Her Soulmate Chapter 23


وه جو قرص رکهتے تھے جان پر

وه حساب آج چکا دیا

(The promises which was due on my soul

Today, I have performed all) 

Mid January:

It has been five days since Faris has reported into his unit. He has gotten his ranks and uniform. After fifteen days, he has to start his duty. In these five days, Daneen and Faris has come a little bit close to each other. They have told each other about their past, their interests, their hobbies. Every night, they both take their coffee cups after dinner and they both sits in the back yard. Fog and chilly weather, and hot coffee in their hands, they both spend time with each other and starts getting close to each other.
At this time, they are sitting in the backyard with cups of coffee in their hands. Weather is chilly, so they are enjoying it.
"Faris I was thinking that we should plant some trees or flowers in this place. We should plant some Jasmine, Rose, some plants of vegetables and fruits. What is your idea?" Daneen says
"Yes, I agree with you. From tomorrow, we will start planting trees and flowers" he replies. Some past memories of Momin and Momina's comes in his mind.
"Ok done!" Daneen says with excitement and sips her coffee.

After completing coffee, they both comes into the attached room of yard.
Faris moves toward the drawers of that room and starts taking out some of the papers from it. It was his duty related papers and he decided to skim them tonight. While seeing his actions, Daneen remembers the pictures present in the cupboard. Her eyes glints at the memory. She opens the cupboard and starts searching for pictures. Faris stops his work and starts looking at her actions with confusion.
"Daneen?" He is not able to understand her actions. But when, his gaze stops at the pictures present in her hand, his heart skips a beat.
"From where you find them" he asks with irritation.
"From the place where you have hide them" she replies with a mischievous smile. From the pictures, he takes out Baby Faris picture.
"Daneen put them back" he says with a scowl. He gets irritated at his baby's picture.
"Aww...look at this. You are looking very innocent while eating cereal. By the way, was this company your favourite?" She asks with fake innocence. Faris glares at her innocent face.
"Stop glaring Faris. Uff.. You was so peaceful and innocent in your childhood, but now God forbids you are really a rude person" she says with an irritating smile.
Faris snatches the picture from her hand and puts it into it. Daneen pouts at this.
"Let me have more look at the picture. I want to see that innocent Faris" Daneen says in protest. A smile comes on Faris's face at this.
"Give me a chance. And after it, you can have an opportunity to see and feel the real baby Faris in your hands" Daneen becomes confused at his words. She consider his sentence for some seconds and then, her face flushes with shyness. Meaning of words has been registered in her mind and now, she is getting embarrassed.
"You are really a...a bad person" she says with red cheeks and leaves the room. A wholeheartedly laugher comes out of Faris's lips.
Daneen is standing in front of dressing table and is applying lotion on her hand. Faris is sitting on his bed reading the files which he has found from the cupboard of guest room. While working, he glances toward Daneen who is now combing her hair.
"Daneen? " he says softly.
"Hmm" she replies while tiding her hair.
"I was thinking that only fifteen days of my holidays are left. So, we should enjoy this period. We should utilize it" Faris says.
"Good idea. So, what is the plan? " Daneen asks while coming near him.
"I think we should visit some Northern areas. What do you think? "
"Ohh.. I love it" Daneen's eyes glints at the thought. "We should visit Gilgit, Baltistan area. What do you think? She asks with excitement.
Faris smiled at her excitement and nodded his head.
Daneen's face lit at this and she starts telling him her plans and her favourite things of that area. And Faris is listening it with a beautiful smile.
It is the night time and Sohail is sitting in his office. It has been five days since he last talk to Salma. After that conversation, they both doesn't come face to face on any occasion. Sohail picks Ayesha from her street for school and dropped her just two houses before hers. He was not going near the house in the last five days. At this time, he is sitting on his desk and just thinking about Salma. After three hours, it will be twelve o clock and date will changes into 16 January, the date of his and Salma's marriage. At 16 January, she came into his life. He is just lost in the memory of those days when the phone rings. He attended the call.
One of the spy of police department informed him about a place where a gang is living. That group is notorious for the human trafficking. They are involved in selling and buying girls. Sohail cuts the call and informed about this to Hassan. Hassan quickly ask ready the van, they have to go for the raid.
After some minutes, police van is moving toward that place.

The place is a house in which that gang members are living. In the van, they all decided that first they will peep into the house from the windows. They will observe the situation, number of gang members and victims, and the structure of house.
They reaches the place and every member takes his place. Sohail round the house and find a window. He peeps from the window and becomes freeze at seeing the inner scene. It is the window which opens into the room. In the room, a girl of almost twenty five is waving into the air. Her body is tied with the ceiling fan, and alot of blood is dripping from the body. A girl of thirteen years is sitting on the floor and she is cleaning the blood from floor. Fear and tears are in her eyes. Sohail stare at the girl and just for a milisecond, her face mixes with Ayesha's face. Her face as innocent as Ayesha's.

"Another Ayesha is in crises" he thinks with a shutter.

Voices of wailing and voices of different is coming from the other side of room. Sohail, very carefully, shifted to other side of window and then peeps into it. The scene of that side boiled Sohail's blood. Three bulky man is beating a fragile girl. The girl seems to be of seventeen and eighteen years old.

"Salma was of the same age when she got married"

He thinks with agony. That girl's face mixes with Salma's face. That girl's face is contorted due to pain. Sohail is seeing this whole scene with great pain and anger.
"That little girl is seeing this whole scene as she is in the same room" he thinks.

He waited for some minutes but Hassan is not giving any orders. He is still analyzing the situation. But, Sohail's endurance has been finished. He can't endure that scene anymore. So, he takes the stick, which is lying on the floor, and with the stick he breaks the window. The bulky man stops and turn around toward window. Sohail entered into the room through the broken window. In this action, he gets a deep cut on his arm. Blood started dripping from the scar but he doesn't give importance to it.

"Leave the girls at this instant and surrender yourself to police" he says in a thundering voice.
His gun is pointed toward the bulky men who is now sweating. The beaten girl stands from the floor and runs toward him. Thirteen year girl also does this act. They both are now beside Sohail, and Sohail is protecting them from men.
"And what if we doesn't surrender" One of the man says and they all carry out their guns from the pockets.
Sohail remained confident even after seeing the guns.
"Don't create the fuss, it will be better for you" Sohail again warned them.
One of them fired the gun and bullet pierces Sohail's arm. His face twisted with pain, and he also fired his gun. The bullet pierces into the shoulder of one bulky man. That man is now on floor, crying with pain.
Other bulky man comes forward and kicked Sohail. Sohail protected himself from the kick and bang that man's head with his revolover. Other bulky man again fired the bullet which pierced the abdomen of Soahil. Shower of blood started coming out from his abdomen. A cry of pain comes out of his mouth.
Both girls, standing beside him, is now bitterly weeping. That bulky man started advancing toward the girl when Sohail again fired the bullet and this bullet hit the man in his skull. That man dies at that instant. The other man has now recovered from his pain and he fired the bullet which hit the shoulder of Sohail. Another flow of blood starts coming from his shoulder. He is now losing his conscious. At that second, door of that room breaks down, and Hassan with two officers comes into the room. Officer fired the bullet which hit on the arm of one man. Now, both gangsters are on floor and blood is coming out from the arm and shoulder.
Hassan turned towards Sohail who is now lying on the mini pool of his blood.
"Sohail!" Hassan says while taking Sohail's face into his hands.
Sohail's conscious is just slipping away.

"Sir" he says in a very low tone. "My daughter Ayesha, please take care of her. I love her. And also of Salma". he says while his eyes is getting heavy.

Hassan is seeing him with wet eyes.
"Sir Ambulance has arrived" one of the officers says. They all have cleared the house. All gangsters has been arrested and victims has been recovered. Hassan turned toward the two girls who is standing there with pale face.
"Officers, also take both of them to hospital"
Every victim is in bad condition. They all need medical care. Ambulance arrived and Sohail is shifted into it. One of officer is in ambulance with him. Hassan remained in that house to recover the dead bodies of victims.

In Ambulance, Sohail's eyes is getting closed. In his mind, his childhood memories is running. A memory of his whole family comes into his mind. Then, the memory of his marriage ceremony comes in his mind. His parents and Salma's parents are present there, and happiness is on every face. Then he remembered his daughter. Ayesha's smiling face comes into his mind. Just in the last second, memory of his and Salma's laughing comes to him, and then everything blacked out. Nothing remained at that moment.
When Sohail's soul leaves his body, the date of the world was already changes into 16 January. At the ninth wedding ceremony, Soahil leaves his world.

Ambulance reaches the hospital and Sohail's body is quickly taken out from it. Doctor, who is standing in corridor, sees his condition and shook his head.
"So sorry he is dead. Large amount of blood has been lost that's why he is no more" Doctor says it in his professional way and cover Sohail's body with white sheet.
It is the time of 12.30 am and the scene is of Salma's house. Salma is lying on her bed with wide opened eyes. Ayesha is sleeping with her. Salma's senses is also in the memories of Sohail. The feeling, love, smile of that time is coming into her mind. A small smile is present on her lips and tears is in her eyes. She is missing that golden time of her life.

At 1.40 am, the door of her house is being knocked. She becomes startled at this. Fear of unknown captures her heart.
"Who can be at this time?" She mutters with herself.

Ayesha also stirs in her sleep due to the noise.
"Who is there?" Salma asks. Ayesha is now wide awaken.
"I'm police officer Farhan. A.S.P Hassan has sent me" replies comes.
"What he wants?" She asks, still suspicious about the person.
"Please open the door. There is news for you" person begs.
Salma opens the door with great hesitation. On the other side a young officer is standing with sorrowful expressions.
"Yes?" Salma again asks.
"Inspector Sohail has died. Sir is asking for Ayesha. Dead body has to be transferred to his village so, Ayesha should see his dead body in hospital" Officer explains it to him. Ayesha is standing near her and listening everything. Her mind doesn't register the meaning of these words.
Salma, her senses stop working. Her mind is just stuck in the sentence "Soahil has died".
He is no more. That was the last meeting of his and Salma in which Salma says to him that she hates him. He died believing in this sentence. He died. Ayesha has lost her father again. That fifteen days of her life was just of fairy tale. Now, she again has to come back to her bitter life.
Salma with frozen expressions is seeing the confused face of her daughter.
" Ayesha" she hugs her and starts weeping. Ayesha becomes scared at this and she also starts weeping.
They both are crying for one beloved person.

At 2.40 am, they both are standing near the dead body of Sohail. Ayesha is sobbing loudly. While, Salma becomes emotionless. She is not weeping, just staring at the dead body of Sohail. Hassan is standing near her.
He told her about the last words of Sohail, which she heard with dry eyes.

At 4 am, they both are again in their house. Ayesha is suffering with high fever so Salma gives her medicine and let her sleep. After some minutes, Ayesha is in deep sleep. Salma, after this, comes out of the room and sits on the chair of lawn. Some words starts echoing in her ears.
"Good Afternoon Miss Wife"
"I love you"
"I'm sorry Salma."
"I have suffered a lot"

Bitterness fills in her heart and she starts weeping. Hot tears is slipping on her cheeks. She is sobbing and wailing.
In the morning, Faris switch on the television. On the news channel, breaking news of Sohail's death is going on. Faris becomes startled at the news. Newscaster is telling every detail of raid and then death of Sohail. Faris switches off television and take a deep sigh.
"Ayesha has lost her father" he thinks with deep sorrow.

"Daneen" he starts calling her. They have to go and visit the house of Salma.

Daneen and Faris entered into the house. Door is opened so they just simply move in. Salma is sitting on the chair and Ayesha is still lying on her bed. There is complete silence in the house.
"Salma" Daneen says while shaking her shoulder. Salma then notices their presence.
"Assalam o Alaikum" she says while standing from her chair. Sadness is on her face.
"Walaikum Aslaam" they both replies.
Salma arrange the chairs for them and they three is sitting on the chair in deep silence.
"How is you feeling?" Daneen asks her.
A bitter smile comes on her face.
"My daughter has lost her father. What can be my feelings?" She says?
"Deep hurt and deep pain" Daneen replies with sympathy.
"Strengthen yourself Salma! Ayesha needs you" Faris says in emotionless tone.
"How can I be strengthen? Life has been so much bitter on me. Why Allah has to do this with me? Why?" Salma starts weeping.
Daneen hugs her to soothes her After some seconds, she composed herself and stop weeping.
"Don't say like that Salma. Sohail dies while completing his mission. He has got a very noble death. Ayesha should be proud of her father. Sohail has save many Ayeshas from becoming the victims of brutality." Daneen says in a soothing voice. Salma nodded her head.
"And don't question Allah. His every action has a wisdom. And His trials are for His favourite persons." Daneen added more.
"I'm trying to relieve myself from hopelessness and bitterness. But this question is continuously popping into my mind that Why me? Why Allah why me?" Why I have to endure these hardships? This question increases the bitterness in my heart. I just feel that my heart is going to be burst into pieces" she says with agony.
Daneen again starts saying soothing words to her, and Faris is staring at her with calculated eyes.
"Have you ever asked Allah that why He has showered so much blessings on you? Why He has blessed you with a daughter? All girls in the rape cases died but yours remained alive. Why this blessing? Why Allah has saved you when you was on street, otherwise women get raped or killed in such situations? Why Allah has blessed you with a house? Why Allah let Ayesha feels the happiness of her father? Have you ever asked such questions?" Faris says in a straight tone.
Salma and Daneen remain quiet at his questions.
"No? You have never questioned Allah that why He is giving you His blessings? If you have never asked this question, then you have no right to ask Him in the agony. We human, when getting blessings, thinks that we deserve it. Allah should have showered these blessings on us. But when, bad time comes, we think that Allah is unjust. We doesn't deserve this. In this, we don't recognize the wiser side of these incidents. We human do this act at least once in our life. I had been questioning Allah for the two years but then, I got the answers. I got the assurance from Allah and I realized that We belong to Allah and we shall have to return to Him. We have to die so why not we should lead a great life, Life full of patience and positivity. Hmm Salma?" Faris says this in a very soothing words and calming tone. Each and every word drips into Salma's heart. She nodded her head. She is feeling a relief and soothe in her nerves.


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