Essence of Islam- Feminism

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Westerns and many of Non-Muslims believe that Islam is oppressing women and it is restraining them from freedom. Human Rights associations and Feminists of West are campaigning against Islam declaring it an unjust and oppressing religion. But, this is just a misconception which has not an ounce of truth in it. In fact, Islam is the only religion which is a feminist religion. It has provided those rights to females which were unknown in the previous civilization, and also today in many parts of World these rights are alien for people. Before discussing the status of Women in Islam, let's have a glimpse of her condition in previous civilizations and in some parts of this modern era. 

In pre-Islamic era, Arabs used to bury their daughters alive. It was dishonorable for them when a female child was born in their households. 

Allah, the Exalted has stated it in his Glorious Quran:

"When the news of (the birth of) a female is brought to any of them, his face becomes dark, and he is filled with inward grief! He hides himself from the people because of

the evil (and shame) of that which he has been informed. Shall he keep her with dishonor, or bury her in the dirt?

Certainly, evil is their decision" [16:59]

Their history was full of degrading women, beating them and treating them as an inferior being. After it, Islam came and it gave rights to women which were previously unknown to the World. 

In other civilizations, treating women as an inferior being is also common. In Hinduism or Indian Society, Men is being given the status of god. In old times "Sutti" was a common practice and was justified by their religion. In it, the wife had to be burned alive with the death of her husband. Now, this practice is not common in India because people revolt against it, but still it is present in the uncivilized or far villages of India. 

In Catholics or Christians, women are being seen as the cause of "Original sin". Christians believe that Eve forces Adam to eat the forbidden apple and due to her, humans are exiled from Paradise. They see women as an evil being and treat her with hate because she is the root cause of the downfall of Humans (according to their beliefs). You all can imagine what will be her condition in the Catholics when she is being seen as the root cause of the biggest sin of Human history. While in Quran, Allah has explained this incident while repeating again and again that both Adam and Eve, were the reason of this downfall. According to the Qur'an, both were jointly wrong in their disobedience to God, both repented, and both were forgiven. (Qur'an 2:36, 7:20 - 24). In one verse in fact (20:121), Adam specifically, was blamed.

In Chinese societies, women's status was the same as of the status of women in Pre-Islamic Arab. Men were being seen as the "gift of god" while female children had to endure harsh customs and treatments from the society. They were seen as a despised and degraded being who had to acquire the most inferior positions of society. If a wife failed to produce a son, she would be cut off from the family's list. After husband's death, she was seen as the property of her spouse's family. A Chinese proverb says:

"Listen to your wife, but never believe what she says."

This proverb and customs has told us how much that civilization was male oriented. 

In Greek civilization, they believed that women were nothing but evil. In this society, women were deprived of their basic rights; rights of inheritance, rights of protection, rights of education, rights for being treated as a human being. They were subjected to please and obey the man without thinking of their own will. They were bought and sold like a commodity who had no feelings or rights. Gustave Le Bon, the French thinker, stated about the status of women in the Greek society in his book "Arab Civilization": 

"Greeks, in general, considered women to be the lowest creatures of the low."

Status of women in Roman Society was also as low as in previously discussed civilizations. This was also a patriarchal society where the whole hold was in men's hands and females were deprived of their rights. Men had the right to kill his wife, punish her with tortuous punishments or exile her. She was also deprived of rights of inheritance. Islam was the first religion giving the inheritance rights to female. Here, many people raised objections as to why the female's portion of inheritance is less than male. So, I will also answer this objection later on in this chapter.

The worst conditions of females are not only present in ancient civilizations but also in the Western societies of the World which are now claiming to be the modern societies of the world. Nawal El Sadaawi, an Egyptian writer and politician, stated in her book "The Hidden Face of Eve" 

"The oppression of women, the exploitation and social pressures to which they are exposed, are not characteristic of Arab or Middle Eastern societies, or countries of the 'Third World' alone. They constitute an integral part of the political, economic and cultural system, preponderant in most of the world - whether that system is backward and 

feudal in nature, or a modern industrial society that has been submitted to the far-reaching influence of a scientific and technological revolution."

So these modern societies, which are claiming that Islam is opressing women and they are forwarding their Human Rights institutes to bring change and so called freedom to Muslim women, are in reality oppressing females and depriving them from freedom. Till the 19th Century, no rights were granted to females in the society. She was inferior of men and was obliged to follow his every command. We can see her condition and status in Bernand Shaw's plays. He had stated that: 

"The moment a woman marries; all her personal possessions become her husband's in accordance to the English law."

France, which now-a-days claiming that Islam is a hateful religion, conducted a conference in 1586 and that was regarding the status of women in society. That conference came to the conclusion that:

"Woman is a human being, but she is created to serve man."

That tells us how much male-oriented society was in history. France, which presently has the worst type of Islamophobia, believes that women are born to serve men. The basics of that society was Roman and Greek Civilization and the religious beliefs were Catholicism which made the status of women worse in the society. In the twentieth century, revolt against this male oriented society occurred and it caused the movement of feminism. Everything diverged as females started asking for absolute equal rights and wanted freedom from the clutches of male chauvinism. This movement emerges and it imposed genderless equality on both genders. This genderless equality caused women of West to enter from one type of patriarchy thoughts to other type of patriarchal system. Before it, females were facing abuse while remaining in relationships and households, and now they are facing patriarchy by becoming a sexual object for males. It makes the society a materialistic immoral society who is now selling or renting female bodies. Family system distorts after this absolute equality causing immoral abortions, homosexuality, rape, human trafficking and sexual liberation. Women are now being treated as a tissue paper in that society, which is being used and then being thrown away. 

So it is proved that ancient civilization and today's modern world fails to provide equality to females. Now, we will see the teachings and status of Women in Islam. 

The dawn of Islam came when Arabic deserts were engulfed in deep darkness of ignorance and barbarism. Condition of women in those times has been discussed before so you all know that she was in the clutches of barbaric Arabs. Islam dawns and created light and freedom for females. Its teachings gave those rights to females which were unknown to ancient civilizations. Islam condemned those who buried their daughters or feel humiliated at the birth of female. Quran and Hadith has stated:

"And when the female buried alive shall be questioned: for what sin was she killed?" [81:8-9]

This Quranic Ayah shows Allah's wrath against those people who are responsible for this malicious act, and has admonished people not to repeat this act. It has shown the love and tenderness of Allah toward females that on Day of Judgement, He will not give any importance to her abusers but only let her to speak and narrate her pain to Allah. 

"Whosoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her, and does not favor his son over her, God will enter him into Paradise. (Ibn Hanbal, No. 1957)."

This Hadith also shows His love toward females. 

After restraining Arabs from burying their daughters and treating them as inferior beings, Allah gave rights and equal status to both genders. 

"Does man think that he will be left neglected without being punished or rewarded for the obligatory duties

enjoined by his Lord (Allah) on him? Was he not a mixed male and female discharge of semen pouring forth? Then he became a clot; then (Allah) shaped and fashioned (him) in due proportion, and made him into two sexes, male and female. Is He not able to raise to life those who are dead?"


This Quranic Ayah shows that both genders are being produced in the same way so they both are equal, and they both have equal responsibilities toward their spiritual, economical and social life. 

"The believers, men and women, are helpers, supporters, friends and protectors of one another, they enjoin all that

is good, and forbid all that is evil, they offer their prayers perfectly, and give Zakah (Charity) and obey Allah and

His Messenger. Allah will bestow Mercy on them. Surely Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. [9:71]"

Islam has created men and women as companions and helpers of each other so that they can bring betterment in societies. But unfortunately, extremist and so called secular thoughts have turned them into rivals. They see each other as the killer of their happiness or a competitor to whom they have to exceed and to make the other one bite the dust. This approach has caused a lot of issues in our societies and has surpassed the development of society. Allah knew the side-effects of opposite genders battle that's why He has stated in Quran that these opposite genders are helpers of one another who are there for the advancement of society. What type of helpers and what restrictions are there,I will tell you later on in this chapter. 

Various other Hadiths and Quranic Ayahs will elaborate that how much respect Islam has given to females. 

"Heaven lies at the feet of mothers" 

This Hadith tell us the status of mothers in Islam. And to explain the status of wife, Allah, the Most Wise stated:

"They are garments for you, and you are garments for them" [2:187]

Both husband and wife are equals of each other. They both have responsibilities toward this relationship and they both need each other while dealing with life matters. Feminine qualities of women can be fulfilled through the masculine qualities of male and his requirements could be fulfilled through the feminine help. They both are different and they both compliment each other for the development of society. That's why, Islam doesn't impose genderless equality on them nor it make them unequal of each other as it would be demeaning for them. Islam has differentiated sameness from equality and this element make this religion unique. But unfortunately, Non-Muslim masses and Some Muslim masses fail to understand this uniqueness. Numerous Ayahs and Hadiths tell us about the beauty of Husband and Wife relationship in Islam. 

His wife Aishah was once asked:

"What did the Messenger of Allah use to do while at home?" 

She responded: "He used to serve and assist his household, and when he would hear the call to prayer, he would leave the house (for worship)."

It shows the beauties of Islam that both husband and wife is working with each other, helping each other. Other Hadiths also tell that Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Aishah are having a race. These examples and tenderness is totally opposite to the mindset of previous civilizations and also of some conservative or extremist Muslims. Many sectors of Muslim countries see women as inferior to them. When Talibaan took hold in Afghanistan, they permitted or they used to beat the wives or other females and they manipulated Islam to justify their acts. But, their actions and thoughts were totally opposite of tenderness of Islam! Even, mindset of conservative males of Middle East and Asia is also opposite of real teachings of Islam. 

In ancient civilizations and today in large parts of the world, females are being traded in the name of marriage. Their consent for the marriage is considered unimportant and even in some cases, Male members feel humiliated if a female member of their house gives her opinion in her marriage. But in Islam, Allah has allowed females to give her opinion. 

Hazrat Fatima and Hazrat Ali's marriage is an example of it. Allah asked Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to marry his daughter to Hazrat Ali. Despite Allah's order, the Prophet went to his daughter and asked her consent. After she said "Yes", he went to Hazrat Ali and asked him. 

This shows the status of female in Islam. Now, after assessing the real status of females, let's discuss misconceptions related to this issue. 



Many conservative Muslims and Westerners believe that females are not equal to males. And for justifying this accusation, they mostly stated this Quranic Ayah:

"Men are guardians of women, because Allah has made one superior to the other, and because men spend their wealth."(4:34)

Malicious or ignorant people only focuses on first part of Ayah, "Men are guardians of women because Allah has made one superior to the other", and thought that Allah has made men dictator over women. Female is inferior and men have every right to beat her, correct her and dictate her, or women have to respect men in every situation and should never complain against him or should never try to intervene in his matters. We could see this attitude in ignorant Muslim communities. Taliban, ISIS and many religious organizations who took hold of countries (for example in Egypt and Iraq) believed in this notion and used to degrade the females. But in actual, the context and explanation of this Ayah is totally different from previously discussed idea. In this Ayah, Allah has used the term "Quiwama (maintenance and protection)". Husband is one degree above the wife because he has more burden of household. He is not superior or dictator but he has more responsibilities to fulfill in this relationship. Financial responsibilities is on men's shoulder and it is his responsibility to earn and spend money on his wife and children. Because he has to earn and spend money, he has to meet different people and this make him more up to date with world and do make him more rational. Secondly, Allah has made him more strong than females so he is more capable of protecting his wife from vicious people. It is his responsibility and he has to answer Allah regarding these responsibilities. These responsibilities have earned him some respect from his wife and due to these responsibilities, he is regarded as superior. A poet has said a beautiful words: 

''Woman was created out of the ribs of man to be protected, near the heart to be loved, neither below the feet to be trampled upon nor above the head to be arrogant."

But what type of superior is he? In a student life, you all have been assigned group tasks and someone from your group becomes a leader or monitor who is responsible to complete the task and to look over each and every group member's work. Though, you all are friends or colleagues but still one becomes a head who has more responsibilities than others. This type of superiority is assigned to the husband in a matrimonial relationship because, if a simple group task can't be accomplished without any monitor or leader, how is it possible that a relationship which will be the base of society and future generations can move smoothly without any superior person? So, men are as much superior as a Monitor in a class. He has no right to dictate his wife because he is not a dictator but a companion or friend who needs his wife in life matters. A monitor needs more support and positive response from group members, so a husband also needs more love and companionship from his wife. Allah also has stated that concerning each other for taking any decision or having a discussion on an issue is the best thing. So, this is the reality of male superiority in Islam. There is nothing like worshipping him, letting him beat wife or becoming god of her. In fact, Islam has condemned such males and has shown Allah's wrath upon such males. 

Now here, Question arises why male, not female, is given the position of leader? So the answer is, because of the difference in their psychological and physiological makeup. 

Dr. Alex Liberelle, a Nobel Prize winner, states:

"Matters that differentiate between man and woman are not limited to sexual organs, the presence of the womb and pregnancy. These matters are also not limited to the difference of teaching methods of man and woman. In fact, these differences are of basic nature. The tissues of the body in both male and female are different. The chemistry of the bodies is also different in both. Certain glands excrete certain secretions that are only suitable for a specific gender. The woman is completely different from man in terms of the chemical material secreted from the ovary inside the woman's body."

Allah has created women for bearing children and for nursing them. This noble task of bringing future generations; leaders, scientists, humanists, teachers, judges etc: into the world is assigned to females. For this, they have to go through nine months of pregnancy and have to nurse their children so this surpassed them from focusing on financial issues of the world. Or more precisely, their emotional and physical state in those months need love and rest. During the monthly menstrual cycle, females undergo emotional and physical pain so in those days, their bodies yearn for rest and love. It is their feminine role to be the beneficiary of society and she is undergoing those pains for future generations. That's why Allah doesn't burden them with financial tensions and puts its burden on male's shoulders. And that is the reason that why in inheritance females has half part as of male. Male must has to provide to his family, so naturally he is in more need of money and inheritance. And if we look at the boarder picture, this more inherited property is there because husband can provide best to his wife. In this decision, females are also being given importance. If a male intentionally stop providing for his wife, then he has lost all rights of being called a respectable husband. 

Due to going through the emotional strain in the critical times, most of the females failed to think rationally or to focus or give time to some issues. So, Allah has put this burden on male's shoulders and that's why he has acquired a superior position. It doesn't mean that women should be ridiculed for this emotional or physiological difference because this feminine role, her bearing childrens and managing households, complements masculine roles in society. She is doing these tasks because Allah has assigned her and because society needs youngsters. She is doing a favour for society and should not be look down at this task. In many Western countries, Governments are requesting people to give birth to children. This shows the importance of this femi


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