Chaos Chapter 7

There was a hustle and bustle in the media house. Shufflings of papers, discussions on the recent news, people going in and out of the rooms; in this whole scenario, Farwa was calmly sitting on her seat and was reading different papers. She was so engrossed in her work that she didn't notice the person who came near her table. When that person coughed, she raised her eyes at him, with utter surprise.

"Assalam o Alaikum" Hamza said with nonchalant expressions

"Walaikum Assalam. Sorry, I don't recognize you". Farwa was staring at the man with raised eyebrows and skeptical expressions. 

"Waoo, you don't recognize that person whom you slapped and had broken his camera. Due to it, I have lost my job, and you are saying you don't recognize me". He said with a wrinkled nose and sarcasm dripping from his tone. Farwa narrowed her eyes at him. In the flash, all memories came back in her mind. Sarcasm also came on her lips. 

"Have you come here for another slap? " She asked with a tight sarcastic smile. 

Hamza's blood boiled at her comment, but he chose to ignore it and decided to come on the real news. 

"Unfortunately, I'm your new camera man."He told her with a deep sigh.

"And most unfortunately, I have to bear your bossy attitude." He thought with helplessness. 

He had come here for the job, and also for learning different things from this girl. Though he had a dislike for this girl, he also wanted to adopt the bold attitude of this lady. He wanted to be in the company of this bold, ethical and bossy lady. And the first rule of learning is 'bear and be patient toward your trainer or mentor.' So, he had to be patient. 

Farwa's hands stopped for a second, and her eyes widened with shock. 

"Where is Saad? " She asked. 

"Your previous cameraman? He has some personal work to do, so I have to do his job for one month". He informed her. 

Farwa's forehead filled with creases. She was getting irritated with this situation but she had no other choice than to bear this man. 

"Ok. You may go now." She said with authority, and turned her gaze toward the papers. 

Humza swallowed his anger and gave a tight smile to his new boss. 

"Ok, ma'am." And with it, he turned around to leave the place. 


"Ted Talk" was written on the front of a wide stage, where Hooriya was standing and doing her ted talk. In front of her, audience and camera men were present who were listening and recording her ted talk. While speaking, her eyes fell upon her friends who were also sitting in front of her. 

"Thus, Islam came when women had no rights. Before Islam, life was miserable for women and our religion gave importance to female's rights. Today, these feminist campaign is going on in West because they need equality. But, our religion Islam has already provided this equality. Our religion has given equal rights to both genders. If our society completely follows Islam, then we can achieve the goals of feminism in our society.

Our society shouldn't forget those brave Muslim women who have done a lot in history. Muslim women has participated in wars, in every walk of life. If we thoroughly study our religion, we will come to know that our religion is a feminsit religion. It has provided equality to men and women. We are feminist because our religion is a feminist religion and our campaign needs Islamic teachings. Unfortunately, I have seen a lot of people who are against the feminist campaign and even they run away from the term 'feminism'. They think it is an anti-Islamic movement or they think that females don't need equality because Allah hasn't created us equal. This is wrong! Our religion has introduced this term and mindset. Our Prophet's life is full of examples in which he has given respect to females. Our Quran is full of ayahs and our history is full of those moments in which females have done some great works. So, we should consider those examples and ayahs and we should try to demolish the patriarchal mindset of our society. In our society, if a person feels disheartened to be the parent of baby girl or if he look down upon the females or if he doesn't give them their rights, than he is against feminist campaign and also he is ignoring the teachings of Islam."

She was doing her Ted Talk with full confidence. At the end of her conversation, the hall was filled with applause. She gently smiled at her three friends who were sitting there, waving and smiling at her. 


Haadi was scrolling his facebook account when his thumb stopped at one video. One Ted Talk had been uploaded on an account in which a hijabi girl was presenting. Haadi's eyes widened as the flash of recognition passed his expressions. He sat upon his bed and keenly started watching the video. Clad in wine coloured shirt trouser and hijab, she was discussing topic "Feminism and Islam". Haadi watched the full video and was impressed by the confident demeanour and choice of topic of hers. He had seen this girl two times and was attracted toward her personality. Under the video, he tried to find her name. And after a few seconds, he found it. 

"Ted Talk of our honorable guest 'Hooriya Hassan', who is also a writer of two books. We are thankful to her for such an amazing topic"

It was written in caption

"Hooriya Hassan. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Haadi murmured, glanced at her face who was looking adorable around the wine coloured hijab. He paused the video and stared at the confident and beautiful girl's face. While glancing at it, a flash came in his mind. 

Girl with long black hair was standing on the doorstep of the dining room. Her cheeks flushed at seeing him and she hurriedly left the room.

He smiled at reminiscing that scene.

Hooriya Hassan had impressed Haadi Aslam


"No doubt, Kashmir is amongst the most extraordinary scenic marvels on Earth due to its impressive array of highest mountain peaks from the Karakoram ranges to the majestic vistas of Himalayas. This valley is so breathtaking and a marvellous piece of nature that the former Mughal emperor stated:

"If there is paradise on Earth, it is this, it is this.... "

But unfortunately, this beautiful valley has been a subject of political disputes between Pakistan and India for seven decades. Their people are suffering due to a lot of reasons because of the egos of two governments who just focused on taking votes from their people by discussing Kashmir issue in their campaigns. This weekend, I will travel to Kashmir and will show you the life of those people.”

Humza was staring at her in camera and shut it off as soon as she said Allah Hafiz. 

 He took a deep sigh and stood from his seat to follow her to her office. 

"So, when do we have to set for our journey? " He asked when they entered her office. 

"Are you going with me? " She asked with a frown, and emphasizing "you"

In reply, he just nodded his head while swallowing his anger. 

"Okay then, Please check every detail of camera stuff. Tomorrow, at 6 am, we are going to leave." 

She said while hanging her purse on her shoulder. 

"Okay ma'am!" he nodded his head and gave a tight smile to her. 


Farhan entered into a coffee shop with sloped demeanour. He had just completed one mission and desperately wanted a cup of coffee. He was wearing brown pants with white button up shirt. He sat on the table and set his mobile on the table. 

"Yes sir, how can we help you? " Waiter asked him with a professional smile. 

"I want black coffee with sugar." He replied 

"Ok sir, you have to wait for twenty minutes for this order." Waiter said this with an apologetic smile. 

"It's okay." he replied with a tiring smile. 

After five minutes, his mobile started ringing which added irritation on his face. He received the call and listened to the other person. Now, irritation, anger and tiredness had marred his features. With a deep sigh, he asked the waiter to come near him. 

"Yes sir? " Waiter asked him. 

"Cancel my order. I have to leave." He said while picking his mobile. 

"Sir please wait for some minutes, your order will be quick." Waiter said this hurriedly. He didn't want his client to leave. 

"I have urgent work." He said. 

He had to reach the police station within thirty minutes. He couldn't wait long for the coffee. 

"Sir, if it is the issue of time, then one thing can be done." Waiter again said. Farhan stared at him with a questioning look. 

"One woman has also ordered this coffee. Her order time is going to finish and her coffee is going to be ready. If you requested her, we can give her order to you and she has to wait for some more minutes." 

Waiter said while pointing toward a table where a woman was sitting. Farhan considered the waiter's words because he was craving for a coffee.

"Why not give it a try? " He thought. 

He came near the table and amazement settled on his face.

Because that woman was Fatima. 

"What a pleasant surprise! "

Fatima raised her head at the voice and saw Farhan standing there. 

"SP Farhan, Nice to meet you!" She said in her usual polite tone. 

"Fatima, I need a favour! " He quickly came to the point because he was getting late. 

"Yes? " Fatima said, confusion etched on her face. 

In reply, Farhan explained his condition. 

"It's okay. You can take my coffee." Fatima said with a smile. 

"Thank you so much for this favour! " He said. 

Waiter placed the coffee on Fatima's table and Fatima pushed it in front of Farhan. 

Farhan sat at her table and started sipping the coffee. 

"How is your work going on? " He asked while sipping coffee. 

"Fine. We are helping gypsy area to stand up again." She replied with a sad smile. 

"InshaAllah everything will become normal." He said with a gentle smile. 

Fatima nodded her head. Farhan eyed that lady and a flash crossed his mind. He cleared his throat and continued. 

"You are an active woman. No one can believe that you are a married lady."

He maintained his tone nonchalant while sipping coffee. This question was his attempt to gain information about her.

"Why does anyone have to believe it? I'm not married." She said with startled expressions and wide eyes. 

"Ohh. I was just saying it causally. I'm sorry if you get offended by it." Farhan quickly added. Happiness settled in his heart after listening to this.

"It's okay." Fatima said. 

Farhan's coffee got finished so he excused himself. 

While leaving the coffee shop, a smile was playing on his face.


Hooriya was standing in the library of Lahore city. She was staring at the racks but was not able to find her wanted book. She came near the reception and found that book lying there. 

"Excuse me! " she said to receptionist 

"Yes? "

"I want this book." She pointed toward the book. 

"Sorry ma'am, it is already issued by someone. You have to wait for fourteen days for it."

Hooriya's eyes got widened at his words. She can't wait for such a long time. 

"Who has issued this book?" She asked, nervously. 

In reply, the receptionist pointed toward a man who was standing near a rack with back toward her. 

Hooriya rushed toward him. 

"Excuse me? " 

Man turned around and Hooriya gasped at gazing at his face

"Yes?" He asked with raised eyebrow. 

"I want to talk about the book which you have placed on reception." She composed herself and came to the point. 

"And what about the book? " He again asked. 

"Please can you spare that book for some days. I desperately need it, so please let me first lend it." She pleaded. 

Haadi stared at her anxious face for some seconds and then nodded his head. 

"Sure, you can." He said with a smile. Relief flooded in Hooriya's veins and she grinned at him. 

"Thank you so much. I will return this book within this week, infact on Thursday I will return it. After it, you can have it." She chimed. 

Haadi nodded his head while glancing at another book in his hand. She turned around when stopped by Haadi's voice. 

"Your Ted talk was fabulous! I really love the way you handle the topic." Haadi appreciated her with his gaze fixed on the book. 

Hooriya turned around with confusion etched on her face. She was not confirm whether Haadi was talking to her or to anyone else. 

"Is this appreciation for me? " she pointed toward her. 

"Yup!" He nodded his head with nonchalant expressions. 

He didn't want to get frank with Hooriya. They were talking to each other for the first time so awkwardness and uncertainty was hanging upon them. 

"Thank you so much." She said and stopped, uncertain what to say more. Same situation was with Haadi so he also gave a small smile to her. She also smiled back and turned toward reception. 

At reception, she told them about the book. Receptionist cut the previous name on the card and entered Hooriya's name. He gave it to Hooriya for signature. While signing, Hooriya saw the previous name. 

"Haadi Aslam"

She repeated the name in a whisper. 


Farwa placed the coffee cup on the table and dialled the video call on her phone. She was wearing a pink night dress and her hair was tied in a tight bun. 

First one who attended the call was Hooriya. Farwa smiled at the screen and waved her hand in hello. She also repeated the same gesture. Hooriya was sitting on her bed and a book was lying near her. Farwa noted this with a smile. 

"Reading a book? " she asked her. 

"Yeah dude, I need it for my next chapter." She replied with a yawn. 

At that moment, Zonia also attended the call; and Hooriya, Farwa became shocked at seeing her. 

"Farwa, Am I seeing a dream? Or is it really Zonia working in the kitchen?" Hooriya said with shocked expressions.

Zonia was cutting vegetables in the kitchen and took a deep sigh at their comments. 

"No Hooriya, I'm really cutting vegetables in the kitchen. My mom will kick me out of the house if I will be found doing nothing." Zonia said this with a pout. 

Hooriya and Farwa suppressed their laughter at her expressions. Fatima also attended the call and was listening to Zonia's complaints. She laughed at her words. 

"Tomorrow, I'm leaving for Kashmir. On the weekend, I will not be able to connect with you. So, I thought to call all of you." Farwa said while sipping her coffee. 

"You have to buy something for me from there. Otherwise, I will kill you" Zonia warned her at which she suppressed her smile. 

"As you wish, ma'am." Smiles etched on other's faces at their comments. They kept on taunting and laughing with each other. 



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