Her Soulmate Chapter 19


تو ملا تو احساس ہوا مجه کو

یہ میری عمر محبت کے لیے بہت تہوری ہے

( When I met you, I realized

Life is too short for your love) 

Start of January:

In the inspecting room, Faris and Hassan were sitting across the table, and having a conversation about the phone call. 

"So, you don't know about the person on call. Maybe he is your companion in it" Hassan says to him, with sternness in his tone.

"Nonsense, why my companion will call you, as it is clear that if I will be caught, he will also" Faris said in a nonchalant manner. 

"Then, maybe anyone who has seen you doing that," Hassan said

"When I haven't committed a crime, then how can anyone see me? " Faris again said with confidence. 

"And what about the medical report? " Hassan asked patiently. 

"I don't know. Maybe your lab attendant is with the killer. Black money and corruption is common in such fields" Faris replied confidently. 

"Faris... " Hassan said impatiently but Faris cut off his sentence. 

"ASP, you and your team should focus on finding the phone caller. Without it, your case is weak and I will easily get the bail and then clearance. You should confidently and wisely deal with this case. In Police and army forces, a person should be wise and cautious.  You are just wasting your time here and there. Try to find the caller, and your life will get easy." Faris says it while looking in his eyes. Hassan simply stared back at him without blinking. He knew that Faris was right, that's why he didn't get angry at him. 

"Are you an officer? " he asked. "Your words and your personality are giving me the impression of an officer" Hassan asked him. 

At this, a bitter smile came on Faris's life. 

"No" he replied, bitterly. Hassan saw his bitter smile but didn't ask anything. 

"Sohail! "Take him to the cell," he said while standing up. 

"Wait! " Faris said quickly. 

"I want to call someone," Faris said. Hassan nodded his head and asked the officer to take him to the phone. 

Faris picked up the ptcl phone and called Major General Faseeh Bukhari. 

"Hello," Faris said when the call was picked.

"Sir have you seen today's news? '' Faris asks. "Please arrange a lawyer for me. Tomorrow I want to approve my bail from court and want to be free.......Ok sir. Thank you so much" Faris ended his call, and confidently went toward his cell. 


Darkness spread in the whole city. Daneen was sitting in a dark room and staring in space, with hollow eyes. This loneliness, this darkness was making her depressed. She is continuously praying for the return of Faris. 

In the cell, Faris was sitting with an expressionless face. Darkness and loneliness was also present in the cell. There was just one ray of light, coming from the small hole on the wall, and casting itself in one corner. In that corner, the old man was sitting. Faris was on the other side of the wall, away from the light. He was also staring in the dark and his mind was running toward the past. Gradually, the cell started changing into the interview room. 

A seventeen year old boy was sitting for the interview and Colonel Faseeh Bukhari was sitting beside him

"Well done gentleman. I'm glad to have an interview with such a keen and sharp civilian. Well done and best of luck for your joining and training " His ISSB interview ended, which was conducted by Faseeh Bukhari. He was deeply impressed by Faris's intelligence and personality. He wished him good luck with his sincere intentions

Scene changed into the PMA Kakul academy

Seventeen year old boy was doing frog jumps into the ground. A senior was standing near him and shouting at him

Then, he is doing his map navigation activity with his group. He led his group and won the competition.

He was doing a speech in the hall and Colonel Faseeh, who was sitting in the audience as a guest, was seeing him with pride

Then, he was doing his passing out parade and receiving his sword of owner. Colonel Faseeh was sitting in the ground and smiling at him. Afterwards in the dinner, he came near him and appreciated him. He had high hopes for Faris. He was nineteen years old at that time

He went into the armour and posted in the Waziristan area as a second lieutenant. Here, he did a successful operation against Taliban and received an appreciation certificate from the army chief

At the age of twenty one, as a lieutenant, he was posted in Kashmir. Here, while doing operation, he was hit by the bullet. He remained in the hospital for one month and in that, Faseeh Bukhari came to visit him. After one month, he again joined his duty

At the age of twenty three, as a captain, he was posted at Islamabad for a six month course. In that course, Brigadier Faseeh Bukhari was his mentor. During the training, he and Faseeh Bukhari became friends. In the training, he seeks many things from Brigadier, also he had faced many punishments from him

A smile came on Faris' face when recalling those moments. Extra push ups, extra duty and many punishments had been given by Faseeh Bukhari. He sometimes disliked him for those punishments, but after completing punishments, they again became friendly. 

After finishing that course, he was appointed in Kashmir. At LOC, there was a war situation. In that task, one of his seniors was Brigadier Faseeh Bukahri. He guided him in that task and with the mind blowing management, they managed to complete the task. In one situation during the task, Faseeh Bukhari was going to be hit by a bullet, when Faris saved him. The bullet was hit on Faris's arm, but that was not serious. He was immediately given first aid and it helped him. After that incident, Faris and Faseeh came more close

Because of the insistence of Faseeh, Faris applied to join ISI (Inter-service intelligence). His request was approved due to his compatibility, and he became a spy in the army

His first mission was to recover one of his officers from the Taliban. For this purpose, he had to go to Afghanistan. He remained in Afghanistan for six months and in it, he successfully recovered his officer. He got appreciation from his senior which boosted his blood. He loved his country, his job

Tears flowed down from his eyes as bitterness and sadness filled his whole being. Voices of adhan came in his ears, so he shook away the rest of his memories. Whole night had already passed thinking of those golden days. 


Daneen's eyes opened with the voices of adhan. She slept in her sitting position, so her whole body was now aching. A whimper tumbled out of her mouth on feeling the pain. She straightened herself and lay in bed. Her eyes were wide open. Long dark night had passed and a new day had come in her life. She wanted hope and power in this new day. For this purpose, she stood from her bed and entered the washroom to do ablution. 

In that fajr prayer, she just asked for the safety and return of Faris. Tears were slipping from her cheeks and she was asking for Faris's return. 


Faris, along with other police officers, was walking into the halls of court. His hands were in handcuffs and his posture was straight and rigid. They entered the courtroom and waited for the judge. 

Faris's lawyer came near him and discuss everything with him. He was a compatible lawyer and taking bail for Faris was a catwalk for him. Hearing started and after an hour of discussion, the judge approved his bail. A smile spread on his face, and glanced toward Hassan's direction and found him standing with an expressionless face. This bail was not unexpected for him. He knew that Faris will succeeded in approving his bail. Judge was now saying that if police found any susceptible thing against Faris, they would arrest him as soon as possible and then he would have to remain in jail for judicial remand. Faris listened it with a smile. He was determined to find the real criminal as soon as possible. Police and Faris came out of the courtroom, and then stopped when their eyes clashed. Faris came near Hassan with a smirk and said to him. 

"Concentrate on finding the real criminal" he said and left the place.

Hassan remained standing there with angry expressions. 


Faris sat in the taxi and dialled Faseeh Bukhari's number. 

"Assalam o Alaikum sir... Thank you sir for the lawyer..... Sir, I need another help from you.. Please use your resources and gives me the detail of this rape cases......Yes sir...Now it is the time to find the real criminal... Thank you again" Faris ended the call with a smile. Faseeh Bukahri always helped him in the time of need. He felt blessed to have the trust and love of such a great person. He never gave up on Faris and always trusted him. 

Resting his head on the back of the seat, and seeing the outside scenes, his mind started running in a backward direction. Again his mind was wandering in the past. 

He was twenty four when that deadly incident occurred. He was in Rawalpindi when he got the call from home. Dilawar's daughter had been raped and killed. He quickly got the urgent holidays of three days and came back. Dilawar is their cousin who has spent his whole life abroad. He came back after his parent's death and was warmly welcomed by Faris's family. His daughter was loved by everyone so this incident broke everyone's heart. Dilawar was in trauma and he took one year to recover from it. He took several therapies from a psychiatrist. During that period, Faris' family took great care of him

After that holiday, he went to India as a spy. He got the assignment from ISI and he had to stay there. It took one year of him to complete his assignment.

After one year, when he came back, he saw Daneen for the first time. 

A smile spread on Faris' face on remembering those moments. Brave Daneen saving a girl from the harassment of a boy. 

After that, Faris went to Syria for another assignment. It took him six months there. When he came back, he again saw Daneen, fighting for the waiter. At that moment, he decided to marry that brave girl

At the age of twenty six, he got the promotion and became the major. He got some holidays and in that, he went to Murree. He had to go to Afghanistan for another task after the holidays. He wished to see Daneen before going there, and his wish came true when he saw her in Murree. He decided to marry her after coming back from Afghanistan, if he came back alive. He had beautiful dreams and plans after coming back from Afghanistan. But, fate had decided something else

A bitter smile came on Faris's face at this. His mind recalled the scene which he saw after coming back from Afghanistan. 

He stepped onto his country with a smile and blooming heart. He gave his attendance in headquarters and reported them about the situation. After getting free from it, he went to his house. He wanted to surprise his family. But, another surprise was waiting for him. He opened the house and found the dead body of his brother and niece

Faris' chain of thoughts was interrupted by the voice of the taxi driver. Taxi had stopped in front of his house. 


Daneen was sitting in her bedroom, praying for Faris when she heard some weird voices. Someone was on the ground floor. Her heart started beating rapidly, anderline pumped in her whole body because of fear. She quickly stood from her chair and took a vase in her hand. Now the person was climbing the stairs. Daneen stood beside the door and started waiting for the thief. Door opened and a man entered from it. Daneen thrust forward to hit the man on his head. 

"Stop, stop! " Faris turned around at the same moment and raised his hand in surrender. Daneen's hand stopped in the mid-air and a shock settled on her face

Faris's presence here was unexpected for her. 

"Faris," she whispered and lowered her arm. 

"Hello dear wife" he said with a wide smile. 

Tears came in Daneen's eyes and she quickly hugged him, burying her head in his chest. Faris became motionless at her action. 

"I was so afraid, so worried. I thought that I have again become alone. No one is there for me" she was saying with the moist voice. 

Warmness and a smile came on Faris face. 

"I'm back. Please stop weeping now" he said while breaking the hug. 

"I also miss you Daneen. My love for you is as strong as it was three years before. In fact, it has now become more strong, more powerful" Faris said with a beautiful and warm smile. 

Daneen saw his face with wet eyes, and then she also smiled. She wished that things between them started getting better, because the previous night she realized that she can't live without Faris. 

Both soulmates were standing there with wet eyes and beautiful smiles. 


It was the time of 7.30 pm. Faris was lying on his bed, with mobile in his hand. Daneen was in the kitchen, making tea. On whatsapp, he had got every details of these rape cases. He decided to go through them at night. He was skimming and scanning the details when Daneen came into the room with a tray of tea in her hands. 

"So, how did you break up the prison? " Faris's eyes widened at her innocent question. 

"Are you serious, Daneen?" She became confused at his bewildered expressions, nevertheless she nodded her head. 

Faris gawked at her innocence for some minutes and then laughter erupted from his throat. 

She furrowed at his laughter and sat on the couch with furious expressions. He took some minutes to stop his laughter and to become decent. He composed himself, took the cup from the table and glanced at her frowned face. 

"I haven't broken the prison, my queen. I have got the bail from court". Now it was Daneen's turn to be bewildered. 

"How? "

He took a deep sigh at her question and pointed to the place next to him, asking her to sit beside him. She quickly obliged.

"There are many things which you don't know about me. So, today I'm going to introduce Faris Shahnawaz Khan to you" he said. 

Daneen nodded her head. And then, Faris told her everything, about his training, about his family, about his love with her, about being a spy and about the tragedy of his life. Daneen's eyes widened with horror when Faris told her about the murder and rape of his neice. And now he was telling her about the day when police came to arrest him. 

It was the fourth day since the death of Momin and Anaya. Momina was suffering from a nervous breakdown, so she was in hospital. Faris's eyes had become red due to weeping and pain in his heart. His father like brother and daughter like niece had been dead. At the moment, he was in his house's lounge when police sirens could be heard. And after some seconds, to his surprise, police announced that they had come here to arrest him. He quickly opened the door and asked S.H.O what the problem was. S. H. O Tahir told him that they had found evidence against him. Medical report was telling that he had raped his niece. There was authentic evidence against him. Faris became shocked on seeing the report. He quickly rejected it and started speaking furiously. He was calling the police the corrupt persons who have taken the money and now putting all blame on him. Tahir became furious at his accusations and officers forcefully put him in the van

In court, his lawyer was not faithful with him. So, he didn't get the bail nor he was able to prove his innocence. His agency had disowned him. Now, he was no more Major Faris. 

Daneen's eyes become moist while listening to it. Then, Faris told him about the horrible nights in jail, how he survived in jail. Daneen felt that her heart had started pumping pain in her veins while listening to his past. 

After four months, Momina died. She remained in hospital throughout this time and atlast, breathed her last. After her death, Faris felt more alone in jail. One and half years passed like this. Police wanted him to accept his blame and he was continuously saying no to it. There was no proceeding in his case. One day, in the jail, an officer came and took him with him. Someone on the phone was asking for him. He attended the call and there was Major General Faseeh Bukhari on the other side. He was not in the country due to a mission. But now, he had come back and came to know about this accident. He asked him if he had really done the murder. Faris denied. Faseeh Bukhari then assured him that he is with him. Next day, he sent a lawyer to him. His previous lawyer was fired and now this new lawyer will proceed with his case. In six months, the lawyer succeeded in proving that the medical report was fake. Faris was announced innocent and was free.

After coming back from jail, he decided that he would find the murderer of his family. He had no job and no money so he needed a job. He applied in Jalal sins company. While working there, his intelligent and alert mind found that Jalal is a corrupted man. He is making black money and then laundering it. He found the evidence and told it to Faseeh Bukhari. He sent the details to NAB. Faris also overheard a conversation of Jalal on the phone. From that, he came to know that Jalal was going to meet his companions on 2nd January. NAB was waiting for this meeting so that they could arrest every criminal on the spot. After giving every information, Faris left the job. But he left it in such a way that Jalal could never doubt him

Faris stopped talking and glanced at her face. There was shock, disbelief and sadness on her face. 

"You are a spy! You send Uncle to jail" she whispered, but still Faris listened to it. "Unfortunately I was a spy," he said bitterly. 

"Is Ahmad also a part of that corruption?" she asked

"Unfortunately, no," Faris said with anger. He felt anger when he came to know that Ahmad is not the part of the fraud. That bastard was still in his house. 

Daneen glanced at his annoyed face and a smile etched on her face. 



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