Her Soulmate Chapter 20


"If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished? "


Start of January:

It had been one hour since Daneen was waiting for Faris. Dinner was ready, and the night also started getting darker. Pacing around the lounge, she stopped when she heard the click of the door and Faris entered the house with some papers in his hand. 

"What are these? " she asked with curiosity. 

"Nothing special," Faris said in a dismissive tone. "Let's have dinner. I'm starving" he said while sitting on the chair. 

Daneen also did not bother much about the papers and started serving dinner. 

1.30 am

Daneen was soundly sleeping in her bed. Faris was also lying with her, but he was wide awake. After making sure that she was in deep sleep, he stood up from the bed very carefully and stalked toward the door. He opened the door and again glanced at Daneen who was still in sleep. Faris slipped into the corridor and entered into the other room of that floor. In that room, there were papers present on the table. Faris locked the door and sat on the chair with papers in his hand. These papers contained the information of rape cases which Faseeh Bukhari had sent him. He had full confidence in Faris and believed that Faris could solve this case. He would come out of this mess successfully and then, he could again join ISI. He wanted Faris into the force that's why he was helping him. 

3 am

 At 3 am, he became free from his task. After this, he started reading his hand made notes and started finding the similarities in these cases and Anaya's case. For this, he took out some papers which were of Anaya's case, and started reading them. At 4.30 am he became free from his task. Now, he compared them and started writing his final note. 

"In Anaya's case, my medical report was wrong and in this case, the same thing happened. Both reports are from the same hospital, the same person. This person is susceptible. 
All girls are murdered but Ayesha is alive. And she blames me for this rape. I have to meet her. All girls belong to Shaheenabad area, just Dilawar's daughter is not from there. Her murderer has been found but dead. His daughter is also missing"

Faris read his written lines. The last point was clicking something in his mind. 


7 am

 Salma and Ayesha were having their breakfast when the bell rang. Salma moved toward the door and opened it. Her face became pale on seeing the person on the door. In blue jeans and white shirt, Faris was standing on doorsteps. Salma quickly tried to shut the door but Faris stopped it with his foot. 

"I will not inflict any harm on you or your daughter, Salma. Just give me five minutes" he said calmly. 

"Sir, please go" she said with a moist voice. Faris opened the door forcefully and entered the house. 

"After five minutes, I will leave." he said and moved toward Ayesha who was eyeing him with fear. 

"Hello child. What are you doing? " Faris asked her politely. But she just stared at him with fear. 

Salma was standing near him. Different worst possibilities were in her mind. 

"Uncle wants to ask you something" he again said. Ayesha shook her head, but he ignored it and sat near her with a polite smile on his face. 

"Tell me, does my voice really sound like that of a bad uncle? " he asked with a smile. 

Ayesha nodded her head, nervously. She was on the edge of weeping. 

"Are you sure? " he again asked. 

"Y.. Yes Uncle. It is very similar to that uncle" she replied in a low tone. Salma was getting tense with the situation. 

"Ok" he nodded his head. 

"Do you remember any scar or anything about that person? How he smells or how he moves or anything? "

He again asked 

Salma became red faced on his question. He was just concerned with finding the criminal, not with the emotions of Ayesha. 

Ayesha thought about his questions. Different flashes of that night sparked in her memory and tears also started flowing from her eyes. 

"Don't weep. Answer me! " Faris said, sternly. 

"Sir, she is..... " Salma tried to protest but was stopped by Faris. 

"Whole case depends on her Salma. A rapist of many girls can only be found just with her cooperation. So, she has to be strong and has to tell me. Also, my whole life depends on her." he said bitterly. 

Salma remained quiet and Ayesh also stopped weeping at his loud voice. 

"He smelled like Jasmine flowers. And he has a long scar on his arm" she replies with a wet voice.

Something clicked in Faris's mind and he became shocked. 

"This incident happened at my wedding night. Right? " he asked Salma.

Salma nodded her head. 

"Ok. Thank you" he quickly replied and stood from his place. Before leaving, he stopped near Salma. 

"Your daughter is a survivor. And survivor has to bear so much bitterness in his life. So, please be strong and also make your daughter strong".

Salma stared at his face with tearful eyes. He shook his head and left the house. 

Salma and Ayesha remained in the house with fearful expressions. 

7.30 am

Their door again knocked. Salma became fearful and came near the door. 

"Who is there? " she asked. 

"Sohail" voice came. 

Salma relieved on listening to the voice and quickly opened the door. 

Sohail was standing there with an expressionless face. 

"I have come here to take Ayesha to her school," he said while coming into the house. 

Salma became shocked on listening to him. 

"He has accepted that Ayesha is his daughter! " she thought, with a smile etched on her face. 

She didn't protest. Infact, she felt happy that Ayesha was going to have her father's protection. Salma had no relationship with Sohail, in fact she hated him. But Ayesha, he was her father and Ayesha had every right on her father's attention and love. In our society there are many children who don't get parent's love just due to the broken family or due to the ego of their elders. But Salma didn't want any reason to come in her daughter's way of happiness.

Sohail sat near his daughter and smiled at her. 

"Let's go to school, " he said, with a beautiful smile on his face. 

"But I'm afraid of people there. Mama will not be with me and everyone will tease me or hurt me" she said. 

Her eyes were wide open due to fear and her body started trembling. Thinking that there will be male members in the school brought tears in her eyes. 

Sohail's heart shivered on seeing tears in his daughter's eyes. In the eyes of mind, tearful eyes of Salma flashed. 

Karma had hit him and he is helpless in this situation. This was the worst punishment which he got. His heart felt the pain and he blinked his eyes to stop the tears. Nevertheless, he tried to give an encouraging smile to her daughter. 

"Your mother and your uncle are with you. If anyone tried to hurt you, you should tell us. You are a brave girl and brave girls always face the world alone. You have to go to school, you have to live your life. Mama will not always be with you. But, you have to live your life. So, be a courageous girl and go change your uniform. We are getting late " he said in a calm tone.

He used "uncle" for himself, because he didn't have the courage to tell her daughter that he was her father. How could he tell her? And how could he face her after it? 

"I'm really a coward" he thought with a mournful heart

Ayesha was a little bit reluctant on thinking about the school, but seeing an assuring smile of uncle, her heart became hopeful. She also wanted to meet her friends. She glanced at her mother who was standing there in utter silence, and seeing her uncle with tearful eyes. 

"He can be a great father. But Alas, he was not a good husband" she thought with bitterness. 

Ayesha came toward her and she also gave an encouraging smile to her. 

"Dressed her. I'm waiting" Sohail said to Salma, but didn't look in her direction. He had no courage to apologize to Salma. 

Salma took Ayesha to the room and dressed her in fifteen minutes. 

Sohail took her to her school and had a conversation with the principal. After this, he came out of the office and crouched to Ayesha's level. 

"Don't be afraid. I will be at the gate at off time. Just concentrate on your studies.

And take this money" he said while taking out a hundred rupee note from his pocket. Ayesha became happy on seeing it and said thank you to him. Sohail smiled at her. She took the money and ran toward her class. Sohail remained standing there with a praying heart. 


Dr. Irfan was sleeping in his bedroom. He has had a high fever since yesterday night. So, he had taken the medicine and was now sleeping, peacefully.

The room was well furnished and was extra large. Silence was in this Villa as everyone was sleeping at this time. 

In his sleep, Irfan sensed a presence in his room. He started feeling uncomfortable in his sleep when he became astonished due to cold water. Someone had poured icy cold water on him. He quickly tossed away the blanket and came out of the bed. A man, dressed completely in black, was sitting on the chair present near his bed. His face was also covered with black mask. 

"Good morning Dr. Irfan" that man said in his deep serious tone. 

"Who are you? " Irfan said with fear evident in his tone. Cold water had wet his clothes and he started shivering badly. His fever started getting worse. 

"It doesn't matter who I am. But, your truth does matter for us. After all, your answers will decide whether I will let you alive or dead." Man said while taking out a knife from his shirt's pocket. 

"Please leave me. What you want? " Irfan said while shivering. The knife was now on his neck. 

"Answer me truthly. And I will let you go" he said. 

"Ask me. I will tell you the truth" he replied with a shivering voice while eyeing the knife's blade on his neck. 

"Good," The man said and took out his mobile and started recording in it. 

"Have you changed the DNA reports and fingerprints report of the rape cases of girls in Shaheenabad?" he asked. 

Dr. Irfan remained quiet on his question. The true answer of it would create many problems for his career. Sweat was covering his whole face. 

Man waited for some seconds and then increased the pressure on the knife. Blade was now hurting Irfan's skin. His eyes widened with horror.

"Yes....Yes I do" he quickly replied. 

"Who has asked you to do this? And on which price? " that man asked with a blade still hurting his neck. 

"I don't know the person. He just emailed me and asked me to do it. I have never seen his face. And he promised me to give me a house in the Posh area" he quickly replied. 

"Ohh. So this lavish house and life is due to that illegal work." The man said sarcastically. 

Irfan just nodded his head. 

"Do you remember Anaya Khan's case? You are the one who also had to make that DNA report." Man asked. 

"How do you know her? " Irfan became surprised at the mention of Anaya. This case was very old. 

"Ohh, so you were the one who also has changed her report " the man said with bitterness. 

"I don't know about this'' Irfan tried to lie. The man's eyes became red on listening to it. Irfan can only see his eyes which were now red. 

"Means you are no more of my use " Man said and again increased the pressure of the knife. Irfan's eyes widened at this. He could see his death just a few seconds away. 

"No, no please stop. I will tell you about Anaya '' he quickly said and tried to stop the man. 

Man removed the blade from his neck and repeated his question. 

"The same man has asked me to change the reports. At that time, he gave me money in a hotel. He was wearing a mask and came to the hotel in a taxi. He gave me money while he remained in the taxi. And then, he went away. It was just a two minutes meeting" Irfan said. 

The person stopped the recording in his mobile. 

"You have changed the reports, do injustice with innocent children just for these luxuries, and you also have destroyed a person's life just for making your career, your high status. You are a shame on humanity" the man said with bitterness. 

And then, with a swift movement, hit Irfan on his cheek. He flew and landed on the floor. Blood starts flowing from his lips. His face was red due to high fever and his body started aching due to the hit. He looked toward the man with anger, but said nothing. 

The man took the bottle from his coat's pocket and came near him. And poured the icy water on him. Irfan again started shivering. Cold water in freezing weather was making his condition worse. Man emptied the bottle and moved toward the window. As he climbed away, Dr. Irfan quickly shut the window and rested his head with it. He was still shivering and in the state of disbelief. 


It was the scene of a police station. Hassan was in his office taking all his belongings with him. Sohail entered into his office, happiness evident on his face. 

"What happened Sohail? Why are you smiling and so happy? " Hassan asked with a frank smile on his face. 

"Nothing special sir. Today, I just have gained my true happiness" he replied. He was feeling satisfied on remembering the happy face of Ayesha when he gave hundred rupees to her. It felt that he had started completing his duties as a father. Also, he was happy because Salma let him take Ayesha with him.

"What type of true happiness? Share with me" Hassan said while coming near him. 

"The fire, the guilt which was cutting me, which was consuming me for the last six years, today, it finally has got some water and some satisfaction"

He said with a satisfying tone. 

"You are happy with a little amount of satisfaction. Amazing" Hassan said with impressive expressions. 

"Yes sir, I have been looking for it for six years. And I'm happy that today I got it. It is now giving me a hope that may be my all sins, all dues which I have on my relationships will be atlast finished. Maybe, I will be able to return them the happiness which I have taken from them" he said with determination, with hope in his expressions. He was hoping and dreaming of the day when Salma will forgive him and Ayesha would know that he is her father. He wished for that day from the deep pit of his heart. 

"Ok. Now come back to work. I think we have to go to Dr. Irfan's house to arrest him. I'm suspecting that he has made some changes in the report. We have to ask him some questions" Hassan said. 

"Ok sir" Sohail said with a salute. 

After some minutes, their van was moving toward Irfan's house. 

He was sitting on the seat when a message popped on his screen. 

"Check your whatsapp"

 Message was present on the screen. A frown came on Hassan's face and he opened his whatsapp. A recording has been sent to him from anonymous sim. Confusion settled on his face and he started the recording. It is the recording of Dr. Irfan and that person's conversation. In it, Dr. Irfan admits his sins. Unknown number had sent it but Hassan knew who the person was.

He listened to the whole recording and dialled Faris's number. Call had been attended to by the second ring. 

"Assalam o Alaikum ASP" his smiling and mocking voice came from the other side. 

"What have you sent me, Faris? What is this all situation? You know we can again arrest you if you again try to get involved in the case" Hassan said, sternly. 

"ASP! Concentrate on your work. You have get the information and an evidence that I am innocent in these rape cases. So be honest with your duty. Slide your ego away! This will make yours and mine life easy" he said in a dead serious tone and disconnected the call. Hassan stared at the screen from some seconds. He was not angry, just considering the situation. And atlast, he decided to slide his ego away and do his duty honestly. They had reached Irfan's house and their duty was to arrest him. 


8 pm

Faris was again in that room where he was at night, making notes of the recent incidents and skimming the previous ones. His sixth sense was telling him the murderer's name but his conscience was still rejecting it. To confirm his suspicion, he had to go somewhere tonight. After some minutes, Daneen's voice came from the door. 

"Dinner is ready,"

"Coming" he replied while compiling the papers. Daneen had not a single idea about these things and he didn't want her to know about it. She will get worried or start panicking about it. He would give her a surprise when he would be free from this case. 

After getting free from dinner, Faris sat into the backyard, and dialled a number. Meanwhile, Daneen was making tea in the kitchen. 

"Hello" Hassan said while checking a file. 

"How are you ASP? I'm glad that you have arrested Irfan" Faris said in a smiling tone. 

"Why have you called me Faris? Now what do you want? " Hassan asked him with irritation. He was busy and also tired. 

"Just tell me one thing Hassan. When did Majeed die?" Faris came straight to the point. 

"Why? " Hassan became suspicious. 

"Tell me Hassan. I have no stamina to check it in the reports. Please tell me" Faris said in a tired and irritated tone. "He died after one year of raping Zainab. Now tell me the reason why you are asking? " Hassan said and impatiently waited for his reply. 

"Hello Faris," he said when he didn't listen to any voice from the other side. Faris had cut the call after getting his answer. 


2 am

A man in full black cloak was climbing a pipe. At the end of the pipe, there was a window which was ajar. Man pushed the window panes and climbed into the house. Darkness was in the house, as everyone was sleeping at that time. The man moved very cautiously and entered the room. That room seemed like a study room because there was a laptop, computer, a table, chairs and some books in a rake. The man switched on the flashlight of his mobile and locked the door. He moved toward the laptop and opened it. There was a password on it but the man was the best hacker. He hacked the laptop and opened the gmail. After some searching, he took some pictures in his mobile. 

At 3 am, that man was moving toward his house.


In the next chapter, you will know about the murderer. Till that, any guesses?


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