitting in the lounge, sending cold pitches to different content writing and social media marketing agencies. 

She was typing the tenth email of the day when she saw Mrs. Amna took out the meat from the refrigerator.

Taking a decision, she set aside the laptop and went toward her.

"Auntie! Today I will make dinner and also a sweet dish." 

She said with a bit of hesitation. 

"Are you sure?" 

Uncertainty seeped into her nerves at Mrs. Amna's question. It was her first time cooking here, and she was a lot nervous about it.

"Yes, aunty." She tried to smile.

"Okay then! Mutton Karahi and Kheer are Sahir's favorites. Do you know how to cook them?" 

There was affection in Mrs. Amna's tone but Saba's heart was getting constricted.

"Yeah. I know." She nodded her head while replaying the whole recipe in her mind.

Mrs. Amna smiled, gave some instructions to her, and left the kitchen. Saba took a deep sigh, murmured "Bismillah" and started cooking dinner.

Later on, when dinner was served, anxiety kicked in Saba's nerves. She was unsure about the family members' reaction and was anxiously waiting for their positive remarks.

"Today, my daughter made dinner and also a sweet dish."

Mrs. Amna said at which every pair of eyes set on her, skyrocketing her anxiety. She managed to smile at them, but her heart was thudding.

Mr. Sikandar happily took the first bite and praised Saba for such a delicious dinner. Tension was released from her being and a smile was etched on her face. She unconsciously moved her eyes toward Sahir who was just gazing at the plate and was not saying anything to anyone. 

Seeing him eating made Saba relaxed but she was disappointed that Sahir said nothing to her. 

After dinner, everyone started the sweet dish. 

Again Mr. Sikandar and Mrs. Amna praised her but Sahir remained silent. A bit of disappointment settled in Saba's heart, but she shook it.


In the room, they both were laying in their places. Saba was busy watching a podcast when Sahir's voice echoed in the room

"Thank you so much for the delicious dinner."

His words first amazed Saba and then happiness encapsulated her heart. This short comment made happiness flood her veins.

"Thank you so much! " she replied in an excited tone at which Sahir smiled. 

The small plant of love in his heart get watered at seeing the glinty orbs and smiling face of its beloved.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Great chapter!!!!
    But anxiously waiting for the next.
    Aren't they supposed to be uploaded on every Saturday??

    1. Previous week, I was a bit busy. But tomorrow, in the evening, you will get the chapter.

  3. the song is chan ve from teefa in trouble right?😁
    andd i too have watched look both ways, its a pretty good movie!


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