Her Soulmate Chapter 21


"The world breaks everyone "
-Earnest Hemingway

Start of January

At 3.30 am, Faris enters into house with serious and disturbed mind. He closes the door and steps into the lounge. To his surprise, Daneen is sitting there with worried expressions.
"Faris is everything all right? Where was you?" she asks with trembling voice.
"Yeah. Everything is all right" Faris replies while hanging his black coat.
"Then what was you doing outside? " she again asks.
"Doing murder" he replies with a smirk.
"Stop making jokes" she says with irritation.
"But I can do murder. After all, I have spent two years in Jail, such persons are dangerous" he says in a mock serious tone.
"Stop it now! I know you are diverting the topic. Tell me Faris! " she says furiously.
"Calm dowm! calm down!" Faris says while putting his hands in surrender.
"You will come to know about it in morning. At this time, I'm so tired, so I think we should take the sleep" Faris now has become serious.
Daneen eyed him suspiciously for some seconds, but then nodded her head in acknowledgement. She knows that Faris will never tell it now, so she has to wait for tomorrow.
They both starts descending the stairs.
After half a hour, Daneen was in sleep but Faris has remained awaken throughout the night. His mind is trying to register the facts which he has collected.

At 9 am, Hassan awakes from his slumber. He, for some seconds, stares at the roof and then, very slowly, starts sitting on the bed.
He enters into the washroom and completed his morning routine. After it, he takes his mobile from the side table. He is just glancing at his messages when his thumb stops at one message. It is the message from Faris. He opens the chat to see the message. He has send some pictures in it. It is the pictures of a laptop in which a mail has been opened. In the mail, person is asking Dr. Irfan to change the DNA reports and put the blame on Faris Shahnawaz Khan.
Except of these pictures, there is an address in the message. Hassan's eyes widened at seeing the address.
It is Dilawar's address.
Dilawar is sitting in his bedroom. Zainab's pic is in his hand. He is seeing her and remembering her laughters, her childish talks and acts. His eyes, as usual, wets on remembering her. He is just glancing her childish face and tears is rolling on his cheeks.
Suddenly, the voice of police van comes to his ears. He becomes startled at this.
"What they want now? " he thinks with irritation. He is feeling angry because someone has disturbed his and Zainab's time.

"What do you want A. S. P? " he asks to Hassan with furious tone.
"You are under arrest Dilawar. You have to go with us"
Dilawar's eyes widened on listening this. Whole world spins around his eyes.
"But why? " he asks in a polite manner.
"You will come to know very soon" Hassan says while hand cuffing him.
"Check his house" he says to his officers.
"You can't do this with me A. S. P. It is the violation of citizen's rights" Dilawar roars.
A bitter smile comes on Dilawar's face.
"Respect and life is also a basic right of human being which you have violate" Hassan says in a very cold tone. Shivers runs down in Dilawar's spine.

After fifteen minutes of searching, officer finds a small room in a basement. In the room, they find long hairs on the floor and some burned cigarette in a corner.
"This will be the room where he keeps the children. This monster! " Hassan thinks and anger boiled his blood.
They leave the house with Dilawar's laptop.

After an half hour, they reached punjab forensic lab. Faris is already present there. Hassan asks the doctor to take Dilawar's and Faris's samples. After some time, Sohail comes into the lab with Ayesha and Salma. They also have to take the Ayesha's samples.
Ayesha is scared of the lab's atmosphere and starts crying.

"Don't cry Ayesha. Your parents are with you" Sohail says to her. In the lab, everyone was busy at that moment. Only Salma listens these words. Satisfaction flows into her blood.

After doctor takes all samples, Dilawar is again taken to the van. Faris, Salma and Ayesha is also with them. Hassan asks an officer to stay with the doctor. He is afraid that doctor not again changes the report. So precautionary, an officer will remain with doctor.

In the police station, Hassan asks Ayesha to recognize the voice and scar of her rapist. She is so afraid of this that she again starts weeping. Sohail takes her hand and moves her toward Faris and Dilawar.
"Both of you fold your sleeves" he says to both of them.
They both do this. Dilawar has a scar on his arm.
"Ayesha" Sohail call her politely. She rises her eyes and glances at Dilawar's face. Fury, wildness and madness is still in his eyes which Ayesha sees on that night. She shivers on seeing this and avert her gaze toward Sohail.
"He is" she pointed towards Dilawar.

Sohail lands a slap on Dilawar's cheek. There everyone becomes shocked on seeing his reaction. Everyone is furious and hate Dilawar but Sohail's actions is signaling something else.

Salma quickly back down Ayesha from Dilawar and Sohail.
"You bastard" Dilawar roars at him and tried to punch him but other officers stops him.
Ayesha is staring this whole scene with pale face. She is shivering widely.
Officers take Dilawar with them. Sohail glances at Ayesha's condition and steps toward her with worry.

"Ayesha my daughter! Don't take tension. Everything will be alright. Your father will correct everything" Sohail says while hugging her. Ayesha becomes relieved at the hug and everyone else becomes shocked. Entire police station is listening this and seeing this with socked expressions.
"Sohail, you.. You are her father? " Hassan asks him with wide eyes.
Sohail breaks the hug and nodded his head. Faris is moving his eye balls between Salma and Sohail. Salma had always told him that she is a widow. She has never told him the truth.

"I think we should go now" Salma says while taking Ayesha's hand. Ayesha has a wide smile on her face and she also waved good bye to Sohail. They leave the station in no time.
Sohail turns toward Hassan and says to him.
"It is a long story sir. I will tell you at some other time" Hassan nodded his head and composed his expressions. They all again becomes profession like.

Salma and Ayesha is moving toward their house. Salma is very quiet and Ayesha is laughing and talking.
"Mama you listen what the uncle says to me" she says with a cheerful voice. And again continue without waiting for Salma's reply.
"He says that he is my father. Now, I also have a father just like my friends" Her innocent mind doesn't sense any abnormality in this situation. She is accepting the situation as it is, infact she is happy with it. Have a new relationship, having a father, this new feeling is making her cheerful.

Salma sees her delightful innocent face and a smile comes on her lips. This whole situation, this disaster has caused their meeting with Sohail. Due to this disaster, Ayesha meets her father. Indeed, with every difficulty, there is also an easiness. Salma's belief increases on this ayah.
Faris and Hassan is standing in the lawn of police station.
"You have got all the evidences of my innocence. Now show these in court and declare me innocent" Faris says in a serious tone.

Hassan stares at his face. For the first time, in his life, he takes help from another person. He believes Faris's evidence and takes the action. He let Faris to get involve in this case. He doesn't protest in court against the bail of Faris. This is all because Faris is Daneen's husband. And other reason is that Hassan knows that he was an army officer. Because of these two facts, he let Faris to take the command.

"Don't worry. After two days, there is hearing in court in which you will be declared innocent." Hassan says in a business- like manner.
Faris nods his head and leave the police station.

It is a room in police station where Dilawar and Hassan is sitting.
"We both know that now you have no escape. You have done the murders so it is better to confess them. Otherwise, we have to go toward the harder way"
Hassan says. Dilawar stares at him with void eyes. He is shocked with all this situation. He has never thought that he can be captured by police.

"All evidence are against you. So speak up Dilawar" Hassan says in a harsh tone. But Dilawar doesn't speak up.
"Ok" Hassan nodded his head in frustration.
"You have whole night. Think about your confession. If you are not willing to confess your crime, we have to use harder way" Hassan says to him, and asks his officer to take Dilawar to his cell.

In night, Dilawar is sitting in a dark cell. There is no light in the cell. He is staring in the darkness and his mind is recalling his past.


After the death of his daughter, he went into a trauma, a great shock. His mental health started getting worse. In that days, police was trying to find Majeed, but they didn't succeed in it, and ultimately, after some tries, they give up. They didn't try to find him. This thing increased his fury. For his mental health, he went to psycatrist. He got treatment for one year, but his fury, his mental health didn't get better. In home, he saw his daughter everywhere. He missed her.
This mental pressure made him a pessimist. His view towards life was not hopeful, he saw world full of demons. He thought that the world has done so bad with him. The world has torn away his daughter, they haven't even find the murderer. And they even didn't console him properly. There is no one for him, no one give importance to him. There is only he who suffers in this world, and it is just because of society.
With these thoughts, his anger increases ,and in these moments, he decided to become a monster. He decided to pay back the world which they have given to him.

For one year, he just kept on thinking about the cruelty of world, and his pessimist thoughts became strong. After almost one year of Zainab's death, he saw Majeed. He went to Sarghoda for a work, and there he saw Majeed walking on the road. He followed him and found his house. He was living in a small house with his family, he was having a blessed life. And Dilawar decided to ruin it. After some days, with complete planning, he broke into his house. He raped his daughter in front of him and his wife, and then murdered him and his daughter. His wife, seeing this all, went into coma. Dilawar buried the daughter into the lawn, and took Majeed's dead body with him. He threw it near the railway station. It seemed like Majeed has done the suicide so no one will bother about his family. And same thing happens. Police saw the condition of dead body, decided it is suicide, and didn't give importance to family.

Some time passes. One day, he went to Shaheenabad area. His pessimistic thinking, his fury didn't decrease, even after the murder of Majeed. He still thought that society has a big role in Zainab's death. He saw children playing in the area laughing. People are moving into the area and passing the affectionate expressions to children. Dilawar hated this whole scene.
"Here I'm burning and they even don't know that. Due to this area, due to these low class mentality, due to these people, my daughter is no more. And there, they are enjoying themselves. I will tell them how it feels when your daughter dies. I will let them feel this emotion "
And due to these sadist thoughts, daughters of Shaheenabad started getting raped and murder. He thought that he is just returning the world what they have gave him. But he didn't know that he is preparing a hell for him. Killing innocents is such a horrible act that God will never forgive. And he is, in his madness, has prepared a hell.

It is one of the days when he raped and killed a girl. He threw that dead bodies far away from Shaeenabad. He was preparing to get rid of the dead body when he got visited by Momin.Momin has came to ask him about his well being, and also to spend some time with him. But to his horror, he saw the dead body of the girl. He was shocked and seeing him with disbelief.

"Momin please listen! " he says to him. But Momin ran away. Dilawar tried to stop him but he didn't. This situation caused Dilawar to shiver with fear. At that moment, he decided to kill Momin.
Momin entered into his house with pale face. Anaya is sitting in the lounge and playing with her dolls. Momin locked the door and sat near Anaya. His mind was unable to think anything at that moment. He was unable to register the fact. Anaya became puzzled at seeing her father's condition.
"What happened? " she asked with worry. Momin stared at her innocent face. Such innocent face was also of that dead body. Momin's heart squeezed at thinking this. He tightly hug his daughter.
He was trying to composed himself when Dilawar broke into the house. Disbelief and fear settled onto Momin's face.
"What are you doing here? " he asked.
Dilawar took out his pistol and shot Momin. He died at that instant. Anaya saw the whole scene and started to cry. She was calling her father and weeping bitterly. Dilawar glanced at her and then raped her. He had became a monster till that time. Lust, derive had also made him wild and manic. The sense of good and bad, the feelings of humanity had long ago finished from his heart. He raped and then killed her. Two dead bodies was lying on floor. Dilawar left them as they was.
After that, he gave money to the doctor who totally changed the report and due to it, Faris went to jail. He wanted him to be in jail because he doubted Faris will find out about him. So, he sent him to jail.

When Faris came out of Jail, Dilawar was confident that he can't do any harm to him. Faris has faced so much bitterness in jail, and also he was no more an officer, so he can't do anything to him. After this, he remained a caring person infront of him.

From the day of Faris's wedding, he started throwing the dead bodies into the area. Burying them became risky for him so he started throwing dead bodies in street.

In Faris's wedding night, he heared Salma saying to Faris that her daughter is alone at home. So, he decided to make that girl his next victim. He went into the house, but due to her protests, he raped her into her house. Before he can kill her, neighbors's voice came. He gave her very severe warnings and then left the house. He was confident in her case because girl hasn't seen his face and secondly his voice resembles with Faris( as they both are cousins). So, this rape cases can also be programmed on Faris very easily. He was confident and relaxed. But, all things became against him.
He also started to like Daneen. When he first saw her in the red bridal dress, his heart skipped a beat. The hollowness in his life started haunting him. His wife was not as much beautiful as Daneen is. That whole night, his mind keep on recalling red colour dressed girl. He splashes water on his face and tried to stop the memory of girl, but it keep on coming. He tried to come near Daneen by becoming sweet with her, but it didn't work.
And now, he is in jail and everything has been finished.

He glances all around the prison. There is full darkness in it. No police officer or another prisoner can be seen. In it, he fishes out something from his pocket, and feels the thing with his thumb. It is a sharp blade which is in his hand. That maniac person laughed at feeling the sharpness of blade. His laughter is void and hollow.

It is next morning and Faris is sitting in the backyard. Daneen is busy somewhere, so he is alone. Sun has shown its mercy, so Faris is sunbathing in the lawn. He is thinking about all yesterday's events and a frown is on his face. He is confident that Hassan is sincere with his job, and he will press Dilawar to speak the truth. He also knows that Dilawar has done everything. But, he doesn't know why he has done that. He seemed to be a sophisticated and kind person then why? He can't understand the reason.
"He was pretending love all the time. Indeed, He was an expert actor. He never showed something imperfect from his attitude. Maybe people who pretend more goodness, they have real evilness in their heart." he thinks.

After some minutes, his mobile rang.
"A. S. P calling"

He picks the call.
"Faris! Dilawar has confessed his crime. He has raped and killed your brother and neice. And he had confessed the rape of Ayesha and other girls. The reason he told us....... " Hassan told him about his mental condition.
Faris listened whole conversation very silently and then ended the call. He switched off his phone because he didn't feel to talk with anybody. Words of A. S. P is coming in his mind.
"He said that no one give importance to Zainab's death.
No one was there to console me.
So I returned the world what they had given me"

Faris fell down his head in his hands.
He remebered the time when Zainab died. He and Momin didn't visit Dilawar frequently because they both was busy in their jobs. He remebered that after Dilawar gave divorce to his wife, other relatives starts gossiping about it. They simply forget about Zainab's death because another news was there to discuss. Faris eyes became red on remembering it. Dilawar became maniac just because he felt loneliness. And all other people gave this feeling to him.
A tear broke down from his eyes.
What all of you think what will Dilawar do with the blade?


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