Essence of Islam- Part 2

Islam came into the world in the beginning of seventh century AD. And when Prophet (PBUH) travelled to Medina in 622 AD, Islam started spreading in the world. Till the end of the same century, Islam had spread all over Middle East, Spain and North Africa. As Islam is known as "Middle-way religion", it has always occupied the "middle belt" of the globe, from the Atlantic to Pacific. This region was home of ancient civilization, so Islam came into contact with a lot of sciences in these areas, and it absorbed logic of those sciences. The concepts of those sciences were the same as of Islam's soul and they were proving that Islam was a true religion. For example, concepts of ancient cosmological sciences- Greeks, Chinese, Persians, Indians- were proving the unity of Nature and it was conformity to the spirit of Islam. So, Muslims collected those sciences into a new corpus and molded it according to their civilization. Those all sciences were confirming the basic revelation of Islam. These sciences and these studies remained the part of Islamic Civilization and it created great scientists, physicians, mathematicians, philosophers etc of Islam. In medieval times, when on one hand Christian dominated West was sunk in deep darkness, ignorance and barbarism, Islamic civilization was getting cultivated and was producing different scientists. All the sciences and concepts were confirming the essence of Islam and it was increasing the knowledge and belief of Muslims. Mathematics, Medical, Science subject, Philosophy and all other scientific and philosophical domains are created by Muslim scientists. 

From the beginning to until now, science is proving or working according to the essence of Islam. Those people who believe that science or worldly knowledge is a forbidden fruit for Muslims, they should know this fact that almost 1/6th part of the Quran is based on scientific knowledge. These Ayahs are leading toward scientific discoveries and we only can understand these Ayahs when we have the knowledge or understanding of science. Dan Brown in his novel "Origin" has stated that Science and religion is saying the same thing using different types of languages. So, we should have both knowledge to become a well-equipped Muslim. In this part, we will look only at some of the scientific Ayahs.


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