Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 24

Love Starts After Nikkah 24


His eyes were widened and lips a bit apart at seeing the girl in front of him. Instinctively, his gaze went toward Saba who was busy with watching hijabs.

"Surprised? Well, I was too!" She said with a smile and shifted her weight from one foot to another.

"Yeah, I am. It was unexpected to meet you after ages." He said while nodding his head and gazing all around the area, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, we met last time at the Graduation Ceremony. In fact, we didn't meet, we just saw each other from a distance."

She said with a nervous chuckle.


He hummed while eyes were on Saba who was now exploring the other side of the shop.

"What are you doing now-a-days?" He asked while making eye contact, and straightening his posture.

"Well, I'm only a housewife now. Haseeb doesn't like me to do jobs, and honestly I also hate jobs and businesses."

She again chuckled and shifted her weight from one foot to another.

"I see." He felt a bitter taste in his mouth, and bit the inside of his cheek.

"Well, I am a teacher which I always want to be." His chest stuck out proudly, and a gleam of happiness settled in his orbs.

"And! I am also a business owner. Have started my online agency, and soon going to skyrocket it."

There was pride in his tone and smirk on his face. Zahra's smile dropped for a second and then she again raised both corners of her lips in a smile.

"I am happy for you." She said in a low voice while clutching her purse tightly.

"Unfortunately, I can't stop here for long as it is time for Haseeb to come home."

He nodded his head while gazing at her face.

"It was nice to meet you, Sahir. Hope we will meet again." She said in a level tone at which he again nodded his head.

Gazing at the retrieving form of Zahra, his smile dropped, and bitterness settled in his whole being.

"I am done with shopping."

Saba's voice caused him to snap out of his reverie, and he settled his gaze on her face, who was peeking into different shopping bags while talking to him.

"Good. Let's go home then?" He asked at which she nodded her head.


Again, there was silence in the car as they both were roaming into their thoughts.

"Wanna ice-cream?" he asked at which she shook her head.

"But, I want one. So, you have to give me company." Sahir said at which Saba rolled her eyes.

"I am not interested." Bitterness was in her tone which startled Sahir a bit. 

"Why? Why are you not interested?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"Don't you know why am I not interested in giving you company? You never give importance to my point of you, or my being."

She snapped at which Sahir remained quiet for a few seconds.

"I am sorry, Saba" 

He took a deep sigh and asked for her forgiveness. 

"There are a lot of things going on in my heart and soul that my whole life has become blurred."

He stopped his car in front of the ice cream parlor and said.

"And you are making my life's road blurry and full of obstacles."

There was complaint, pain and sobs in her voice which stabbed Sahir deep in his heart.

"Let me think more about my problems and this relationship. Please give me time until your graduation. I will try to take out such a solution which will never hurt anyone."

She gazed at his slumped being and teary orbs. Helplessness and pain was swimming in their orbs, and deep silence was prevailing in the car.

"Sir, what do you want?" 

Ice-cream parlor staff members came near their car to ask.

"Two cups of vanilla" he gave the order, and gazed at Saba who was looking into her lap.

"How is your freelancing going on?"

He asked with a bit of friendliness in his tone.

"Due to mids, I am outsourcing much of my work now-a-days."

She replied while avoiding his gaze.


She raised her orbs at his voice.

"What one do you think is better, a housewife or a businesswoman?" 

He asked while flashes of his meetup with Zahra were coming in front of his eyes.

"The option which a woman has selected with her consent is best. If she wants to be a housewife, then becoming a housewife is best. And, if she wants to pursue a career, then becoming a businesswoman or having a career is best."

She replied while gazing into his orbs.


He nodded his head while the nervous being of Zahra flashed in front of his eyes.

"You want to pursue your career?"

"Yup!" She said with a glint in her orbs which told Sahir how passionate she is about it.

"Good! Always follow your heart." He gave a genuine smile to her at which she gave a smile to him, and nodded her head.


The voices of pen scribbling on papers were echoing in the classroom as everyone was busy with their class activity. Saba was gazing at the question paper in front of her but was unable to understand anything. Her mind was in scrambles, and was unable to focus on anything. 

After brainstorming for sometime, she felt weary, and tears swam in her orbs.

" Time up! " Sir Ajmal announced at which she saw him helplessly, and then glanced at her paper which had scarcely anything on it. 

Giving the worst class activity of her life, she came out of the class in a bad mood while dialing the driver's number. 

"What happened, Saba? " Nimra came near her and asked with a frustrated tone.

"Nothing special! My activity doesn't go well so... " she tried to sound careless but her insides were churning with anxiety.

"Hmm... " Nimra hummed while typing on her mobile with annoyed expressions.

"Are you okay? " Now Saba asked her.

"Hmm" she hummed and then started to text someone. 


"What the hell! " Nimra cursed under her breath at which Saba's attention snapped toward her.

"What happened? "

"Dude! Zeeshan is angry with me. We were talking last night and then he misunderstood some of my words and now he is overreacting." 

Nimra said with annoyed expressions. 

"Don't talk to him, Nimra. Distant conversations can cause many problems. This hidden conversation can make your relationship worst." 

Saba advised her which she ignored and remained busy with her mobile.

She took a frustrated sigh and kept her gaze on the road, waiting for the driver to arrive.


Voice of keyboard key clacking was echoing in Sahir's office when Mr. Ajmal entered the office with weary expressions. They both shared the same office.

"Assalam o Alaikum!"

Mr. Ajmal salam to which Sahir greeted back.

After a few minutes, scribbling of pen on paper voice was also echoing as Mr. Ajmal was checking papers now.

"I can't believe this!" Mr. Ajmal's voice startled him and he gazed toward him.

"What happened? '' Sahir asked casually.

"You are not going to believe this Sahir! I am checking Saba Akram's test and I am shocked to see it. She has given the worst test. What is the problem with this girl?" 

There was disappointment in Ajmal's tone while Sahir became startled.

"Can I have a look if you don't mind."

He tried to keep his tone nonchalant but in reality he was shocked.

"Yes of course! '' Mr. Ajmal gave him the paper which was incomplete and contained a lot of mistakes, making him speechless.

"What is this girl doing? "

"I should talk to her. I noticed for many days that she remained lost in her thoughts and gave no attention in class. But she is a brilliant student so I was ignoring it, but not now! Now, I should talk to her!" 


There was fury in Mr. Ajmal's tone while Sahir remained speechless and gazing at the worst paper in front of him.

Later on, he didn't find Saba in his class at which his frown deepened.            


She was reciting "Surah Yousaf" with Tarjuma from Quran Pak while sitting on the couch of her bedroom.

"Sabron-Jameel means "Beautiful Sabr" (patience). Allah has said that the Tale of Hazrat Yousaf is the most beautiful event explained in the Quran. And in the initial Ayahs, He has mentioned the Sabr of Hazrat Yaqoob. Hazrat Yaqoob didn't weep, nor utter any complaint from his mouth. His faith in Allah was firm, so his sabr is a beautiful lesson for all Muslims around the world. It told us that real sabr is what you do in the initial seconds of a tragedy. If you keep your heart grateful and lips seal in those seconds, this is sabr. But, if you started complaining, then you haven't done any sabr in it."

The lesson of her teacher echoed in her ears at which she took a deep deceived sigh. She was failing to do that beautiful sabr again and again at which gloominess covered her being.

"Assalam o Alaikum!" 

Sahir's voice echoed in the bedroom which startled her. Standing from the couch, she gave a small smile to him.

"Walaikum Aslaam! " 

She greeted back while gazing at him who was taking out dress from the cupboard.

After freshening up, he came into the room to find her sitting on the couch, idly.

"Saba! Are you alright?"


Saba became confused on the question. 

"Then why don't you attend my lecture? " Sahir asked in a calm tone. 

This was sudden so she didn't know how to reply him. She started to bite her lip and anxiously gazed at his expressionless face. After many days, she again felt the teacher student relationship between her and Sahir. He was her teacher and ready to scold her. 

"Umm.. I was tired that's why I think."

She mustered up the courage to come up with an excuse but mind became blank.

"Saba, Please share your feelings and problems with me! Why you remain preoccupied in the class? And today you had a class activity of poetry? " 

"Yes I have and I can't perform well in the test." 

She murmured while feeling annoyed with this whole situation.

"But why? "

"You know the reason! My mind is full of many things now a days that I can't focus on study! "

There was frustration and annoyance in her tone while tears swam in her orbs.

Damn these tears! I am so done with them!"

She thought with anger.

Sahir gazed at her red face for a few seconds while guilt was gnawing his being.

"Saba please just focus on your studies. Don't know that these thinkings will give you benefit or not but your study will definitely benefit you. A good degree is necessary in today's world. You are harming your life, not others. Please don't do this."

There was plead and helplessness in Sahir's tone at which she took a dejected sigh and nodded her head.

"Okay! I am going to the terrace to do some preparation for mids."

She said and went toward the home office to grab her books.

"Today, I have also given the test. So first prepare it." he called out while she went toward the terrace.


She hummed and left the room.

Sahir leaned against the bed's headboard, and started scrolling his Instagram feed. While scrolling, his eyes kept on moving toward Saba who was gazing at the books with a pout.

"Need any help? " 

She jumped from her seat while listening to his voice near her. Taking a chair, he took the books from her hand and said.

"Let's start with Charles Dickens." Without waiting for her answer, he started his teaching.

And with it, the terrace turned into a classroom where only one student was present, and was trying her best to understand each and every part in detail.

"After Charles Dickens, we need to discuss Jane Austen. Read some blogs about the "Pride and Prejudice" novel so that we can discuss the writer in detail."

He said while standing from his chair and moving toward the washroom.

Taking a deep sigh, she opened Google and started reading about this novel.

"Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance! "

This line of Jane Austen was universally acknowledged and hit Saba's heart. 

"What a huge truth is in this line!

Happiness in marriage totally depends on fate. No other factor can influence this reality."

She thought while reading the themes of the novel.


Alternate lines of orange and red covered the sky, indicating that evening is close. It was the time when Saba and Sahir stood from their chairs with lines of fatigue marring their facial features.

Sahir went toward the bed while Saba went toward the kitchen. 

"Making coffee?" Mrs. Amna asked her when she was taking out coffee beans from cupboards.

"Yes. You want some?"

"No! No! I don't like coffee, but Sahir loves black, sugarless coffee." 

Mrs. Amna said with an amused smile at which Saba chuckled.

"Thank you, Mom!" 

She replied at which Mrs. Amna gave a side hug to her.

After fifteen minutes, she entered into the bedroom finding Sahir leaning against the headboard with closed eyes.

She put his black coffee on the side table and went toward the couch with her cappuccino. Sahir opened his eyes at voice, and smiled seeing the coffee.

"Thank you! It was much needed!" He said with a smile while taking the cup of coffee in his hand.

"Always welcome!" She replied with a shy smile.

Uff! What to do with this blushing?"

She thought with a bit of frustration while gazing at Sahir's amused expressions.


Hustle and bustle was in the cafe shop where Saba had come with her friends. Indistinct chatter of people, soft music and muffled laughter of youngsters was the whole scenario of that cafe.

Sitting on the table, she roamed her gaze through the whole cafe where her eyes landed on a couple sitting in the far corner of the cafe.

Her eyes widened at seeing Asma with a boy who was sitting with him while their hands were intertwined on the table.   

"A person who accuses another person for a sin he hasn't committed, will fall into that wrongdoing sometime in his life."     

These words of her teacher were echoing in her ears while she gazed at the love couple in front of her. 

Flashes of Asma's accusations came in front of her inner eyes, filling her being with bitterness and pain.

"No one has arrived?" 

She snapped out of her thoughts with the voice of Iqra who had recently arrived.


Burying all the pain and bitterness in her heart, she gave a weak smile to her.

During that whole meetup, her gaze kept going toward Asma while bitterness kept mounting in her being.


"Uff! I hate these parties." Sahir was murmuring with frustration while wearing black coat. 

At that moment, the door of the changing room opened and Saba stepped into the bedroom clad into a gray A-line long frock which had cold shoulders. Her head was wrapped in a matching hijab, and she was wearing light makeup.

Sahir gazed at her reflection through the mirror, and it stopped there for a few seconds. There was hesitation and nervousness etched on her face as she was gazing at her reflection again and again from his behind.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Umm. Yeah", she nervously chuckled and started wearing her watch.

Sahir nodded his head, sprayed a bit of perfume on him, and went outside.

"Baba, think again. Seriously, I am not in the mood to attend this party."

He said to Mr. Sikandar who was sitting in the lounge, watching TV.

"Asad has specially invited you and Saba for this party so you should attend it."

Mr. Sikandar said at which he took a dejected sigh. 


Coming out of the car, he gazed at the house which was shining with artificial lights in that dark moonless night. As they both stepped toward the house, muffled laughters, music and scent of different foods wafted their beings. 

There was a small road in between their car parking area and the party house. On that road, her gaze fell upon a beggar who was draped in tatters. Gazing in his orbs, uneasiness skated through her body.

"Give something to him." 

She whispered at which confusion etched on Sahir's face and he followed her gaze. Nodding his head, he fished out a note from his pocket and extended it toward him.

Stepping into the well groomed garden, they were greeted by Mr. Asad, the host. Saba was feigning a bright smile, concealing the nervousness with it.

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Sahir! How are you? " Mr. Asad asked with a friendly tone. 

"Alhamdulillah! What about you? " Sahir replied while shaking hands with him.

"Alhamdulillah! And MashaAllah, your couple is so cute and perfect."

Saba blushed at the comment of the host while Sahir smiled at the comment.

Ah! Perfect! Nothing is perfect."

He thought while keeping a smiling face.

"Assalam o Alaikum, Sahir!"

A male voice came from behind at which his smile dropped. Turning his hands into fists, jaw clenching, and lips settling in a tight line, he embraced himself to face that man.

From his peripheral view, he saw Saba turning toward that man with a smile on her face at which bitterness filled his being.



  1. The chapter was amazing! ❤
    And i appreciate your hard work ..... Jazakallah khair

  2. I'm damn sure he is haseeb

  3. ❤ so new chapters gonna b updated regularly on Friday right?

  4. Loved your chapter 💗 thank yoy

  5. He myt b Saba’s ex bf?? Well, Thank You for the update🌝

  6. Waiting for 25 chapter? Upload soon

  7. I couldn't find the next episode.. is it published or not???


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