How I started my Fiction Writing Journey?

How I started my Fiction Writing Journey?

How I started my Fiction Writing Journey?

A lot of people asked me how I started my fiction writing career. 

A lot of people want to start the fiction writing journey but are confused about how to do it and afraid to do it. 

They are afraid to get judged! They are clueless about how to start the journey.

So today, I think I should introduce my fiction writing journey to you.

Beware! It is full of embarrassing moments and failures so gear up yourself.

Maybe, it will give you enough courage to start the fiction writing journey.

So, let's start with my journey.

Fiction Writing Journey:

I was enjoying my third-semester break, sleeping, and scrolling my Instagram feed. Thumb stopped at the post which was about "Wattpad Urdu novel". I became curious and wanted to read the novel.

I asked the writer about Wattpad and created my account there which became a turning point for my fiction writing journey.

The app was full of Pakistani English and Urdu fiction writers which enhanced my interest and I read a lot of novels.

While reading and exploring this app, I saw a pencil icon in the menu tab at the foot. 

I was curious to use that pencil icon, so I clicked on it. Come out, this can be used to write a novel!

Oh my God!

My mind and heart shrieked and urged me to write a novel! 

I have been an avid reader of Urdu and English novels since my childhood. My friends used to call me a future writer (which always makes me blush and happy) so I thought about becoming one.

After two days of brainstorming, I came up with the theme of Love Starts After Nikkah!

How Does Love Start After Nikkah Starts?

Okay, so I was thinking about what type of novel to write. And then, my mind drifted toward the couples of my university.

I was scrolling through my Instagram account when a post came about university couples, so I thought about writing against them. I thought about writing against this trend of boyfriend and girlfriend. This was the main theme of my novel.

That night, I had a general discussion about love in marriage with my friend who was recently nikkahfied. Her messages and comments gave birth to the title "Love Starts After Nikkah".

I was confused about which love story to add to this novel. I wanted to give a back story to the hero and it was only possible if he was a senior of Saba.

So, I thought about making a teacher hero. It gave me enough room to show the negative aspects of a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

This is it!

That was all set!

I created a rough sketch of the characters in my mind and started writing the first scene of the novel. 

Rest, all characters and stories evolved themselves. 

It is also an amazing part of fiction writing that scenes and characters evolve on their own. You don't have the intention to write them, and they still make their appearance in your writing.

So, I published the first three chapters and there was no response.

I was a bit heartbroken. 

No one was loving and liked my novel.

I decided to quit writing.

Feel stupid for writing a novel and dreaming of being a writer.

Some days passed in this mental phase, and boom!

I got the first comment on my novel!

That first comment added fuel to me and I kept writing the novel.

My fourth semester started which slowed down my speed, but didn't stop me from writing.

Gradually, comments increased, the number of likes and reviews increased and I got a small fan base on Wattpad.

This was amazing!

This was how Love Starts After Nikkah was written.

The second novel was Her Soulmate:

Her Soulmate was my second novel which I started planning straight away after completing Love Starts After Nikkah.

I was done with the novel and wanted to write another one. I started thinking of themes and characters straight away after completing this novel.

Those days, two to three rape cases of young girls were famous. News repeatedly showed the pain of the parents of those young girls.

This broke my heart and I thought about writing about this topic. 

I sat in the library of my university after getting free from lectures, take out my register and pen, and wrote the first scene of Her Soulmate.

Daneen, Faris, and Dilawar characters were created at that instant with the storyline.

With time, new characters and another love story were added to it. These characters and love stories also evolved while writing.

The third Novel was Chaos:

Chaos was the novel that I started during COVID. My second novel was long completed and I got hella busy with my studies.

But, COVID came and the whole world went into lockdown. At that time, a lot of newscasters and social media influencers were raising the issue of Palestine, Kashmir, and Yaman. 

The lockdown and the news urged me to write this novel. 

In it, there is a story in story. It is the story of four girls and one of them was a writer. So, I added the miseries of humanity in her novel. 

And with the main characters, I showed my different social and political issues of our society.

This novel got a few likes, and some hatred because it contained some controversial issues. 

I deleted it from Wattpad afterward and published it on a local website.

Personally, this novel is near my heart, and I will soon edit it to make it a part of my blog.

The fourth novel was The Starless Sky:

This novel is still in my draft. I wrote it because I was amazed at the black fairy tale stories lurking in our society.

I decided to write a realistic novel with some elements of fantasy novels in it.

My 2023 aim is to complete it so I will talk about it after completing it.

This is all about my novel. 

Now, let's discuss short stories.

Short Stories:

I wrote the short stories after completing my second novel. One of my friends suggested to me that I should write short stories so that I can polish my writing style to write "Chaos" and "Starless Sky".

So, I brainstormed for a week, and then I came to know about the tragic story of two adults.

This led me to write "Broken Street", a short story.

After this short story, I wrote "Dusk to Dawn", a short story discussing female pain and issues. 

And with this, I wrote numerous short stories too.

These short stories were published on different Instagram accounts which accepted short stories. 

That's it!

This is my story of fiction writing!

I hope this has told you how to start writing, and how to keep going on the journey.

Do follow my Instagram account, and stay tuned to my blog as I will keep sharing more about my journey, the lessons I learned in it, and how you can become a fiction writer too!


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