Her Soulmate Chapter 22


Her Soulmate Chapter 22

"O soul at peace!
Return to your Lord,
Well pleased, well pleasing.
Join my servants,
Enter my paradise."
-Al Quran (Surah Fajr, verse 27-30)

Start of January

"Sohail, take him to his cell" Hassan says to Sohail while seeing toward Dilawar. He has confessed all his crimes and tomorrow, he will be in court for his punishment.

Dilawar stands from his seat and starts moving with Sohail. Sohail pushes him in cell and locked it. Dilawar sees this all actions with void eyes. Today, he is going to escape. Today is his last day in this world.

Whole night Faris keep on thinking about the hearing of court which will occur in morning. In it, he will get free from every blame. Government will declare him innocent, and after it, he can continue his career, his job. A glint comes in Faris's eyes. Hope, happiness is in his heart.

Next day, he is getting ready and Daneen is making breakfast.
"Why are you so happy today? Is something special today? " Daneen asks him with confusion.
She is still unaware with the whole situation. Faris has decided to tell her today about all the case.
"I will tell you when I will come back" he says.
Daneen nodded her head and sets the breakfast on table. After this, she switched on the television. Faris has gone in washroom for washing his hands.
"FARIS" Daneen shouts.
Faris quickly came out of washroom and sees the pale face of Daneen.
He follows her gaze and sees the news on television.

"Dilawar Khan who was suspected criminal of Shaheenabad case has died in the custody of police. It has been claimed by police that he has committed suicide" Breaking news is present on the television screen. Numbness, grief, shock hits him. He remained motionless and is seeing the pale face of Daneen.
Worry and tension is in Hassan's face. When his officer went to take Dilawar from the cell, he saw Dilawar died on the floor. He had cut his wrist with a blade. Officer quickly turned his body and felt his heartbeat. His body had been cold when officer touched it. Dilawar had committed suicide in the first hours of midnight.
From blade, he had wrote something on the floor.
Officer read it
"Going to Zainab! "

These words confirmed that Dilawar had committed suicide, no one had killed him.

This news spreads like a fire in the country. Court hearing has been postponed for twenty-four hours.

It is the evening time and darkness has started to spread in the city. Faris is standing on the door of backyard. Strong wind is blowing and weather has become frosty. He is staring into the space with hurtful eyes. Memories of Momin and Dilawar is running wildly in his mind.
Dilawar went to America for his B. A degree. And after this, they all became aloof. Friendship of the childhood finishes after it. They still meet, they still have warm feelings for each other, but they do not have the same relationship as before.
Still knowing that Dilawar is the murderer, he feels pain in his heart on the death of Dilawar.

"Dilawar you have committed suicide! After doing many murders, you have committed a grave sin. Suicide is an unforgivable sin for which Allah has no mercy. If Dilawar has completed his punishment in this world, he can be forgiven in the next world. But he chooses the wrong way"

He thinks.
Daneen comes into the room and stands beside Faris. Faris has told her everything.
"Are you okay" she asks.
"Yeah" he replies in a low voice.
"I'm thinking that a pessimist human is such a foolish and coward creature. His life is colourless and hopeless, And such person is harmful for the society. He has no belief in mercy of Allah and in rage of Allah. Man believes that he is everything, society is cruel with him and he has to take his revenge in every cost. He doesn't belief that Allah can take his revenge, that Allah is seeing everything and He will help humans. In his pessimist thinking, he can create a lot of fuss in the society." Daneen says this in a moist voice.
Faris nodded his head.
"Yeah. Dilawar was a pessimist. That's why he has destroyed his life, and now he has taken his life." Faris says with sorrow. "He was a murderer, he murdered my brother, my neice, destroyed my life, but still there is pain in my heart on thinking about his death. It is true that blood attracts blood. It is just because of blood and humanity that I feel discomfort on his death." Faris says with melancholy.
"Pray for him Faris. Pray that Allah forgive his sins" Daneen says it to comfort him.
"How can I pray Daneen? I haven't done any prayer since my brother's death. I have many queries, and an anger on Allah. I think I'm also a cynic." He says with a deep hurt.
"No, you are not a cynic Faris. If you have been a pessimist, you will also started killing people. Or at least, you will never feel hurt on Dilawar's death.Infact, You will become happy on his death. This hurt, this suffering is showing that you are not a skeptic. Still, there is optimism in your heart. You just have to be able to find it" Daneen says while putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Pray that Allah softens your heart. Ask help from Him. Our Merciful Allah will listen yours pray" Daneen increases the pressure on his shoulder.
"In starting days of our marriage, I was just like a beast for you. At that time, I knew that you are naive. But still, I was harsh with you. It was because there was much hate and poison in me. I just wanted a way to get it out from my heart. So, I just targeted you. I was harsh with you without any reason."
He is speaking while staring in space. And Daneen is listening him while seeing him.
"There was a little pessimism in me. But Thanks to Allah that it was not so vast or captivating feeling. Otherwise, my end will also be just like Dilawar's"
Faris now turned towards Daneen.
"I'm sorry Daneen for everything. Please, let's start a new beginning. I'm tired of everything. Now, I just want a natural life. Please" He says these lines while holding her hand.
Daneen stares at their clasped hands.
She thinks about his sufferings, about his tragedies which happens in his life, then she remebers the incidents in which he cares about her, in which he helps her. After all this, he still is saying sorry to her.
"This person deserves a chance"
She realizes.

"Ok" she nodded her head. A bright smile comes on Faris's face.
"The court after listening all queries, and after seeing all evidences comes to the decision that Dilawar was the murderer of all the girls of Shaheenabad, and also he was the murderer of Momin Khan and Anaya Khan. And he also has committed suicide in his cell. Bench has drops its charges from Faris. Court has declared him innocent. Faris Khan is not a criminal."
Faris sighs at listening the last line. At last, he is free now.

Happiness and relief floods in his blood while he is coming out from the court.
He starts walking on the side road. After a long time, he feels carefree.

"Allah o Akbar!" He listens Adhaan while crossing the road. There is a mosque on the other side of road and adhaan of Asar is going on. Faris stops in front of Masjid and starts analyzing his self.

"For two and half year, I have stopped praying. I became angry with Allah and stops praying to Him. But still, my Allah rains His blessings on me. He doesn't let me to become like Dilawar. He gives me a new family and now He has returned me my career, my honor in the society. He examines my stamina, my faith on Him, in which I have failed." He thinks with dejection. And with these thoughts, he steps into the Masjid.
"Mama father has given me these chocolates today. And you know, I also introduce him to my friends. They all was shocked and confused on seeing that I also have a father. And you know....." Ayesha is addressing her mother while opening the wrapper of a chocolate. She has just came back from the school and now telling everything to her mother. Salma is listening it with a satisfied smile.
"First eat your lunch and then chocolate" Salma says while taking chocolates from her hands. Ayesha pout at this.
"Mama!" She tries to protest but Salma doesn't give any importance to her, and starts taking out lunch in the dish.
Ayesha remained there sitting with a pout.
Salma sees her face and starts laughing. She is happy because rapist of Ayesha has been found and particularly he is no more in this world. Other reason of happiness is the friendship of Soahil and Ayesha. She is happy that her daughter has found her father, and she is also getting love of him.

Faris is sitting in the Mosque with melancholic expressions. He has completed his prayer, but he is still sitting in the mosque.
"What happened my son?" Faris heard this questions and raises his head. An old man in white dress is standing in front of him.
"Nothing uncle" he replies in a low voice.
That uncle sits near him.
"Then why this sorrow, this sadness? You are in the house of Allah, if you have any problem, or you want something, just simply ask Him. He will listen us" Old man says with a firm belief.
"I'm ashamed of Him. I have stopped praying for almost two years. Allah had put me in the dilemma to test my patience and faith. And I have failed very badly in it" Faris replies and a tear breaks from his eyes.

"There is a hadith " If Allah wants to do something good to a person, He afflicts him with a trial" old man explains.
"My son! When Allah puts a person in the dilemma, His main aim is that a person seeks something. He wanted that His man improve himself from this dilemma. In the end of it, he comes out of crises with an improved personality. If a person has gain something positive in the end of dilemma, then he has passed the test. You have came here for praying to Allah, you have come back to Him, and this thing is of great importance. If you have gained something positive, you have passed the exam of Allah." Old man is saying it in a very calm and in beautiful voice. Faris gets lost in the beauty of his tone. His every word is dripping in Faris's heart and mind.
" I understand it uncle. Thank you so much" Faris says with a smile.
Old man smiled at him.

After some minutes, Faris is again moving on side road with a smile, and is thinking:

"I have got Daneen due to these crises. In it, murderer of Shaheenabad has been found. Today, I have developed a strong relationship with Allah. And Momin, Anaya and Momina......." His steps halted in front of cemetery.
In the next moment, he is standing in front of three graves.
"Momin, Momina and Anaya, you all are in a better place then this world. You must be enjoying the love and mercy of Allah" Faris says while staring at the graves with tearful eyes. After staring at them for some seconds, his steps starts moving toward freshly made grave. He stands in front of Dilawar's grave. He prays at his grave, and then stare at it with sorrowful eyes.
" May Allah have mercy on you" he prays.
After some minutes, he is stepping toward his house.

Faris is entering into his house, when his mobile rings. Daneen listens the voice and comes out of the room. She starts coming toward Faris.
Faris fishes out the mobile from his pocket and reads the screen.
"Sir Faseeh" he smiles at it and attended the call.
"Hello sir" Faris says in a carefree manner.
"MAJOR FARIS" Faseeh Bukhari's booming and dominating voice comes. Faris quickly straighten his posture, same like when he was in military training. Daneen sees the change in his posture with confused expressions.
"Report in your unit at 5.30pm. Come and take back your insignia and uniform from your senior. Be in time. UNDERSTAND?" Faseeh Bukhari's tone is like a senior military officer, giving commands to his junior.
"Yes.. Yes sir" Faris says swiftly. After a long time, he feels afraid of his senior. The feelings which he had during his duty came back to him. His heart feels excited at thinking about his duty. At last, he was again accepted by ISI.
"What happened Faris?" Daneen asks him. He sees her with a smile and is going to reply her, when he saw the clock, signalling 5.10 pm.
"Oh my God" he horrified at the time.
" Faris?" Daneen again calls him.
He quickly hugs her and then run towards the door. He has to be on time for reporting.

Ayesha and Sohail is going toward the house. In one hand of Soahil, there is the school bag of Ayesha and in the other, there is an ice cream. One ice cream is in Ayesha's hand. They both are eating it and talking with each other. There is happiness in both faces.
House of Ayesha's came and she enters into it. Sohail remained standing there for some seconds. And then, he decided to speak with Salma. He decides to apologize to her. He remained there and muster his courage.
At last, with a deep sigh, he knocks the door.
"Coming" Salma's voice comes from inside.
She opens the door and freezes at her place on seeing him.
"How are you Salma?" He asks with a small smile.
"What do you want?" Salma asks with cold expressions.
"May I come in? I want to talk to you" he says in a pleading tone.
Salma sees his pleading face and then nodded her head.
He comes in the house. Ayesha is playing in the room. They both stands in the lounge.
"Salma" Sohail scratches his neck with nervousness. He is afraid of Salma's reaction. "I want to say sorry to you. I had known all about that incident when I listened my family's conversation"
Salma becomes shocked at listening this. She was not expecting this.
Sohail sees her shocked expressions and then continued his sentence.
"I am so apologetic about my family's actions and also mine attitude that I never find the courage to come to you and say sorry to you. But today, I just wanted to come to you. I know that we have done worse things with you. We have destroyed your life, I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness but still, please forgive me. Please at least try to do it"
Tears are spilling onto Salma's cheeks. She is weeping at his words. Many past memories are running wildly into her mind.
"I can't forgive you Sohail, so leave my house. Your relationship is just with Ayesha, not with me. So, never in future try to speak to me. I can't forgive you" she says with deep hate. There is fury in her eyes. Sohail's heart shatters at listening this.
"Salma please! I have suffered a lot in my life. Please ease my soul" he begs to her.
"You have suffered?" Salma spats.
"Soahil Jameel! You have not a single idea how much I have suffered. You know what had happened to me when I left your house" Salma says with rage.
Soahil shook his head.
"When I left your house, my parents didn't accept me. They said that I have bring shame to their family. They also throws me out of their house. I went to train station and somehow managed to reach in this city. I wandered in the streets of Islamabad for a week. There was no acquaintance of mine. No girls hostel accepted me because I was a grown and susceptible woman. Ayesha was in my womb at that time. Some helping institutes sometime gave me food, otherwise I have to starve for the whole day. In that one week, I have suffered a lot in the streets. There was robbers, rapists, fear and animals in the street. In that one week, I have suffered much more than you. One day, I helped an old woman in crossing the road. She took pity on me and gave me refuge in this house. She lived in this house all alone and now I have started living with her. After Ayesha's birth, I started going to work with her. When Ayesha was two years old when she died"
Salma completed her sentence with damp voice. Sohail remains there with terror. He is motionless and it seems that he is embalmed at his spot.
"Leave the house Sohail. I will never forgive you. In fact, I will always hate you, hate you!! She shouts in the end.
Sohail leaves the place with defeated expressions. He is feeling pain in his heart. Salma keep on staring at him with hateful expressions. When he leaved the house, Salma turns away. She becomes shocked on seeing Ayesha is standing on the door of room with tearful eyes. There are tears and hurt in Ayesha's eyes.
Sohail is driving his car and tears are in his eyes. To ease the tension, he switch on his radio. Lyrics starts echoing in the car and with it, different memories comes in his mind's eyes.
(You are mine, in this moment, you are mine,
Tomorrow, things may or may not remain the same,)

'Salma is in her red bridal dress, sitting on the bed. Her face contains different shades of shyness. She has a shy smile on her face. Sohail puts a ring in her finger.
Scene changes and now he is entering into his room after three months. Salma smiled at him. He steps forward and hugs her.

(Maybe something would happen that you don't remain yourself
Maybe something would happen that I don't remain myself)

" He has seen Salma and his neighbour in his room. His eyes gets red at seeing this.
He repeats the divorce words three times.
"Sohail please stop! Sohail" she is pleading and weeping.
And then, he drags her out of the house."

(Maybe our paths would diverge
And we get lost as we keep walking)

"He remembers his those four years in which he has suffered. He recalled that nights in which he wept in memory of Salma. He recalled that what he lost in those years. Time keep on coming in his mind in which he was alone. Loneliness and bitterness was his companions in lonely nights of his life"

(But I'll still love you
I'll love you)

"He is sitting in the lounge of his house and is speaking to the picture of Salma. He is whispering to her picture 'I love you'. He is weeping."

(I'll die for this love
But I'll still love you)

"I hate you, I hate you. These words of Salma is now echoing in his mind."

Sohail switches off the radio. Hot tears is slipping on his cheeks. He is weeping bitterly.


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