Chaos Chapter 2

Farwa was ascending the stairs of the building. Tiredness and irritation were prominent on her face but her gait and demeanor still had an elegance. She stopped near a door and fished out keys from her bag, and opened the door of her apartment. The Lavish setting of the apartment came into view when she opened the door. And with it, Loneliness and silence also hit us. She took shower and then went into the kitchen to make coffee for herself. 

After some minutes, she came into the lounge and sat on one of the couches. She switched on the LCD hanging in front of her and took a sip of coffee. Recitation of the Quran echoed in the apartment as soon as the LCD open. Farwa put aside the remote and closed her eyes to feel the essence of the Quran. Beautiful recitation of the Quran with explanation was going on and it was filling the apartment with voice, vanishing the gloomy silence. 

"Allah is sufficient as a friend and Allah is sufficient as a helper"

The verse of Surah Nisa was going on and it was like soothing water on Farwa's tired nerves. In her lonely life, recitation of the Quran soothed and helped her heart. 


The blue pen was in between the beautifully manicured fingers of Hooriya. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she was engulfed in writing the scenes of her novel. On the top of the page, the "Prologue" heading was present. 

'I can't bear more violence and more wars now.' Humanity says this with tears in his eyes. Scenes of World War 1 and World War 2 come in front of his eyes. 

'We are the weakest feelings of the world. Humans don't give importance to us. Some even don't know that we exist in the world. Humans have become the most brutal creature of the world.' Tears start rolling down from Humanity's eyes. Love and Innocence are seeing him with helplessness.

"Hooriya get ready! We have to leave for the party in fifteen minutes"

Hooriya's train of thoughts got interrupted by her mother's voice. She sighed in defeat and went to the washroom. 


There was complete silence in the Children's Ward when Zonia was checking the patients. She checked a patient, and went toward the next bed, giving a sweet smile to the children while checking him or her. Her eyes were also roaming the faces of their parents who had hope and hopelessness in their eyes and expressions. Her heart felt a pang gazing at those helpless parents. She came near bed 20 and started checking the boy. That boy was nine and he was a cute boy. He met with an accident and got some serious injuries. After spending two nights in ICU, he was now in the ward and was in much better condition. Zoniya did his checkup and smiled at his fast progress. His parents were also standing near the bed with hope rippling in their eyes. 

Zonia went to the other child's bed and started checking her. At that moment, a nurse came into the ward and gave a slip to the parents of bed number 20 patient. 

"What is this? " Father asked the nurse. 

"We will have to do some tests on your child. This is the bill of those tests." Nurse replied. 

Father's eyes widened at seeing the bill. 

Zonia saw those shocked expressions with grief. The hospital was a private and popular one so its treatment was expensive. Mostly, people from high society get their treatment from this hospital. 

But, this family was not a rich one. They were middle class and were giving the best treatment to their sick child. Expenses of the hospital were making them bankrupt but they had to tolerate it for their child. Zonia felt bad for them. She came near Father and took the bill from his hand. 

She frowned at the bill and details of the medical tests. She came near the nurse and asked. 

"Why is Dr. Shahid asking for this test? Boy doesn't need this treatment anymore," she asked this question in a very low voice. 

"I don't know about it. Dr. Shahid just gave me the bill and asked me to give them" the Nurse replied. 

Zonia again glanced at the worried and red face of the father. There was helplessness on his face. Zonia can't tolerate those expressions, so she came out of Ward and her eyes fell upon Zohaib.

"Dr. Zohaib" she called out and rushed toward him. Zohaib stopped and turned around to see Zonia coming toward him. 

"Doctor, how much money is in your pocket at this moment?" she asked him, swiftly. Though Zohaib became confused at her question, he still replied. 

"Good! now listen to me" Zonia became excited at listening to the amount present in Zohaib's pocket, and started telling him about the family. 

"Blood test of the boy was not needed but still Dr. Shahid is asking for it. It is strange!" Zohaib said with lower eyebrows and a wrinkled nose, and he decided to help that family. 

Zonia took money from him, added some from her pocket, and paid the bill. 

"Nurse" she called out to the nurse who had a bill in her hand. 

"Bill is paid but you will not tell this to the family. Don't even mention it." Zonia whispered to her. 

"Ok, ma'am" Nurse replied with an excited smile on her face. 

Zonia came into the Ward and stood near the tensed family. 

"Sir" she called that child's father. 

"Yes?" he asked. 

"Nurse was on the mistake. That bill was for someone else. You don't need to pay that bill" Zonia assured him. 

"Ok. Thank you" Father's expressions got relaxed and his eyes squinted slightly at the news. 

Zonia smiled at him. 

She moved toward other patients of Ward but had taken the mental note to ask about this from Dr. Shahid.

"Why did that patient still need that blood test when he had recovered a lot?"


"Around the world, there are 30 million children that are on the move within and between countries, with 1.2 million of them just in Pakistan. Most of these children live on the streets, do not have access to the necessities of life, and are involved in some form of labor. In Pakistan, over 12.5 million children are involved in child labor. 89% of these children are school drop out and 56% of them do not want to go back to school. The main reason for this situation is corporal punishment. Many girls got married under the age of fifteen. Due to famine and extreme poverty, many children are suffering from diseases or are malnourished. Children who lost their parents also need our help. Our NGO tends to help such children of Pakistan. We want to approach every single suffering child of Pakistan. And for this purpose, we want your help. Please do a donation for these children, and also ask others for the donation. Thank you".

Everyone clapped when the head of the NGO finished his speech. 

The scene was of a hall in Islamabad where a charity show had been going on. Different donors attended the party to donate to the NGO. Donors and members of the NGO were enjoying the party and also donated to the organization. Among the members of the organization, Fatima was also present. She was talking to different guests at the party and was urging them to donate as much as they can. Happiness flashed on her face whenever someone donated money. Many hopeful and innocent faces of children remained in front of her eyes. 


Fake laughter and fake smiles were on every woman's face who was present at the tea party of Mrs. Aslam. Among those fake smiles, one irritated face was also present. Hooriya was looking at every person with wrinkled nose and narrowed eyes. These high society conversations, fake laughter, fake sympathies; all were making her feel irritation and out of place. Her mother had glared at her one or two times but she ignored it. Fake things were not part of her pure nature. She left the hall and went into the garden of the house. Breeze was blowing and birds were chirping which made Hooriya's muscles relaxed and a true smile adorned her face. 

"Alhamdulillah" she said with closed eyes. 

She was wearing white maxi with black embroidery on it with black hijab wrapped around her head. Her demeanour was decent yet elegant. 

She was observing the beautiful flowers of the garden when she heard a male voice.

"When will this boring party be finished?My head is now aching because of these women. " 

Hooriya furrowed at this sentence and stepped forward to see the man. Garden was in L shape. On one side of the Garden, Hooriya was standing and, after the turn, two boys were sitting. Hooriya came near the turn and peeked on the other side. Boys were sitting with their backs toward her.

"Haadi, be patient! These feminists will go to their home after solving issues of society. Let them solve the issues of society. Otherwise, these feminist will get offend". Other boy said this sarcastically. Hooriya's blood boiled and her face flushed at that sassy comment. 

"Shut up Naveed!" Haadi said with anger.

"I'm telling you the truth of feminism, dude" Naveed replied. 

This comment twitched her patience and she stepped toward them with confidence and offense was evident on her face. Both males felt some movement beside them and they turned around to gaze at the person. 

Hooriya's gaze landed on Haadi's face. He seemed to be in his early thirties and had dark brown eyes with black silky hair. There was a small beard on his fair complexion. 

"Do you need anything?" Haadi asked in a slightly cold voice. 

"What are your problems with feminists?" she directly asked Naveed with a piercing gaze. Naveed's face became pale at her words but he suddenly composed himself. 

"Why are you asking? Are you also a feminist? " he again asked sarcastically while wrinkling his nose. 

"I'm a Muslim and Muslim girls don't need feminism. Because our religion, Islam, is a feminist religion." Hooriya said with firmness in her tone. 

Naveed became surprised at her comment. Haadi's face became serious with her words. They both were standing on one side and Hooriya was standing alone, in front of them with furious expressions. 

"Then why does you need feminist campaign? Can't you just rely on Islamic teachings? " Naveed asked furiously with the same piercing gaze.

"We can rely on Islamic teachings. But, we need feminist campaign because of your types of men who can't give respect and rights to women. " She said furiously and glanced both of them. Haadi's face looked impressed with her words. 

"You fool.... " Naveed was going to curse but was cut off by Haadi. 

"Enough now! Naveed please leave my house. And you young lady, please go into the hall. I'm sorry that you became offended by my friend's words." Haadi said angrily to Naveed, but his tone became soft and apologetic with Hooriya. 

"You should be sorry!" She said furiously. 

"We are! Please don't get furious. I'm requesting you." Haadi said with helplessness.

Hooriya saw his face and took a deep sigh to control her frenzy nerves

"Okay. I'm sorry to get furious." She also said with nonchalant expressions. 

"Please go and enjoy the party." Haadi again said. 

Hooriya nodded her head and left the place while giving a last glare to Naveed. 


"Mrs. Saleem was asking again and again about you. She was deeply impressed by your beauty, your elegance and your writing skills. She was praising you again and again. Oh my Allah! I have become hopeful for you Hooriya. Maybe, she is interested in making you her daughter-in-law."

Hooriya's mother was chanting with excitement. They both were sitting in the back seat of car and Hooriya's mother was telling her about her conversation with Mrs. Saleem. 

"Mom, praising anyone doesn't mean that the other one is interested in marrying your daughter. Maybe, she is just talking about me, without any specific intentions. " Hooriya said with irritation. 

"No! I feel her specific intention. She was looking for a girl to marry her son and she liked you for this purpose." Mrs. Hassan said this with firmness. Hooriya sighed at this. 

"I'm thinking of inviting her to our house for tea. What do you think?" Mrs. Hassan again asked with excitement. 

"As you wish " Hooriya muttered helplessly.


"Oh my God, I'm getting late. Uff! " Zonia was muttering this and was getting ready. She quickly tied her hair in a pony and put lipstick on her lips. She was wearing a peach colour shirt and trouser, with peach staller around her neck. 

She put on her shoes and descended the stairs in a hurry. 

"Zonia breakfast is ready! Come on! " Zonia's maid shouted. 

"Aww Aunty, love you so much!" Zonia exclaimed and kissed Maid's cheeks. Maid blushed and laughed at her comment. 

She quickly finished her breakfast and rushed out of the house. 

She was relaxed and happy that she would not be late. But, to her bad luck, a traffic jam was on her way. 

"Shit! " she muttered with frustration and hit the steering wheel. She was surely going to be late and was going to face the wrath of Dr. Shahid. 

Zonia rushed into the hospital and saw the time. She was twenty minutes late. 

"I'm dead now!" she muttered while completing her attendance. 

She entered the Children Ward and found out that patient of bed 20 is getting discharged. His parents were collecting their belongings and the boy was standing near them with happiness rippling in his dark orbs. 

"Going home? " Zonia asked with a smile 

"Yes doctor! I'm fine now." Boy said this with happiness. Zonia smiled at him and nodded her head. 

At that moment, a nurse came into the Ward and told Zonia that Dr. Shahid is calling her. 

"Allah please help me. " Zonia muttered while going toward Dr. Shahid's office. 

"May I come in sir? " she asked.

"Yes". Dr. Shahid replied while checking the file. 

"Miss Zonia you are late today. What is the reason for it? " He asked her while taking off his glasses and asking him with stoic expressions

"There was a traffic jam on the road , that's why I got late." She replied while lowering her gaze. 

"Next time, leave your house earlier so that you can't get late by any chance. You may leave now. "Dr. Shahid said while checking some files. 

Zonia's eyes widened at his last sentence. 

"He seemed to be in a good mood, that's why he dismissed me so early. " She thought with squinted eyes. 

"Sir, May I ask you something." Zonia said this. She wanted to clear her confusion as soon as possible. 

"Yes?" Dr. Shahid stopped doing his work and gave full attention to her. 

"Yesterday, you asked for a blood test of bed 20 in Children Ward."

"Maybe, I have asked for it." Dr. Shahid said with carelessness. 

"But why sir? That patient didn't need that. In fact, he is getting discharged today. So why? " Zonia asked the question with hesitation. 

Dr. Shahid took a deep sigh at her question. 

"No, that boy didn't need that blood test. But, I still asked for it." Dr. Shahid replied in nonchalant expressions. 

"But why sir?" Zonia became shocked at his words. 

"Dr. Zonia I also advised you to do such activity whenever a patient is going to discharge. Our hospital is a private one and we need more money for it. Our need for money can only be fulfilled by such tests or reports. For the sake of our hospital, these tests are important. I hope you understand my words and will act upon it." 

Dr. Shahid again started checking the files. 

"But sir, it is not right." Zonia whispered. She was shocked at Dr. Shahid's words. 

"What is wrong with it?" Dr. Shahid asked with a frown. 

"Zonia, we need a vast amount of money for our hospital. If we don't get that enormous amount, our hospital will not work properly. It will not be able to facilitate different patients in the country." Dr. Shahid said in a convincing manner. 

Zonia became confused and tensed at this conversation, nevertheless nodded her head. She came out of the office with confusion in her mind. 


Farwa was hosting her show while resting her back to seat. MNA of opposing political party was sitting in front of her and was criticizing the government. Farwa was listening to him with a forced smile on her face. 

In between the show, she got breaking news. She paused her show and started reading the news which was showing on the screen in front of her.

"A severely beaten maid of MPA is recovered from their house. Maid is just ten years old and her whole body has different scars on it. For more details, remain with us." Farwa read the news with a wrinkled nose. 

Anger rushed in her veins at this news. 


Fatima was sitting in her room and was watching the show of Farwa on television. She was in one of the rooms of the Islamabad hotel. 

She heard the breaking news about the maid and became anxious. She changed the channel and on other news channels, details of this news were present. Picture of that maid was also being shown on screen. Fatima gasped at seeing the deformed face of that maid who was brutally beaten by MPA's family. 

Fatima quickly took her staller and rushed out of the room. She went toward the main office of the NGO. 


Fatima knocked on the door of the NGO's head's office. 

"Yes? " Voice came from inside, so she stepped into the office. 

"Sir, have you seen the case of the maid servant of MPA? " she asked without taking a pause. 

"Yes, I have seen it. And I'm thinking of doing a press conference on this issue." Head replied while eyeing her flushed face. 

"Someone also has to go to the police station. That girl is in bad condition, we should help her." she said with emotions rippling in her tone. 

"Police is doing it's work, Fatima. Be patient!" Head rebuked her. 

"Sir, please let me go. I don't think the police will do it's work properly. " Fatima said in a begging tone. 

Mr. Anwar put off his glasses and thought of the situation. 

"Positive role of ours in this case will benefit the NGO. People will admire and consider our work." He thought

"Ok, you may go to the police station. Case is registered in Lahore police station, so quickly leave. It will take your five to six hours to reach Lahore." Mr. Anwar said.

Fatima nodded her head, thanked him and left for Lahore. 

After she left the office, Mr. Anwar called the media person to come to his office. He wanted to do the press conference as soon as possible.Because, it will benefit their NGO's image. 


After five hour of driving, Fatima reached the police station. She was tired like hell but she was motivated to help the maid girl. She locked the car,put off her sunglasses  and entered the police station with her graceful demeanour. 


SP Farhan was sitting on his chair and staring at the people in front of him with narrowed eyes and his vein of forehead was pulsing. 

In front of his chair, the MPA's lawyer was sitting and on the side bench, a family of the maid was present. Maid girl was also sitting with them with ducked head. Some people in the media were standing outside of his office and were eager to know about the case. Lawyer and family were asking to not file FIR of this case. But, his duty was asking him to file the case. He was getting annoyed with the situation. Irritation and anger had filled his nerves. 

With his annoyed expressions, he glanced toward the door and found a graceful lady entering the office with stoic expressions. Lady was wearing a lemon colour shirt with white trouser. Sunglasses were on her head and lemon colour staller was wrapped around her neck. With a resolute gait and burning gaze fixed on him, she approached them. 

"Yes? How can I help you? " Farhan asked her with seriousness on his face. 

"I'm a social worker and work under an NGO." She replied while extending her card towards him. He took the card, and muttered the name. "Fatima Effendi"

He glanced toward the graceful lady whose posture was stiff. 

"I'm here for the case of maid girl, Amna. Please tell me how much it has proceeded?" Fatima said as soon as Farhan had read her card. 

"We don't want any case Ma'am. We can handle it by ourselves." Amna's mother said to her with irritation. 

"Why don't you need the case? Have you not seen your daughter's condition?" Fatima asked them with fury in her eyes. 

"We don't want her to go to court. There will be so many men in the court who will see her. Our family will not allow it." Amna's father said with fake pride in his tone. 

Fatima's blood boiled at his words and she fisted her hands to control her anger. SP Farhan remained sitting there just glancing at Fatima continuously changing expressions

"You can send your daughter to another man's house for money. She can live and serve another man but she can't take a stand for her justice. What type of parents are you? You are not filing the case because you want to send your daughter back to MPA's house. You still are just worrying about money. " Fatima said with a tense jaw and ragging breath.

All the people were silent and were looking at her anger. 

She turned toward SP Farhan and said to him in between her gritted teeths. 

"What are you waiting for? Do you also want money from MPA? Do you want bribery from him? " 

Farhan's blood boiled at her words and He clenched his fist with anger. 

"I'm not a corrupted person Miss. I am waiting for them to report the case. Without them filing case, I'm not able to do any action" Farhan said while pointing toward parents. 

"Don't file the case. This issue can be solved without it." Lawyer interrupted, hurriedly. 

"This issue can also be solved in Court. You can use your skills in court, but not here. So, let the police do it's work." She said to the lawyer in between the gritted teeths. 

"SP Farhan, Amna will herself report the case." Fatima said and turned toward Amna who remained silent in this whole conversation. 

"Amna, come and tell him what happened to you. Tell him everything without any reluctance." Fatima said to her with affection. 

Reluctance and fear marred that child's expressions and she glanced at her parent's faces who were signalling her not to tell anything. 

Fatima noted this situation with fury increasing in her. 

"Our law states that if the guardians or the person who has the charge on the child willfully exposes him to physical or mental suffering or does not provide him with basic necessities shall be punished by the government. So, do you both want the punishment? Do I file the case against you? Do you want to go to jail?" She asked the parents while folding her arms on her chest.

"I think you should file the case against them. Just because of them, the case is still not filed." SP Farhan added with fury. Anger and irritation was also maring his expressions and he wanted to file the case. 

"No, no please. Do as you wish." Both parents said in unison with fear on their face. 

"Good" Fatima muttered and signalled Amna to speak. 



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