Chaos Chapter 4


Zonia was sleeping soundly on her bed when her mobile started ringing, causing her to stir into sleep. She, with half-opened eyes, picked up the call without looking at the caller ID. 

"I will not do any work today. It's my holiday." she muttered with a sleepy voice. 

"Dr. Zonia! I want you in hospital at this instant." Male authoritative voice came from other side of receiver. 

Smile spread on Zonia's face. 

"Sorry Dr. Zohaib, but I'm not available." She said and shifted on her front. 

"But why Zonia? I'm doing duty and you are sleeping! This is not fair." He winced. 

"This is the world! This is life, my friend! There is nothing fair in it." She said with a fake sad sigh. 

"By the way, why are you relaxed and happy?" She asked with narrowed eyes. 

"Dr Zonia, Dracula is on leave. Everything is fine in Wards. So, we doctors are enjoying it." Zohaib told her with happiness. 

"Really! Dracula is on leave! How is it possible? " Zonia's eyes widely opened at the news and she sat on the bed. 

"Miracles are also a part of this world Zonia!" Zohaib exclaimed with happiness. 

"Ok, then enjoy this miracle, and let me sleep." Zonia's eyes again started getting heavy and she yawned. 

"But you..." Zohaib tried to protest but Zonia cut off the call. In this whole world, her sleep was precious for her and she can't compromise on this. 

With the name of Dracula, Dr. Shahid's and her conversation came into her mind. She started thinking about Shahid's actions and thoughts; and after some minutes of thinking, she drifted into slumber. 


Fatima and Amna was coming out of courtroom. Amna's face was lighted with happiness because court had said that she doesn't need to work now. She will now live in a Child Care centre where great care and love will be given to her. She was at cloud ninth after listening to this news. 

But, Fatima was feeling dissatisfied with the whole situation. Court had decided best for Amna. She didn't have to go with her selfish and gold digger parents. But, the Court didn't do justice in the aspect of MPA. MPA's punishment was to give some fine, and he just received a warning from court.  

Fatima was unhappy with this punishment. 

"Laws are made here just to protect and save our elite class. And strictness in law is just for poor people." Fatima thought with sadness. 

She was passing the hallway when her eyes landed on SP Farhan. He was also in Courtroom. His eyes also landed on her and he came near her. 

"Assalam o Alaikum" he said in his deep husky voice. 

"Walaikum Aslaam" she said while looking in his black orbs. 

"Congratulations! Amna is now under your NGO's care." He said with a genuine smile. 

Anger boiled her blood at his comment and smile. 

"You are congratulating me on this injustice! Amna doesn't get justice. Her criminals are still roaming in the society." Fatima said with hatred. 

Farhan raised his eyebrow at her comment. 

He remained silent for some seconds and then replied. 

"Miss Fatima, our courts can't provide enough justice to the public. Rich and influential people keep on roaming proudly in the society, even after doing a lot of sins and crimes. You should be happy that this court has considered the condition of Amna, and gave such a decision that will save her future. A child has been saved from abuse. You should be happy at this."

Farhan said this in a serious tone. 

"But what about MPA? He is still free." Fatima said with helplessness. 

"Miss Fatima, do you remember my words in the police station?" he asked. 

Fatima became confused at this question and tried to recall that conversation. 

"I had said that public power can do miracles in our society. MPA is worried at this moment because his voters are angry and disappointed at him due to this case. From the courtroom, he will go to his house, will call his secretary and will ask him what to do with the case. He will defend himself in the media, he will do some good and welfare work for people so that he can satisfy his angry voters. He will defend this punishment of fine which has been imposed on him. For some months, he will be busy with his welfare work. Though this thing is still unjust with Amna, but not as bad as you think. So don't get stressed. Enjoy new life of Amna." SP Farhan completed his conversation and turned around to leave. 

Fatima kept on thinking about his words while staring at his retreating form. 


Press conference of MPA Asad was going on. Different media persons were sitting in front of him and he was giving a speech about Amna's case.

Farwa was also there with her cameraman. She was also listening to a boring speech which contained a pile of lies. 

"I'm deeply ashamed of this situation. Me and my family have never touched any servant or child. We always have treated them with love and affection. But, don't know how this incident of Amna occurs in my house. I will try to repent for my mistake." MPA Asad was saying such types of things in his speech. 

Every newscaster was listening to him with attention and a smirk. They all knew that this type of speech is just to satisfy his voters. 

After the speech, the questions answer section started. 

"There are many promises which you have made in your speech. How many promises will you fulfill? What is your guarantee that Amna's case will not be repeated?" Farwa asked with a forced smile on her face.

"I will complete my every promise. And I give you guarantee that not a single girl would have fame like Amna in our country. I will take care of it. Next question! " MPA answered her with enthusiasm and quickly went to another media person. 

"Another promise in this answer! " Farwa thought with bitterness. 


Fatima was sitting in the lounge of her room and was scrolling social media on her Iphone. She was wearing a loose white shirt and trouser, and her hair was tied in a tight bun. 

Her mobile started ringing and call notification came on screen. An unknown number was on screen. 

"Assalam o Alaikum" 

She remained silent for some minutes and listened to the other person. 

"It is really a great deed. Please visit our office in Lahore and I will assist you. Thank you so much for this kindness!" Fatima exclaimed with happiness. 

She cut the call and dialled Zonia's number. 

"Yes Fatima? " Zonia said while yawning. 

"Zonia are you sleeping? At this hour of day? " she asked with a slack jaw. 

"Fatima! You too! " Zonia said with shock. 

"You people never call me in the middle of my duty and never ask me why I'm not sleeping at this hour! I have completed my twenty four hour duty and now I'm sleeping! " Zonia said with still shock and anger. And Fatima smiled at her words. 

"Ok, Ok sorry! Dr. Zonia forgive me!" Fatima said while laughing. 

"Ok, dude. Dr. Zonia forgive you!" Zonia said and started laughing. 

"Ok, now listen to the news for which I have called you." Fatima said with excitement. 

"Tell me quickly!"

"Amna has got a sponsor. One of the best sponsors of our NGO wanted to sponsor her. Now, Amna will get the best education and other necessities of life". Fatima said with happiness. 

"This is great news dear! Alhamdulillah! " 

Zonia became excited and content at this news. She got attached with Amna during her stay in hospital. So, this news really made her happy. 


Hooriya was ascending the stairs with irritation on her face. Her long black hair was tied in a ponytail and she was wearing an orange colour shirt with white trouser. She went toward the living room, stood in front of the door and took a deep sigh before entering the room. 

"Assalam o Alaikum" She said when entered into the room and adopting a pleasant smile for this situation. 

In the room, her mother, Mrs. Saleem and Mrs. Aslam were sitting. 

"Walaikum Assalam" They replied back and Hooriya sat near her mother. 

"What are you doing now a days Hooriya? " Mrs. Saleem asked her with interest evident on her face. 

"Nothing special. Just writing my other novel." Hooriya shrugged her shoulders. 

"That's good. We are eager to read that book." Mrs. Aslam said while sipping the tea.

After this, those three ladies started gossiping about other women and about the fashion. 

"I have heard that you are looking for a daughter-in-law. Is it true?"

Hooriya's mother casually asked to Mrs. Saleem. 

"I was looking for my daughter in law. But, now Alhamdulillah I have found her. She is doing BS Maths from Punjab University." Mrs. Saleem said proudly. 

Hooriya's mother became pale at listening this. Her jaw slack and eyes widened with shock. Hooriya smiled bitterly at this conversation. 

"Congratulations dear!" Mrs

Aslam said with a smile. 

"Thank you so much. I'm so happy at finding such a beautiful, energetic and extroverted daughter-in-law. Me and my son have just fallen for her." And with it, she started praising her son, soon to be daughter-in-law and herself. 

Hooriya started getting irritated by this conversation. 

"Excuse me." She said with a forced smile and went toward her room. 

After half an hour, she decided to go back to the living room. She entered, but stopped at the door. Haadi was also sitting in the room. Maybe, he came here to pick up his mother, Mrs. Aslam. 

Haadi's eyes diverted toward the entrance and stopped for some seconds. Fair complexion, black long hair and doe like eyes, that girl was mesmerizing. He stared at hed for some seconds but then realized the mistake and quickly diverted his gaze from her. 

Hooriya also realized her mistake and quickly ran for her hijab. Her cheeks were red due to embarrassment. 

This time, she took fifteen minutes to come back with an orange hijab wrapped around her head. But, guests had already gone from the house. That boy with dark brown orbs and a handsome face had gone from her house. And her mother was ready to gossip about them. 

"Hooriya, have you noticed the attitude of Mrs. Saleem? " Her mother said with anger. Hooriya sighed and sat near her. She knew this conversation would be a long one. 


Fatima's car stopped near the gypsies area. Miss Sadia was teaching children and they all were reading and writing with enthusiasm. 

"Assalam o Alaikum children!" Fatima said with a shrill voice. 

"Walaikum Aslaam" Children replied in unison. 

Fatima smiled at them. 

"Miss Sadia, what is the progress? " she asked her. 

"Children are learning basics very efficiently. Their parents are also satisfied with this program. Maybe, they will agree to admit them to school." Miss Sadia gave her report.

"Don't talk about school till they complete the basic level. After that, started telling them about the advantages of school life. When the children are ready, I will meet the parents and will convince them for school." Fatima said to her on which she nodded her head. 

"Ok children, one by one come to me for a test." Fatima said to the group of children and sat on one of the chairs. 

First child, Moeez came near her. 

"What do you do?" She asked him with a smile. 

"I do miscellaneous tasks at auto workshops," he replied. 

Fatima then asked him some questions about studies, which he replied very efficiently. He was a committed and hard working boy and was learning things efficiently. His small hands had scars on them due to work in an auto shop and this made her heart to bleed. 

Another child, Sumera, came near her.

"I make wooden toys and then sell them on the road." That six year old girl replied with a shy smile. 

Fatima saw her face which had blue orbs and pink white complexion. Her hair was also silky and brownish. But, there was dirt on her clothes and face. Fatima realized that if this child was born in a rich or influenced family, then maybe she got the award of most beautiful child of Pakistan. She was such an attractive girl, but she was getting wasted for earning money. 

Fatima gently smiled at her, which she returned with a shy smile. Indeed, she was an adorable child. 

Another child, Awais, came near her. 

"I work at a construction site." He replied. His hands also had scars due to the heavy work. Fatima noticed that he had a very cute smile and dimples do form on both cheeks. Innocence and shyness was on his face while replying to Fatima's questions. 

One by one, many children came near her. Fatima was amazed at their intelligence and committed nature. 

"Many true gems of our society are getting wasted on the streets." She thought with sadness. 


"Today, you all have seen MPA Asad's press conference. Court has given punishment to him and has secured Amna's future. But my question is, Is it enough? Is this punishment enough to protect a human's rights? Do you think that poor people got justice in this society? To discuss these all questions, head of NGO, Mr Anwar is our guest today. And also MNA Rasheed has joined us.

Assalam o Alaikum" Farwa was hosting her show.

In that whole show, she discussed MPA Asad's press conference and Amna's case.

Her boss was happy with the ratings of that show in which Fatima was invited. So, he asked her to conduct another show on this issue. 

Fatima was seeing that show on the LCD of her lounge. She bitterly smiled at Mr. Anwar's

 fake sympathy toward Amna. She knew he let her lead Amna's case just because of fame and for such shows. 



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