Chaos Chapter 6


Chaos Chapter 6

Farwa opened the door of her flat and entered it with tired expressions. 

Complete silence was in the apartment. She laid on her bed with a deep sad sigh. Her mind kept on recalling the solemn faces of those grief stricken people. Farwa could feel the pain of those crying people because once, she was also the part of it. She had also faced such trauma in her life. 

"Mama Papa, please open your eyes. Please" Desperate voice of five year girl rang in her ears. 

She opened her eyes and shook that memory. Tears welled up in her eyes but she refused to let them slip on cheeks. She started feeling solemn and heartbroken. Those events had triggered something in her subconscious. Different weeping children's faces came in front of her eyes. She could relate with those children. She knew how it felt to see your house and family getting shattered. 

"How much will they suffer in life? Why does life have to give you a lot of pain and loneliness?" That thought caused a lonely tear to escape from her eyes. 

She was weeping and reflecting on her life's events when the voice of an old woman echoed in her ears. 

"Farwa my child, are you sad? "

"Yes Auntie Rahat I am" she whispered to that voice, as if she was talking to it. 

"Don't be sad dear. Remember the verses of Surah Inshirah:

'So, verily with every difficulty there is relief. Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.'

If Allah has instilled problems and difficulties in your life, then He will also give you relief. He is our Maker and he loved His servants seventy times more than a mother loved her child. Don't be sad, trust Him." 

Ten year old Farwa was sitting in front of a forty five year old lady who was saying these soothing words to her when she was weeping, while remembering her family. Ten year old child's eyes widened with awe at this information and she quickly wiped her tears. 

"Does Allah already know how I will feel? That's why He has said these verses in the Quran? " She asked with a cheerful tone. That lady smiled at her beaming face and nodded her head. 

"Yes my dear, Allah has sent this miraculous book for the whole humanity of the world. He has addressed every human of the world so that they can take guidance from this book. " Aunty Rahat told her at which her mouth slightly opened.

"So always trust Him! He knows your pain and also their remedies." Auntie said with a smile at which she eagerly nodded her head. 

"I trust Him Auntie. He will take care of His creation." Farwa mumbled while reminiscing those beautiful moments. 

Past is an extraordinary thing which humans have. Sometimes, this past makes a person more sad in loneliness, and sometimes, this past soothes and surrounds you with people, in loneliness. 

Same thing happened with Farwa. She felt both feelings in the last ten minutes. 


"My doctors have done as much as they can in this crisis. They have worked harder day and night to serve the patients. My heart bleeds whenever I see the condition of those patients. Children were weeping with pain when they came to the hospital, and my heart trembled to see their state. I... I can't explain what is the condition of my heart."

Dr. Shahid was recording an interview for a talk show. His friend was the CEO of a news channel, and Dr. Shahid requested him for this show. 

"A small gypsy girl came into my hospital. She was so bruised, full of blood and in immense pain that my heart wept at her condition. So adorable and little bud in a lot of pain, the sight was painful. I quickly admitted her and my talented doctors started treating her. Unfortunately, she couldn't survive. You can't guess my condition. My heart wept at her death" 

A tear escaped from his eyes; he was using a tear dropper. Camera man did his editing and made the scene more emotional. 

"I beg the government to take care of survivors of this incident. They have faced so much. This incident will be bitter for them." 

Dr. Shahid kept on his melodrama. 

When this interview came on screen, people appreciated that pure angle. They were appreciating him and supporting his hospital.


Dr. Shahid was doing work in his office when someone knocked at his door. 

"Come in." he said while reading a file. 

Zonia entered the office with an expressionless face. She stood near the desk and extended an envelope toward him. 

"What is this? " he asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"I'm leaving this job". She muttered while gazing in his eyes. 

"Thank you, now please leave ". He said with rudeness. Inwardly, he was content with her resignation letter because he didn't want a rebellious doctor in his hospital. 

"Ok sir. It is our last meeting so I have to say something to you." She said and took a deep sigh to calm her nerves. 

"What? " He asked while looking in her eyes. 

"Our Islam says that "Saving a person's life is like saving a humanity". Doctor's profession is noble just because of this saying. But, are we really saving humanity in this hospital? I don't think so. In fact, I think that humanity is suffering in our hospital. Saving a person's life also includes saving his emotions and feelings. Unfortunately, we are not giving a damn about it. We, with our cold and cruel attitude, make other people like a dead body who is breathing. This is not saving humanity, it is killing them. "

Dr. Shahid sighed at her comment.

"Zonia, I'm doing this to expand my hospital's services. If we have more advanced technology, then we will be able to help more people. I'm doing this to serve humanity."

Like every hypocrite person, he also said the same thing. This twisted something in Zonia's heart. 

'And when it is said to them, Do not cause corruption on Earth, they say, We are but reformers.'

This Quranic verse suited you. Allah Hafiz."

Zonia said this with anger and left the place.

Dr. Shahid's heart trembled at listening to the Verse. But then, he composed himself. He had the justifications of his actions. 


Zonia was going to sit in her car when someone stopped her by her arm. She turned around to see Zohaib's anxious face. 

"Are you leaving the hospital? " He asked with worry laced in his tone. 

She sadly nodded her head. 

"Zonia, stop this nonsense. Please". He said in a pleading tone. 

"It is not nonsense Zohaib" she replied with irritation and shock. 

"Zonia, this hospital provides you a hefty amount every month. No other hospital will give you such a salary."

He told her a bitter fact. 

"I don't care about money. I need peace of mind and serving humanity which this hospital was not providing me". She replied with anger.

"Zonia, don't be emotional, think rationally. " He tried to stop her but this comment boiled her blood. 

"If thinking rationally means to close your eyes from injustices and become a cold hearted person, then I'm okay with being emotional. Her voice was trembling with anger and she quickly sat in her car, and shut the door with a loud voice. 

She got hurt by Zohaib's thinking. For him, money was important. And this fact was making her heart to bleed. 

And on the other hand, Zohaib's heart was aching at seeing her going. He loved her company and wanted her to be with him, always. That's why he was desperately trying to stop her from leaving him. 

Indeed, we as a human, do judge other people swiftly, without standing in other person's shoes. 


Police, Army and rescue teams were doing their work in gypsy areas. Hustle and bustle was in that area. Echoes of previous chaos was still in that unfortunate place.Fatima was standing near the area and was staring at the whole chaos with gloomy eyes. 

Miss Sadia was in hospital but out of danger. Three gypsy children died in this crash; Sumera, Awais and Gul. Others were in hospital but out of danger. Some children had left with single parents or disabled parents. Every person in this area will suffer with mental problems for many years to come. Children of this area will never get excited at seeing the plane flying, in fact, they will be afraid whenever the plane will fly over their area. That incident had left them with numerous scars on soul and body, which would take a lifetime to heal. 

Fatima was staring at the area when she heard someone's cough beside her. She turned her head and saw SP Farhan standing near her, and gazing at her with his dark black orbs. 

"How are you? " He asked with a polite smile. 

"Fine. How much work is left? " she asked, with gloominess still evident in her tone. 

"Still there are a lot of to do. But, all are doing their work." He replied with a smile. 

"I'm still in denial that how, in just a few minutes, lives became upside down. Those beautiful and smiley faces has now gloominess, scars and pain". She said with tearful eyes. 

Farhan eyed that girl with sympathy. 

"Accept this situation Fatima. And pray to Allah for the well being of survivors. I think that survivors of any incident need our immense care and love. They suffered a lot, so we should pray for them".He said this with gloomy expressions. 

Fatima nodded her head, still staring at that place where debris from the plane was present. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as her mind was recalling those beautiful evenings she had spent with those children. 

Farhan was eyeing that broken girl with sympathy and pain. Her elegant and upright posture was not sagged and inelegant. Her grace faded in those weak moments, causing his heart to ache. The heart was lamenting at seeing that broken girl but lips were not allowed to show that pain. 


Those four were sitting around the table of the coffee shop with silence hung on them. It had been a week of that unfortunate incident but the echoes of it were still present there. Residents of that area had started coming back from hospitals but life hadn't returned back there. Fear, pain and gloominess have surrounded the area, and the healing process will take a long time to complete. 

"Speak something dudes. Why all of you fell silent after every few minutes". Hooriya said this with helplessness. 

"When is your Ted talk?" Farwa broke the silence and asked her in an emotionless tone. 

"Tomorrow, and you all are coming with me". Hooriya said while pointing toward them. She was trying her best to make them normal. 

"Okie dokie" Zonia said with a forced smile. 

"When are you going to look for another job? " Farwa asked Zonia with a smile. 

"After completing my sleep and taking complete rest". Zonia said while faking yawning, and forced tiredness in her expressions. 

They all raised their eyebrows at her action. 

"Change the topic!" Zonia saw their expressions and winced. 

"Ok" Fatima said, with a genuine smile etching on her face. 

"Let's order something. I'm craving for pastries". Zonia said while taking the menu card in her hands. And started skimming it for placing the order. 

They all also took it and started deciding their orders. 


Zonia was brushing her teeth when her mobile started ringing in the room. She quickly completed her business and took long strides toward her mobile. 

"Zohaib calling" 

It was blinking on the screen, causing her to roll her eyes. She cut the call and started brushing her hair. After some seconds, again mobile started ringing, causing the irritation to build in her heart. 

"What he wants now? " She murmured and again ignored the call. 

When mobile rang for the fourth time, her patience wore out and she attended the call with utter rage. 

"Yes, Mr. Doctor? " She asked in a cold tone. 

"Zonia, I'm Zohaib. " There was shock and disbelief in his tone. 

"I know" she again said in a cold tone, causing him to remain silent for a few seconds. 

"I'm sorry if you are hurt by my words. " His apologetic tone echoed from the other side. This tone melted her heart a little bit, and softened the wrinkles on her forehead. 

"It's okay, Zohaib. I.. I just didn't want to be in that illiterate and inhuman place." She said those harsh words in a soft tone. 

"I still think that you should consider your decision. Getting a job nowadays is very hard, especially a nice one." Zohaib again tried to convince her which again raised her anger. 

"It is my headache, you don't need to worry for me! I'm okay with my decision. "

With it, she switched off the phone and tossed it away. Tears of anger gathered in her eyes which she refused to shed. 

On the other hand, Zohaib was eyeing his phone with dejected expressions. Pain was consuming his heart and lineament of sadness embossed his features. His heart was screaming that he had lost his best friend, his best colleague and his lover. Lonely tears fell upon the dark screen of the mobile. 



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