Chaos Chapter 5



Hooriya was standing in the balcony of her room, gazing at the sea of winking stars while thinking of her today's encounter with that man. 

Dark brown orbs gazing at her with awe rippled in his orbs and Hooriya got sunk in those deep emotions of his orbs.

Smile etched on her face at reminiscing those beautiful moments. In the sky, stars also started giggling at her and started sharing the unsaid secret with each other. 


Fatima again visited that gypsies area after two days from her previous one. 

Happiness flooded on Children's faces when seeing her. She had taken enormous food boxes with her. She distributed food among children which they took with squinted eyes and charming smiles. 

"Can I share it with my mother? " Awais asked her when she was giving him a box of food. Her hands stopped at his sincerity and love for mother. 

"Yes, it will really be a cute deed." she replied politely. 

Awais grinned at her and ran toward his hut. 

She continued to distribute food. After some minutes, the children, she and Sadia were eating food and laughing and talking with each other. 

Fatima really felt relieved and happy that evening. 


Sun was going to set in Lahore city, making the weather a little bit pleasant. Traffic was running on roads and hustle and bustle was in the city. 

In such a hustle bustle, those four friends were enjoying together in a coffee shop. Coffees were in front of them and they were laughing and sipping coffee. 

"Stop now Zonia, I can't laugh more. Uff!" Fatima said while laughing. Zonia was cracking different jokes which they were enjoying. 

"And my jokes have also finished." Zonia replied while sipping her coffee. 

"Girls, I want to tell you something."

Hooriya said. 

"Are you going to marry? " Zonia quickly asked her. 

"NO! " Hooriya said with wide eyes. 

"Ok, then continue." Zonia said with pout. 

"I have got a call from an organization of Lahore. That organization is conducting Ted Talks and I'm invited for a Ted Talk. I can become a speaker if my Ted Talks become popular or favourite one." Hooriya said with excitement. 

"Nice one Hooriya! When you have to go for Ted Talk? '' Farwa asked her while sipping tea. 

"This Thursday."

"What will be your topic? " Fatima asked her. 

"Feminism and Islam" she said with grin. 

"That's great. Best of luck! We will come to listen to your ted talk." Fatima said with excitement. Other two nodded their heads.

"I also have something to tell you." Farwa now said. 

"What? " Three of them asked. 

"Are you going to get married? " Zonia leaned forward and asked with wide eyes. 

"Zonia," Farwa said with bulging eyes and an angry tone. 

"Ok sorry" Zonia raised her hands in surrender. 

"I'm going to Kashmir for my show. I want to do one show on Kashmir issue." She told them. 

"Why don't you speak about the Kashmir issue while sitting in your office. Why do you have to travel to Kashmir?" Zonia asked her with a wrinkled forehead. 

"I want to interact with Kashmiri. I want to tell the world the point of views and stories of Kashmir's people." Farwa said with firmness in her tone. 

"When are you going to leave for Kashmir? " Fatima asked her. 

"Next Friday." she replied. 

They were gossiping and laughing when the LCD of that coffee shop attracted their attention. Breaking news was going on there. 

"With deep sadness, we are delivering this news. One passenger flight crashed in gypsies area of Lahore. More than 100 people died in this incident. Army and police teams are doing rescue and relief work in the area. There are over 50 ambulances in the area. On the screen, you can see the footage of the plane crash." 

Fatima's heart skipped a beat at the footage. Her eyes glued to the screen and there was shock in them. Plane crashed in that gypsy area where Miss Sadia was teaching. It was that area where Fatima spent a peaceful evening one week before. It was the area of gems, which had been destroyed in this incident. 

Three of them saw the shocked face of Fatima with grief and pain.

"High alert has been activated in hospitals of Lahore. Rescue teams are doing their work. There are dead bodies and many injured people." Newscaster was still shouting and delivering the news. 

Farwa's, Fatima's and Zonia's mobile started buzzing. 

"Fatima?" Farwa put a hand on her sagged shoulder. 

But, Fatima was not listening to anyone. Her eyesight was getting blurred due to tears, and she was feeling numb at this whole situation.


Their car was racing toward the unfortunate area. Farwa was on the driving seat, Fatima was on the passenger seat and the other two were sitting in the back seat. 

"Zonia I'm going to drop you in front of your hospital. You are needed more there than that place." Farwa said and Zonia nodded her head. There was dead silence in the car. 

Farwa dropped Zonia and raced toward gypsies area. They stopped their car at some distance from the area. Hustle and bustle of rescue teams, police officers, ambulances, media houses, army officers and injured people could be felt from the distance. 

People were shouting and children were weeping. Hell was broken in that area. They three ran toward that place. 

Faces of children were coming in front of Fatima's eyes, causing them to blur. An urge of crying came to her which she suppressed. Farwa was running toward that area and was also talking onto her phone. 

"Please send anyone else for coverage. I will not be able to do that." She said on call and cut it. 

When they came very near to place, Fatima saw the body of Miss Sadia on one stretcher. Her eyes widened with fear and shock at that sight. She came near the body and observed the condition. There were different scars and scratches on her body. Her clothes were filled with blood. Two boys quickly moved the stretcher toward the ambulance. 

Army and police officers were rescuing the people from under the debris of the plane. Fatima ran toward that part where children used to learn things. At that place, police officers, under the guidance of SP Farhan, were working. Fatima saw the body of the child in Farhan's arms so she rushed toward him. 


Farhan was busy rescuing different victims of the incident. His heart was aching at seeing blood and pain on people's bodies and faces. Many dead bodies were also recovered from the area. 

He saw a foot of a boy under a huge metal piece. Farhan and his officer came near the piece and lifted it. Under it, a six year old boy was present. Farhan lifted him in his arms. Blood was oozing from the boy's forehead and from right leg. He started shouting for the stretcher. 

While looking at destructed area, his eyes landed on her. She was wearing a grey colour dress and her brown hair was lying on her back. Tears, shock and fear were prominent on her face. She also saw Farhan and ran toward him. She stopped near him with tearful eyes and glanced at the boy, who was in his arms. 

"Awais " she whispered with a hoarse voice. 

Innocent face was filled with blood, and lips, which always curled into cute smiles, were whimpering at this moment. 

"Stretcher! " SP Farhan shouted. 

Two boys came near him with a stretcher. Fatima touched the face of that cute boy with trembling fingers. SP Farhan laid him on a stretcher and the boys took him away. 

"Miss Fatima, you should leave this place. We all are doing our work. Don't worry! '' Farhan said with seriousness, gazing at her miserable condition. 

Fatima shook her head. 

"I will not leave them." She said with a damp voice. 

"Please, you can get hurt." 

"I'm already in a lot of pain SP Farhan". She said with pain evident in her voice. 

Farhan remained silent at her comment. 


"Where is Fatima? " Farwa was asking Hooriya, who was looking at that chaotic place with tearful eyes. 

"Don't know! " She said. 

Hooriya was glancing at the place with hollow eyes. Plane's tail, while coming toward the earth, crashed with the building's roof wall and then crashed on gypsies area. That building's roof wall also landed on gypsies area, and it caused more misery to humans of gypsy area. 

While glancing at area, Hooriya's eyes landed on an old man. Blood was oozing from his leg and he was walking with a limp. Newscasters and other people, who had came to see the destruction, were making videos on their phones. They didn't bother to help anyone. They were just concerned with making and uploading videos on social media and wanted likes and comments on their videos.

Old man was asking for help but some boys were only making his video and uploading it. People who were seeing the video, posted sad emoji in comments and showed their anger for rescue teams that they are not working properly. 

Hooriya's blood boiled with anger at that sight. 

"Farwa, let's go and help that old man". 

They both went near the old man and gave support to him. 

Some people again fished out their mobiles and started making videos of this scene on their mobile. 

"Stop this nonsense! And help us!"

Farwa shouted at them. Some flinched at her anger. But some kept on making videos. 

"Do you all want an extra dose? Shall I call any army or police officer for you? " She said with blazing anger. 

Her threat worked and people started moving away from her. 

She and Hooriya moved the old man toward the ambulance. 


"But sir, there is so much chaos. I don't think that it is a good idea to just make pictures of the people. Their condition is really miserable and showing that pictures and videos will be a heartless act." 

A boy of twenty five  was saying this to his boss on the phone. His forehead was creased and nose was wrinkled while listening to his boss. His friend was also standing near him and was listening to him with irritation.

"Just focus on your work Humza. Our news needs such videos and pictures. It will give ratings to our channel. Don't you want a bonus, Humza? " His boss rebuked him. 

He sighed with irritation and cut the call. 

"What is the problem with pictures and videos? " His friend asked. 

"Dude, there are a lot of people who are not sober at this moment. Making their videos or pictures will increase their misery. But, now the boss has said for the pictures. And we have to do it."

He said with frustration. His friend, who was host of his, also sighed with sadness. 

They started making pictures of people and the area. Humza roamed his eyes all around and his eyes stopped at an injured girl. She was in the arms of some other girls. He started moving toward them with a camera in his hand. 


SP Farhan became busy rescuing a man from the debris of the plane. 

Fatima moved forward in the place and her eyes landed on a huge stone. She stood near it and her eyes widened with shock. Sumaira's whole body was under the stone and only her face was out of stone. She was unconscious. 

"Sumaira! " she shouted and started trying to remove the stone. 

Panic settled into her heart. Stone was heavy and was not moving. 

"Fatima!" Hooriya and Farwa came near her. 

They gasped at seeing the state of Sumaira and started helping Fatima in removing stone. 

SP Farhan's eyes landed on them and he came there with his officers to help them. 

"Let us do it." He said and pushed them aside. 

Officers and Farhan started removing the stone. They removed it and Fatima took her in her arms. 

Sumaira's shirt was torn from many places. She needed to get cover. Farhan and his officers averted their gaze from her exposed body. 

Fatima saw that beautiful innocent girl with tearful eyes. Girl, who can avail a successful future, was on the brink of life and death. 

"We need to cover her." Fatima said. SP Farhan and his officers left the place to give them space for covering the girl. 

Fatima gave her dupatta to Farwa. Farwa was going to cover her but she stopped because of a flash. 

A boy was standing near them and started taking the pictures of Sumaira. "Please see her condition. Don't take pictures." Fatima pleaded to him. 

But that boy didn't seem to listen to her. There was tiredness, irritation and anger on his face, and it seemed he was clicking pictures with utter disgust. 

"Can't you listen to us! '' Hooriya shouted at him and started covering the girl. Again a flash came and here Farwa's patience became thin. 

She stepped toward that boy and slapped him! 

"SLAP! " Voice echoed in the area. Other two girls stared at them with wide shocked eyes. 

Humza also became shocked at her action. He was not expecting such a reaction from a girl. Farwa didn't stop at the slap. She snatched the camera from his hands and threw it away. Camera hit the stone and reduced it into pieces.

Farwa glared at him and went toward both of them. They covered Sumaira and quickly went away, while throwing a last glare at his direction. 

Humza remained standing there with hand on his cheek. Shock washed away his face, his lips parted and eyes widened. His friend was standing on his back and saw the whole incident with the same widening eyes. He came near him when girls left the place. 

"That girl slapped you!" His friend said with shock evident in his eyes and voice. 

Listening to this comment, shock faded and was replaced with anger. He turned around with fiery glare and turned around to gaze at the girl who was now standing there, gazing all over the area. He stormed toward her with fisted hands and resolute gait. 

"You have no ethics!" He came near her and shouted at her in a booming voice. 

Farwa got startled at this and turned her gaze toward his red face. 

"Do you have any? Don't you have a sense of where and whose picture you have to take? " She asked while rolling her arms on her chest and said in an insulting way. 

"It was part of my job. It was my boss's order and I have to oblige it to save my job. But you! You also broke my camera. " He again shouted at her. 

"You are an employee in your workplace, not a slave of your boss. You are under your boss, but your ethics and values should not be under any person. I think in frustration, you were just clicking pictures, becoming blind with the whole situation." She said in an eerie calm tone and gazing directly in his orbs. 

Her words caused the heat of insult to creep on his cheeks and neck. 

"Be a mature person, not an ordinary emotional person." She again tossed an insult toward him and turned to leave the place, leaving him in his thoughts. 

"What would we do now, Humza? " His friend came near him with a broken camera in his hand. 

Humza eyed that camera, rolled his eyes and said

"Thank God, it is broken now. We don't have to show those miserable pictures on the screen. " He said in a nonchalant tone and stepped toward his car, leaving his friend in shock.


Zonia entered the hospital where hustle and bustle was present. Zonia quickly signed her attendance and went toward the Ward. 

"Zonia! " She turned around to see her fellow doctor. 

"Yes Noor? " She asked her. 

"Dr. Shahid is calling all of us in his office." Noor informed her. 

"Ok," Zonia said and they moved toward the office. 

"As you all know about the unfortunate incident, you all have to be alert and on your heels at this time. As our hospital is the best hospital in the city and there are such machines which no other hospital has, many critical patients will come to our hospital. You all have to give your best. If you have to work continuously for twenty four hour, then do it. In the time of crises, we should all serve our country." Dr. Shahid gave this speech with enthusiasm which gave a pleasant shock to Zonia. 

"It is true that every person has evilness and kindness in his soul. Every person has a grey personality. Dr. Shahid is also a grey personality." Zonia thought. 

After completing his speech, he dismissed them. They all went toward their respective Wards for doing their duty. 

Zohaib and Zonia were doing their duty in the ICU. 

Sirens of Ambulance started echoing in the hospital. After some minutes, three stretchers came to the ICU. Zonia and Zohaib hurried toward them. In patients, one old man, a young lady and a man were present. Condition of the man was much worse than the other two. 

Zonia promptly put the oxygen mask on the lady and the old man's mouth. And then, with the help of a nurse, started treating the wounds of these two. 

"I think man has some internal injuries. We have to do his tests and inform his condition to Dr. Shahid." Zohaib said while examining the man. 

"Quickly do it Zohaib" Zonia said while stitching the wounds. 

Zohaib nodded his head and started treating the man with the help of a nurse. 

Dr. Shahid came to the ICU and told the nurse to prepare the operation theatre. All were doing their best to treat the patients. 


After two hours, Zonia started feeling dizzy due to tiredness and hunger. 

"Nurse please ask any doctor to come here for some time." She said while yawning. 

Night had fallen outside. After some minutes, an intern came. She asked him to take care of patients for half an hour, and she wanted to go to the canteen. 

She was passing the reception when her eyes landed on a stretcher. A girl was whimpering there and Dr. Shahid was looking at her with disgust. Two boy scouts were also standing near him. 

Zonia felt something wrong so she came near them. 

"I'm not going to admit this girl. Take her to any government hospital." Dr

Shahid was saying to boys with disgust in his tone. 

"Sir, there was no place in Government hospital. That's why we have taken her here. Please see her condition, she is going to die." One of the boys said with worry. 

Zonia's eyes widened at his words and she glanced at the girl. Girl was five or six years old and was an extremely adorable child. She was wrapped in a dupatta. Zonia had seen that dupatta somewhere but didn't remember where. 

Maybe it's Fatima's

"What is wrong sir? " she asked. 

"They have taken a gypsy in my hospital. No one is here to pay for her treatment, so how can I admit her? " Dr. Shahid said to her. 

"You are the director of this hospital. You have the authority to admit her." One of the boy scouts said. 

Whimpering of the girl was increasing with every passing minute. Zonia panicked at her condition. 

"Sir, please admit her otherwise she will die." Zonia said with a panic stricken voice. 

"Dr. Zonia, we don't get funds from the government for treatment of patients. We want money for our hospital." Dr. Shahid said.

"One patient will not do any harm to your hospital. Be a human! " Other scout boy said in an angry voice. 

"Sir, if you will not admit her or treat her, we will make a video here and upload it on social media. Government and public will start hating you. Maybe, they will stop giving preference to your hospital. Government will take action against you. Then, you will truly realize the real worth of money." Another boy scout said with a calm but threatening voice. 

Dr. Shahid's face became pale at his threat. He realized the situation and nodded his head. 

"Ward boy, come here! " he motioned the boy to come to him. And asked Zonia to take the girl in ICU. 

Zonia sighed in relief and quickly went back to her duty. Her sleep and hunger disappeared when she saw the condition of the girl. 


"Today, we are going to discuss the grief stricken incident of the plane crash. 120 people died in it and many are in hospital. This incident has raised a lot of questions on the plane management, government policies, and also on our human values. First of all, I want to talk about our general attitude about the incident."

Farwa started her show with this paragraph. 

"In the plane, there were elite class and people in important positions. Some were political figures, some were army people, some were actors or models, and others were the CEOs of important organizations of the country. Their loss is really incredible and we felt deep sadness for them, no doubt. But our politics, our social media has not even mentioned those people on which this plane crashed. I'm talking about gypsies. In this despair and chaos, we have forgotten about those deaths and lives which can be precious for our society. No one gives importance to their deaths or loss. Showbiz industry is only lamenting and mentioning the deaths of their actors, political figures are paying their condolences for the death of CEOs or other political figures, the Army is mentioning the death of their officers. And the whole nation is supporting or lamenting with them. In these messages, we even don't mention that weak and poor society who has also suffered in this crash. Our president and prime minister has only just done a tweet about those poor people. They also have mentioned that we will provide some financial packages for these people. But, is it enough? Does any human life have only this worth?"

Farwa's heart ached at saying these words. Some old memories came in her mind which she rejected at the instant. She had to focus on her show. She had to discuss the inhumanity which she witnessed in that area. And for this, she should be focused on her show. 


"Sir, the camera broke due to my mistake. It just fell from my hands and got broken." Humza said to his boss. 

"Are you a disable person who can't even handle a camera properly?! " His boss said with anger. 

"I'm sorry sir" Hamza said with duck head. 

"Just because of you, we don't get pictures for news. I can't bear you now. Get lost from my media house and never come back!" His boss shrieked at him. 

He nodded his head and left the place while glancing at him with his fiery glance. He also wanted to leave the job, so the boss's words were a relief for him. 

After half an hour, he was standing near a two storey small house. He knocked on the door and an old woman opened the door. 

"Assalam o Alaikum" he said with a tired voice. 

"Walaikum Assalam. How was the day my son? " Old woman asked with a smile. 

"Much better Amma." He replied while washing his face from the basin which was present in the kitchen. 

After some minutes, he was sitting in front of television and was changing different channels. Every channel was giving news about the incident. 

He was aimlessly changing the channels when his hand stopped, and his eyes widened. 

In one channel, Farwa's show was going on where she was talking about the inhuman attitude of society. Her demeanour, her way of speaking and way of managing things were pressuring him to praise her. Her slap and her words echoed in his mind, which was opening his mind to the new insights and worldviews. While gazing at her show and words, his mind was thinking of different ideas and possibilities which were going to change their lives. 


Zonia and Dr. Asad was doing operations on the gypsy girl. A lot of blood had been wasted and the girl was suffering from a lot of injuries. Zonia's hands were trembling while doing the operation as there were very few chances of her survival. Her senior, Dr. Asad was doing his work very professionally and with an expressionless face. He was unmoved by the girl's condition.

They kept on trying for ten minutes when Dr. Asad took a deep sigh and said. 

"Dr. Zonia, be very careful with this operation. There are very less chances of her survival." 

His comment sent chills in her spine. In her professional life, she was facing such conditions for the first time, she was going to see the first death in her professional life, causing her heart to tremble. 

They quickly started treating her. But unfortunately, after some more minutes of trying, the oxygen line on the machine stopped working. Sumaira had breathed her last. 

Zonia's eyes widened at this. Dr. Asad just took a deep sigh and started removing his gloves, but Zonia's condition became worse at the sight. An urge to vomit came to her and she hurried toward the washroom. She threw out whatever was in stomach and splashed water on her face. Hot tears were streaming on her cold cheek as her whole body was trembling and feeling cold.

While splashing water on her face, her mind kept on recalling the disgusted expressions of Dr. Shahid and his action in the corridor of hospital. That cold hearted bastard didn't let the girl get treatment on time and it caused that unfortunate incident. Anger rushed in her veins and she stepped toward Dr. Shahid's office with resolute gait and red bulging orbs. She barged in the office and caused Dr. Shahid to flinch. 

"That child died! She died because of your selfishness! She suffered a lot because you made her wait in the lobby. You are a cold hearted person I have ever met in my life." She shrieked with tears pooling her eyes. 

Dr. Shahid's mind stopped after listening to the words "That child died!" He froze with fear at listening to this unfortunate incident. 

Zonia waited for some seconds, but when Dr. Shahid didn't reply, she left the office after passing a hateful gaze toward him. She didn't want to see the face of that monster. 

While weeping, she went toward the common room. 

Dr. Zohaib, who was going for his break, saw her weeping form and followed her. 

They both entered into the common room, one with teary eyes and other with a worried face. 

"What happened to Zonia? " He asked worriedly with a slightly apart mouth. 

"That girl died! " Zonia said while sniffling, and flopping on the chair. 

Zohaib took a deep sigh. He understood the whole scenario because he had already gone through his first experience of a patient's death. His heart did ache for that young bud but there was nothing they could do now. 

He poured water in glass and gave it to Zonia. 

"Drink it Zonia." He said with empathy.

Zonia took water from his hand and drank it to swallow her tears.She tried to soothe her nerves and stopped herself from crying. 

"Do you know what Dr. Shahid does with the girl? " She asked him. 

He shook his head so Zonia told her full story. 

"Greediness and selfishness has increased in human's society. Everyone wanted his benefit and Dr. Shahid is also such a type of person. He just wanted his benefit, not of others. 

And in case of money, he is a miser. He just wanted to have more and more money by hook or by crook." Zohaib said this with anger and disgust in tone.Zonia stared at him with tearful eyes. 

"That girl died because of this greediness." She said with a damp voice. 

"No Zonia, it was her time. Her death was written in this way. Please don't over think about it. We have tried to save her but Allah had other plans for her. Don't be upset about it." Zohaib tried to sooth her. 

"You are right. Her death was written in this way. But, we haven't given our full attempt to save her. She was fighting with death when she came into the hospital. We made her suffer more and more. She died after bearing a lot of pain. We can ease her pain. We can make her last moments less painful. But, we fail to do that." She again started weeping. 

Zohaib sighed in defeat. He knew she was deeply hurt so she would not listen to his words. He again poured water for her and passed the glass to her. 

"Zonia, please" He put his hand on her shoulder to calm her, but she kept on weeping. Zohaib sighed in defeat and kept on soothing her. 


Zonia entered her house with red and puffy eyes. It was because of lack of sleep and also due to weeping. 

"Zonia? " her grandmother called her, when her eyes landed on her sagged shoulders and defeated gait. She was sitting in the lounge. 

Zonia turned toward her grandmother and stepped toward her. 

Grandmother kissed her forehead and kept on reading the Quran, the Holy Book. Zonia shut her eyes and let the words sink in her heart. Quran's words were soothing her nerves. 



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