Her Soulmate- Epilogue

"Every end has a new beginning"

Mid May

Hassan and Salma is sitting in the lounge of Salma's house. Ayesha is sleeping in her room.
"How are you Salma? " Hassan asks.
"I'm fine. How is your life going on? " she asks.
"Hmm.. Good" And again awkward silence prevails between them.
"Salma.. You know Sohail while dying gives me the duty to help you and take care of Ayesha. I want to fulfill that duty, that promise." Hassan says with firm determination.
A smile comes on Salma's face.
"You are helping me. You told me about stitching school. Due to your help, I am able to earn money. So, you are a great help for me.You have told me the ways to earn money"
"Yeah... But, it will be difficult for you to live a lonely life. So, I want to make you a part of my life. I want to make you my wife and Ayesha my daughter" Hassan says.
A sad smile appears on Salma's face.
"Thank you so much for your proposal but I don't want to be in the tie of marriage. For me and my daughter, Allah is enough. Ayesha will also become disturb at this relationship. She just love Sohail and will never be ready to give his place to any one" Salma gives him a detailed answer.
"Salma please think once about it." Hassan pleads to her.
"I appreciate your thinking and consideration. But trust me ASP, this marriage will never give happiness to anyone of us. I am a married woman who has seven year old girl. Your family will never be happy at this marriage. Society will keep on taunting you about this marriage and I don't have an ounce of courage to face them. You will also get tired with these taunts. Secondly, Ayesha will be distress at this new relationship. And I don't want it. So, please forget about this proposal." She clearly replies him. There is firmness in her tone. Hassan sighs in defeat and left the place.

After Hassan leaves the place, Salma takes a deep sigh. She stares at the sky which is getting dark now.
"Nikkah and Divorce, these two words are so strong. They can easily changes a person's life. Husband wife relationship is indeed a very different type of relation in the world. This relationship gets started with a word, Nikkah; and get finishes with a word, divorce. After Nikkah a person's feelings changes magically, love just comes into his heart after this beautiful ritual. But, Divorce also changes a person's feelings, hatred and bitterness enters into a person's heart after this word. Same thing happens with me. After listening divorce words, Sohail looses all his respect and love in my heart. He remains nothing to me after that bitterness. But still, a small flame of love, some remains of past memories remain with a person throughout his life. Sohail initiate that flame of love with his death. And this is enough for me" she mutters this to herself.

Hassan is lying on his bed and is using his mobile. Facebook app is opened infront of him and he is staring at the pictures of Daneen and Faris. They have come back from their trip and now some pictures has been uploaded on their ID.
Hassan is staring at one picture in which Daneen and Faris is standing with each other. Smile is on their face and genuine happiness in their eyes.
Hassan stare at the picture and then throw the mobile away.
"Daneen is happy in her life. Now it's your turn to move on. Maybe a new relationship will add beautiful colours in your life. Just take a decision Hassan! " Hassan mutters it to himself.
He again picked the mobile and dialled his sister's number.
"How are you my sisso?" He says when call is recieved.
"You told me about a girl"
"Yes... Yes.. That's one"
"I'm ready to get married. So, you can say yes to that girl's family"
"Ok sisso"
Hassan ended the call after completing his conversation.
He sighs and switched off his mobile.

"Time to start a new chapter of life!" he mutters to himself.
End of May:

Daneen is feeling sad in this burning morning. It is her birthday and no one is here to wish her. Faris is not being at home since the Mid May. He is in a mission and Daneen has not any idea 
where he is. Whole night, she keeps on waiting for his call or for any message from him. But, her wait remains wait and he doesn't show up.
It is now noon and Daneen decided to take a trip of city. She takes the keys of car and starts roaming on roads. She stops in a park and spend some time there with other children. She plays with them and buys a lot of snacks for them. From there, she sets for shopping. She does some shopping and then decided to go back to home.

She entered the house which is full of darkness. She goes toward switch board and switches on the lights. Whole house flooded with lights and there is beautiful decoration in the lounge. Daneen's eyes widened at the sight and her heart beats loudly. She comes near the decorated table which is covered with pink cloth. On the table, Daneen is written with the help of flower petals, and in between of it, pink colour cake is present.
"Happy Birthday Dear wife"
This is written on the cake. Daneen's eyes lit with happiness at seeing this. Different balloons are also present on table or on the wall. It all looks so romantic and so beautiful. On the wall, there are some pictures hanging with a string. These are the pictures of Daneen when she is staring at the beautiful flowers in Deosai Plain. These are those pictures which Faris secretly clicks and Daneen doesn't know about them. Daneen is looking at pictures and her eyes are getting widened, not due to happiness but due to anger. In the pictures, Daneen is just looking like a fool who is for the first time seeing the things. She is staring at flowers with her mouth opened and dumb expressions on her face. Daneen is looking at pictures and shock is building in her.
"So, how was the surprise? " she turned toward the voice. Faris is standing beside her.
He is standing there with hands in her pockets and a smile on his face. He is looking so weak that Daneen's heart pinched at his state.
"Faris! " she hugged her.
"Do you like the surprise? " he asks.
"Yes. I like it so much. Thank you to make this day special" she says.
"Today my mission got completed so I'm here for holidays" he replied with happiness.
"Thank God! " she says with excitement.
"Let's cut the cake. I'm starving" Daneen says while pulling him with her.
She cuts the cake and Faris sing birthday song for her. She cut the piece and moves her arm toward Faris. Faris is going to eat the piece when Daneen slams the piece on his face. His whole face is covered with cake now.
"This is for these pictures" she says while pointing towards her dumbfounded pictures.
"Uff Daneen! " he says with irritation. Daneen again cut the piece and now moves it toward his lips. He eats that piece with anger and irritation on face.
Daneen has now satisfied expressions on her face.
Two years later:
End of October:

Ayesha is sitting in her academy. She is revising her lesson when fourteen year Junaid comes and sits near her. Her body get stiffened at this and fear clutches her heart. She still feels afraid of men. She glances at Junaid who is busy in his homework. Ayesha creates a reasonable distance and starts doing her work.

This fear, this uneasiness is part of her life now. She is trying to get rid of it but she is not able to do that. She is the survivor of a worst crime, and such survivors lead a difficult life. They are unhappy with new relationships, they are afraid of men, and they are trying their best to act like a normal human being. Such survivors lead a life full of dilemmas and the worst part of it is that society's other members doesn't realize their struggle.
Today, a baby Faris is resting on her lap. She is staring at his small hands and legs. A small smile is on baby's face. Salma and Ayesha is also with her in the room of hospital.
"Congratulations " Salma congratulates her which she recieved with a smile. Her heart is blooming at seeing her son but, it is also sad because Faris is not with them. He is not here to see his son. He has been on a mission and this time Daneen is confirmed that he is out of country. There is no way to contact him. A sad smile appears on Daneen's lips.

Ayesha is standing near the baby and is seeing him with great interest and love. She is touching his hands and legs and has a wide smile on her face.
"You love the baby? " Daneen asks her. "Yes" she eagerly nodded her head.
"You can visit our house and can play with the baby whenever you want. No one will hurt you" Daneen says it with an assuring smile.
Ayesha's eyes glint with happiness.
"Ok" she says with great happiness. Both Daneen and Salma smiled at her eagerness and happiness.

End of November:

Saad is now one month old. Daneen has not heared anything about Faris in this past month. He doesn't know about his son. Daneen is now getting sad and upset due to this. A big happiness has come in their life and they are not together to celebrate it. It is true that soldiers life and his family's life is a hard one.

It was also a sad evening of November when her mobile rings. She recieves the call.
"Hello? " she asks
"My dear wife, how are you? " Faris's voice filled an energy and happiness in her veins.
"FARIS! " she shrieked with happiness. "Yup! " he replies.
"Faris! Faris you know we have become parents. A real baby Faris is lying in my lap at this time" she tells him with happiness.
A pause can be felt from other side.
"When!? When we become parents? " he asked with disbelief. He is away from a long time so he has no idea about anything.
"Saad is now one month old" she tells him.
"One month! Ohh. I can't believe it. I will try my best to complete the mission as soon as possible. And will try my best to be with you and my son." he says with deep emotions. Daneen smiled at this.
"In Sha Allah" she says.
Mid March:

Faris is staring at his son. Today, he has come back from the mission and now, for the first time, is holding his son. Saad is now almost six months old and he is also staring at the new face with confused eyes. Faris has a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes. He is seeing his son's confused face with great affection.
Daneen puts her hand on his shoulder. Faris glances at her. Both are staring at each others eyes and their lips are smiling. Saad is staring them with confused face.
Five years later:

Saad is walking in between his parents. They are currently in a park for a walk. Daneen and Faris sit on a bench and Saad started playing with other children of park. He is of friendly nature and can easily make friends. Daneen and Faris is watching him with a wide smile.
"Life has been completed due to his presence" Faris mutters at seeing the laughing face of Saad.
"Yeah" Daneen says.
Their life depends on Saad.

Faris puts his hand on Daneen's hand and a smile creeps on Daneen's face. This smile, this laughter is a part of her life.
        The End


  1. After every difficulty there is ease. Indeed

    I love this story...please continue writing more novel I have read both novel .....in love with your writing. ❤️


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