Her Soulmate Chapter 24


Mid January:

"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin"

It has been five days since Sohail died.  Ayesha has not been going to school. She is still having a high fever and she is continuously calling Sohail. Salma's heart has got patience at the death of Sohail, but she is deeply worried about Ayesha.
"Ayesha" Salma called her who is lying on the bed.
"Take the medicine dear" Salma says and puts the tablet on her palm. She gulps the tablet and again lies down. Her fever has becomes favourably low at this time.
"Ayesha" Salma lies near her and starts running her fingers in Ayesha's hair.
"Hmm" Ayesha replies.
"My daughter, if you feel better by tomorrow, you will have to go to school" Salma says to her.
Tears comes in Ayesha's eyes.
"I don't want to go" she mutters.
"Ayesha it is the necessity. Your father wants you to get education. He wants you to prosper in life. He is no more with you but you can complete his dreams. You are a good daughter so you should have to fulfill your father's wish" Salma says in a calming tone.
Ayesha thinks about it and then nodded her head. She wants to make her father proud and happy.
Salma smiled at her daughter.
"Mama, I'm still scared of people" she whispers.
Salma know this fact. A girl who has been raped can never lead a normal life. Her innocence, her childhood gets finished. Same thing happens with Ayesha. But, she is still struggling with life. She is a strong person.
"Ayesha, be strong my dear. Nothing will happen to you. Allah is here for your help. He will protect you." Salma assured her. Ayesha nodded her head and whisper good night to her mother.
Faris is lying on his bed. His eyes and nose is red and he is continuously coughing. He has high fever and sore throat.
Daneen entered into the room with a bowl of soup. Faris's face twisted with disgust at seeing the bowl.
"You are continuously giving me this thing. I'm tired of this" he becomes irritated with such food.
"Haww... Why? " Daneen asks with fake innocence. Faris glared at her.
"Your cooking skills are soo good that a person can die after eating it" he taunt her, just to irritate her. She feels angry at the taunt, but then she decided to irritate him more.
"Is they are such good? Oh my God! What a compliment! Now you have to drink two bowls of it" she says while giving bowl into his hands.
Faris glared at her with boiling head.
"Start eating Faris. You have to take medicine after it" she again says.
Faris gulped his anger and also a sip of soup. His face again twisted with disgust.
"I'm not eating it. What the heck it is?" he really becomes angry.
"Doctor has advised to give you food in liquid form. So, soup is the best option" she replies very calmly.
"Is it the only thing available? " Faris again says.
Now, Daneen is loosing her patience.
"No, your favourite cereal is also an option. If you say,  I can also give it to you" She says with great irritation.
Veins bulged in Faris's forehead due to anger. He puts the bowl on side table and completely lie down on bed. Daneen sees his angry face and a smile comes on her face.
"Ok. I'm sorry. Please eat it. From tomorrow, I will give you some solid food " she says in a caring tone. Faris peeps at her and again straighten himself on bed.
Daneen takes the bowl in her hand.
"I will feed you" she says.
Slowly, she starts feeding Faris. Faris eat the souo without any complaint. A beautiful smile comes on Daneen's face. When, she is completely done with feeding, Faris takes her hand into his.
"I have got sure of one thing" he says in a loving way, holding her hand into his.
"Which thing?" she asks with excitement. That gesture is sending goosebumps on her arm.
"Poor quality food remains poor quality whether you eat it with your hands or from your wife's hands. Stupid are those dramas and novels who says that due to eating from wife's hands, food becomes sweet and bla bla" he says in a very thoughful manner.
Daneen glares at him with wide eyes. Whole mood of romance gets finished at his comment.
"You are such a.. " she doesn't complete her sentence and leave the room.
Laughter full of life emerges from Faris's mouth.

At night, Daneen is combing her hair and Faris is seeing her with love. She is completely ignoring him after the soup incident. A smile comes on Faris's face at seeing her angry face.
"I'm sorry Daneen but please remove the anger from your face" he says.
Daneen ignores him and lies down at her side.
"Ahh.. My head" Faris says while peeping toward Daneen. Daneen becomes conscious of his condition and quickly turned toward him.
"What happened? " she asks.
"My head" he again says.
Daneen comes near him and starts massaging her forehead. She is doing this act and Faris is staring at her. Their eyes clashes and a bright smile comes on both's face.
"We can't go to Northern areas in these days" After half an hour, Faris speaks.
"Hmm.. Your condition is not better. But, we will go whenever we can" Daneen says with a smile.
"InshaAllah" Faris says with an assuring smile.

It is the morning time and Daneen is cleaning the house. Her mobile starts ringing so she stopped her work and glanced at the screen. There is some unknown number.
Daneen, with a frown, attended the call.
"Hello? " she asks.
"I'm Ahmad. How are you Daneen? " he asks in a low voice.
"What do you want? " she asks coldly.
"Me and my family is going to Australia. So, it is my last call to you." Daneen becomes quiet at this. Her only relatives are going away from her. They are leaving to avoid humiliation which they are facing due to their father's sins.
"Daneen? "
"I still love you" Daneen sighs at Ahmad's words.
"No Ahmad. It was just lust, not the love. Please don't humiliate the feeling of love. It is a very strong and pure relationship which you have never felt" she completed her sentence and cut the call.
The chapter of Ahmad has been finished from her life.

End of April:

" I hope you will like this dress" Salma is saying this to a fashion designer who is sitting near her.
"Hmm.. Design and stitching is very nice Salma. You have done a great job"
That fashion designer gets happy at the dresses which Salma stitch.
After death of Sohail, Hassan helps her in getting admission in a stitching school. Here,  Salma learns designing and stitching. After that, she starts contacting with some boutiques. Her work was admire by boutiques and now, she has completed her first order from a fashion designer.

Salma smiled at her comment.
"Thank you Mam" she replies with a bright smile.

In the end of meeting, Salma has a fair amount and a new order in her hands. Her heart is blooming with happiness. After a long struggle, she is at last progressing in her life. Her lifestyle has started improving. A new ray of hope is in her heart and a new motive is in her life. This hope, this objective has gave colours to her colourless life.
Things has started improving in Salma's life.
Flight announcement is echoing in the airport and with it, passengers started moving toward their flight. Daneen is getting excited as she and Faris is going to Gilgit Baltistan. It is the time of early morning and weather is pleasant at this time. They both entered into the flight and after some minutes they are in air.
"Uff!! It will be a great fun!" She says while rubbing her hands in excitement. Faris smiled at her.

After one hour and twenty minutes, they are standing in the airport of Gilgit. This is a small airport in which only local flights come.

Giligit Baltistan is one of the northern areas of Pakistan which is famous among tourist and it serves as a hub for trekking and mountaineering expeditions in the Karakoram Range.
It is home of mighty mountains, huge glaciers, vast forests, desert and is living museum of rich biodiversity of different rare species like Markhor, snow leopard etc. It is the beautiful city located in the valley near the intersection of Gilgit River and Hunza river.

Daneen inhales in the fresh air of this beautiful city. Valley, mountains, greenery, this all is making a breathtaking sight of the city. Weather is very pleasant in this area. Sun is shining but cold wind is also blowing.

They hired the taxi and hop into it. Taxi is moving into the city and Daneen is glancing at everything with great interest. People, routine lifestyle of this area is different and attractive.
Their taxi starts crossing the River Road. River is flowing here and a bridge type road is on the top of it.

Daneen is seeing every scene with a glint in her eyes. Happiness is in her eyes.

They stopped in a hotel and booked a room for them. The room is comfortable and beautiful. Daneen and Faris changed their clothes and take a nap.

After two hours, they awake from their slumber. Faris ordered the tea and Daneen stands near the window. Outside, it is pouring and also sun is shining. Daneen sees this miracle of nature. Faris stands beside her.
"This all is beautiful" she says with mesmerizing tone. Faris smiled at her.
"Yes. Thanks to Allah that He has blessed us with such beautiful country" he says.
"After drinking tea, we both are going outside" she says.
"Okie dokie" he replies with a wide smile.

After half an hour, they both are stalking into the marketplace of Gilgit. Beautiful art pieces, home utensils, gems are present in the area. Women and men are moving here and there for shopping. This area is famous for its dry fruits. So, Daneen and Faris buys a lot of these dry fruits. While stalking, Daneen stops near a shop and buys a beautiful art piece for Salma and Ayesha. She also buys a shawl for them. After doing some shopping and interacting with people, they both enters into a restaurant for dinner. They ordered Mutton Karahi for them. After chatting and eating, they both buys an ice cream cone for them. Cold wind is blowing and weather is becoming chilly.
"In such weather, we are eating ice cream. We will catch cold" Faris says with seriousness.
"It's okay. We can bear it. And it is such a fun to have ice cream in such weather" Daneen exclaimed with excitement.
Faris sees her excitement and shooks his head. This excitement and craziness is part of Pakistani nation.
Next day, they both plan to tour Deosai Plain. This place is one of the highest plateaus in the world.  For the most of the time of year, this place is covered with snow. There is also a lake and national park in it.

Daneen and Faris hop into a hired jeep and starts travelling toward the area. In their way, they bought a lot of snacks and sandwiches as there is no local food point in Deosai Plains.

After some travelling, they reached the place. Grass is covered with snow at some points. Daneen and Faris has never seen such scene in their life. They come down from the jeep and start walking in the plains. Mountains, greenery, snow everything is present in this area of world.

After walking for some time, their eyes landed on the different varieties of flowers. This plain has more than 200 different types of colourful flowers. Daneen and Faris's eyes widened with amazement on seeing such beautiful piece of nature. They start moving in between the flowers. Different colour which they have never seen in their life is present here.
"It's so beautiful" Daneen mutters.
"Yeah" Faris says. He takes some pictures of these flowers. After that, he starts taking pictures of Daneen who is still staring at the beautiful scene with amazed expressions. She is looking cute that a smile spreads on Faris's lips at seeing this.

After that, they start stalking toward the Sheosar Lake Deosai. The natural scenario of this sight is also mesmerizing and enchanting. In the background of beautiful lake mighty mountains of Nanga Parbat is visible.

"Faris let's take pictures here. We have not take a single picture of ours in this area" Faris smiled at her words.
"Ok" he says.
Nearby, a boy is standing. Faris asks him to take their picture. Boy agrees. Faris and Daneen stands in front of lake. Daneen is so excited that she quickly takes her position with Faris.
To her bad luck, her foot slips and, boy clicks the picture. In picture, she is going to hit the floor and Faris is seeing her.
When Daneen lands on the floor, another clicks come. Now, Daneen is sitting on floor with painful expressions and Faris is looking at her with worried expressions.
Boy laughs at the pose. Faris also wishes to laugh but he suppress it.
"Are you okay" he asks her. She doesn't reply, just glare at him.
Boy comes near them and gives Faris the camera and takes his leave.
"Hence proved, everything shown in the romantic movies and novels are false" she says.
"What? " Faris doesn't understand it.
"In movies, hero prevents the heroin from falling down by holding her waist. But, such scene doesn't happened with me. So, they are also a fake things" she replies with a fake sad sigh.
Faris laughes at her words.
"I'm a normal person. Not a super hero or some type of Romeo. I'm real life person" he replies with humour.
Daneen glares at his laughing face for some moments and then, she also starts laughing.

After that, they do picnic at this place, while staring at Nanga Parbat. The peace of this area is soothing there nerves.

After spending a long and tiring day, they both are lying on the bed.
"It was enjoyable day! " Faris commented.
"Yes. Just love this place, this nature, and this tims with you" she replies while closing her eyes.
Her comment blooms Faris's heart.
"I also enjoy this day just because of your company. Thank you so much Daneen to make my life amazing" Faris says while holding her hand which is lying in between them.
"Same to you" she murmurs in a sleepy voice.
"I love you! " Faris says this with beautiful emotions.
"Same to you with same emotions" she replies in a sleepy tone.
"Waoo! What a confessions! " he says with sarcasm. He wants to talk to Daneen but she is just sleeping.
"Same to you" she replies in a deep sleepy voice. Now, she is in deep sleep. Faris switch off the lights with foul mood.

Next day, they both are doing breakfast in a local hotel. Faris's mood is now fresh and relax. This beautiful area helps in removing the foul mood of his.
"Faris, you don't show me yesterday's pictures? " Daneen asks.
"I will show you in night" he replies. He has to do some settings so that Daneen can't see her pictures in flowers area.

After doing breakfast, they set to tour Fairy Meadows.

Fairy Meadows is the basic camping site for Nanga Parbat Mountain. It is a beautiful place to visit and is just like Paradise in the world.

Faris and Daneen sits in the Gilgit tour bus, and here, there journey starts. After two hours, their bus is passing Raikot Bridge. The huge ice cube-Nanga Parbat-can be viewed from the window of bus.
"This snow, this ice, they are making me crazy" Daneen comments. Faris smiled at her comment.

After some more minutes, they reached the place. Faris hired a jeep which will give them the tour of this area. This tour is also of two hours. They are touring the area and witnessing the marvels of nature.

After two hours, they stopped at local restaurant for the food. While eating, they both discussed their further tour. After the walk of two hours, there is the camping site. Faris and Daneen has decided to do the camping.

After eating, they set for the walk to camping side. They have to cross the Alpine forest to reach the place. Some more tourist are also with them.

"Faris, I'm thinking that Allah's world is so beautiful, so mesmerizing; how much beautiful will be His Paradise? We are in awe at this beauty. We can't find any fault in this natural beauty, but Allah's Paradise is billion times better than this nature. This nature will become zero in front of that Paradise" Daneen is saying this in mesmerizing tone. And Faris, he is just thinking about his sins which he has committed in the past years.
"Please Allah forgive my all sins" he mutters it in his brain.

They both are thinking and feeling the mighty and power of Allah.

It is true that the nature or anything in this world can decrease yours and Allah's distance.

It is the night time and moon is shinning on sky. They both are sitting under the canopy of stars and are talking to each other. They both has covered them with the shawl. Nature of that area can listened their laughter and voices
Water comes in Faris's eyes due to laughing. Daneen is telling him about her childhood.
"Oh my God! I can't imagine you was such naughty in your childhood" Faris says while laughing.
Daneen smiled at his comment.
"Now it's your turn to tell me about your childhood." she says while pointing a finger towards him.
"Umm.. Okay" he says and starts narrating about his childhood events.
Night is passing and they both are just aimlessly talking to each other.
Faris finishes his childhood conversation and Daneen is now laughing like a maniac. A smile comes on Faris's lips.
After that, there fell silence. They both are silent, missing their parents. Faris curved his arm around Daneen's waist.
"They will be in a more happy place" he mutters to her.
"Yeah" she replies while putting her head on his chest.

After some moments, Faris speaks.
"I have never thought that one day we both will be sitting in such place, under the canopy of stars, and laughing and talking to each other. In the Jail, I have never thought about such privilege" he says with a smile
"But here you are! Allah just knows that what is in store for us. That's why we should trust His wisdom."
"Yeah. I have relaized this thing after Dilawar's case" he replied.

Daneen smiled at him. They both are staring at sky and sky is also smiling at them.
"So, how is the trip to Gilgit Baltistan?
Next chapter is the last one. They journey of Her Soulmate coming to its end.


  1. Update please I'm so looking forward to it...I love your novels


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