Her Soulmate Chapter 16

Her Soulmate

Across the gateway of my heart
I wrote "No Thouroughfare",
But love came laughing by, and cried
"I enter everywhere".

-Herbert Shipman-

Start of January:

Half moon with all his glory was present on the sky with twinkling stars as its companion. Cold wind was blowing and was taking away clouds with it. Moon was gazing at the sleeping city, while stars were busy in their own play. At this hour, everyone is in the comforts of their house except for those police officers who were giving duty in different areas of the city. They were in the streets, up at this time of hour, to save us from the crime. 

In the houses, all were sleeping except for some people. Hassan and his team were getting ready to raid Faris's house. 

In Faris house, sleep was also away from Daneen's eyes. She is staring at the sleepy face of Faris and thinking about the person who was an unsolved mystery for her. 

"Who is this person? What is the past of him? Where is his family? Why is he such a rude person? What was the meaning of the picture "Officer Faris"?"

These questions were in her mind. Room was dark except for the night bulb which was giving dim light in the room. The clock was telling the time of 2.05 am. She stared at him for a few seconds and then left the bed. Sleep was not coming to her and she became tired of rolling on the bed and trying to catch some sleep. She opened the balcony door and entered into the cold and twinkling night. Voice caused Faris to stir in his sleep and forced him to open his eyes. He stared at the back of Daneen with sleepy and red eyes.

Moon caught a sight of a mesmerizing girl who was wearing white trouser shirt with black, long, open hair on her back. She was in deep thoughts and was gazing at the moon absentmindedly. Moon found her more beautiful and spellbound so he shy away and hid himself in the clouds. She inhaled the cold air and started shivering, but she liked the night and its coldness because it was much better than a human's coldness. Faris also left the bed and stood at the door of the balcony to stare at the beautiful sight for which he has every right to see. The peace of night and the beauty of his soulmate had a calming effect on his nerves.

Daneen remained standing there for some minutes, being in her deep thoughts while gazing at shying moon. She took a deep sigh as she was tired of her musings so she turned around to leave, and found Faris on the door. She became startled on seeing him at the door and put her hand on her chest. Amused smile set on Faris's face at seeing her startled expressions. 

"I think you were sleeping," she said. 

"The voice awakes me from slumber" he replied while turning back to bed. Daneen followed him and closed the door of the balcony. 

"I was feeling suffocated in the room, that's why I entered the balcony," she said while going toward the washroom. She entered the washroom and Faris remained sitting on bed, reminiscing that beautiful sight which he just witnessed a few minutes before. Unconsciously, a smile came on his face.

While coming out of the washroom, Daneen's foot slipped and she fell on the floor. 


Faris startled at her shriek and stood from his place with alert and anxious expressions. 

"Daneen? Are you okay? " Concern was placed in his tone. 

She emerged from the washroom with painful expressions. Her right hand was draped around her left arm, and she was groaning in pain. 

"What happened?" he asked with an alert expression. 

"I fell in the washroom " 

He comes near her, who was now sitting on her side of bed. 

He sat beside her and unwrapped her hand from the arm. 

"Let me have a look" he said while rolling up her sleeves. Her flawless skin was exposed to him, and he could feel her silky skin beneath his calloused hand. Different sinister thoughts dazed his mind but he rejected all of them and focused on the examination of the affected area. Nothing happened to bone, just a simple pain was there. 

"There is nothing to worry about. But you should rub a soothing lotion on it" he said and then open the side drawer to look for the lotion. 

He, at last, found it. Daneen remained quiet throughout the activity. Firstly, she was feeling pain in her arm, but after the body touch, goosebumps covered her whole skin. She felt the caring touch of Faris on his skin and also glanced at his concerned face. That concern and care was making her heart bloom with happiness. This care and love was giving her the impression of being special here, and this attention was what she was longing for after her father's death. 

Faris rubbed the lotion on her smooth and soft arm. He was trying hard to ignore the goosebumps and just trying to focus on his task. But eventually, their eyes clashed with each other. Orbs full of emotions, shyness and boldness were staring at each other and having a silent communication with each other. Emotions, which were difficult to say, were saying to each other through eyes. They stared at each other for a long minute, and then Daneen averted her gaze with a flush on her face, but Faris continued to stare at her flushed face. Moon came out of the clouds and bathed them with its light. He was also eager to witness the beautiful and emotional moment of Soulmates. 

They were in their fairyland when the siren of a police van rang in their ears causing them to come out of their daze. 


Hassan took a deep breath and then hopped out of the van. He knew that this is Daneen's house and the person he was going to investigate is Daneen's husband. He knew he was going to meet his beloved and the person whom he inwardly loathed and envied. He took a deep sigh and knocked on the door of his beloved's house. 

Sohail was looking at the house in disbelief because he knew that it is the workplace of his beloved. 

"There is no doubt that he is a rapist and murderer as he is the only person who knows that Salma is not at home that night. In fact, this person stops her from going home"

His hands turned into fists at thinking this. Anger was boiling his heart when they approached Faris's door, this house and its residents were a curse for his family. 

They rang the bell and after some seconds, Faris opened the door. 

"I'm A. S. P Hassan. We have come here for Faris Shahnawaz Khan." Though, he knew that this person is Faris, but still he said that with a straight face. 

"I'm Faris. What happened? " There was confusion and sternness on his face. Sohail's face became red with anger. He wanted to banged this person's head. 

"We have to take you with us for some investigation. Also we want to check your house." Hassan said while coming into the house. 

Here, he saw Daneen standing in front of him. Clad in a beautiful white dress and black shawl with fear on her flawless face, she was really a sight of mesmerizing, but alas! He had no right to appreciate that beauty. This realization pierced his heart, and made him feel more envious toward Faris. 

"What happened, Faris? " she came near Faris and asked him while holding his arm. Her body was racking due to shiver and she was trying to cocoon herself in the embrace of her husband. 

Hassan saw her fearful state and felt pinched on his heart. His beloved is with another person and she was getting afraid because of his presence, this realization was really tearing him up but, he had to compose himself for the sake of the country's people. 

"Tell us, officer, what is all this drama?" Faris asked with bitterness. He was losing his temper as many past memories were running in his mind. 

At his question, ASP told him about the rape cases and the phone call he recieved. 

Listening all this, Faris shut his eyes with pain and helplessness. Fear clutched his heart as everything was going the same as it was some years ago. 

"Faris Shahnawaz Khan! You have to come with us. You have been accused of the murder of your neice and brother." S. P Asher said while handcuffing him

"On seeing and listening to all the evidence, the Court has come to the decision that Faris Khan is the murderer of his brother and niece and also that he has raped her." Judge was speaking in court. 

"What a devil he is! He raped his niece! No humanity is in him! " Different voices of people were echoing when he was passing the halls of court. 

These voices still caused his heart to feel the pain and bitterness. At this moment, he was fearful that same thing was going to be repeated. He was alone and had to spend some years in the Jail. Fear and pain was increasing in his heart, when..

"How can you blame my husband? You have no proof and still you have come here to arrest him."

He opened his eyes at Daneen's furious voice, and found her standing in front of him protecting him from officers. He now wanted to cocoon himself in her protection and embrace. 

"We are not arresting him. We are just going to investigate. Please calm down" Hassan said in a polite manner, but their love and chemistry was tearing him up. 

"But he will not go with you," she said in a firm tone. 

"Miss, cooperate with us." Everyone startled on listening to Sohail's angry voice. 

"Sohail, go with your officers and searched the house," Hassan ordered. He gave a glare to the couple and entered the roomz

"Please, Mr. And Mrs. Faris, cooperate with us," Hassan said to them in a stern tone. 

After that, there remained silence for ten minutes. Daneen saw the pain and fear in her soulmate's face, and this thing broke her heart. The person who was just rubbing a soothing lotion on her arm, who saved her from fire, who said soothing things to her when she was crying and remembering her father, who was the only relationship she had now: that person was now fearful and in pain. 

"He can't be a criminal or a rapist. He can't be!" her heart was saying to her, and she was eager to follow her heart's musings. 

After ten minutes, officers came outside and told them that they found nothing suspicious. 

"You have done your search, now go" Daneen again said that. She is still standing in front of a statue of Faris, protecting him from the police. 

"Please Mr. Faris, just a few questions and then you will be free to go. Please!" Hassan said while coming near them. His eyes were roaming again and again toward Daneen but he was controlling his emotions. 

Faris took a deep sigh and nodded his head. He knew that he had no other option. He gently pushed anxious Daneen at the side and gave her an assuring smile. That night was really proved to be magical for their relationship. 

Hassan took him by the arm and guided him to the car. Faris was permitted to use his car to go to the police station.

Now, police officers were sitting in the cab and Faris was sitting in the car. While sitting, he turned his head and saw Daneen who was still standing there. Fear and uncertainty was on her face and tears were swimming in her eyes. Faris saw her, his only relation in the world, and turned away his face. Rage was now consuming him, he wanted everything to be solved. 

Hassan also saw her while sitting in the car whose eyes were fixed on her Soulmate. Not for once, she glanced toward Hassan. 


After they left the house, Daneen sat on the stairs of the porch, helplessly. She was seeing them leaving with void eyes and fearful expressions. 

"What will happen now? What if they start torturing Faris? My Allah! Please save him. He is the only relation I have now. Please Allah"

She was praying for that person from whom she felt fear in the starting days of her married life. She thought that she would never get attached with Faris, but at this moment, her heart was wailing for Faris. Her every limb was praying for him. Her heart was feeling pain because he was in pain. 

Half moon, which had just sighted two soulmates in the room, was now seeing a lonely soulmate sitting on stairs, praying for the other one. 


In the police station, Hassan asked him different questions which he replied confidently. He had calmed down his nerves in the car. Then, they took his blood sample and fingerprints sample. 

"Mr. Faris, you also have a previous record in which you are accused of.... " Hassan cut his sentence at seeing Faris' furious expressions.

"But, the court has declared me innocent and let me go. I have suffered in prison for two years without any reason" he said with bitterness. 

"I pity you," Hassan said. 

"Mr. Faris, I want to know one thing. Your record says that you have been an officer in Sargodha's police station. But you resigned from the post. And after six months of it, you have been accused of the murder. So, what is this all situation?" Hassan asked. 

"I just wanted to resign so I resigned. There is nothing special in it. And if you are done with your questions,  can I leave? " he asked while standing from his chair. 

Hassan nodded his head, and glanced at his retrieving frame. 

After he left, Hassan asked for the presence of Sohail. 

"Sohail, have you traced the number from which I got the call?" he asked. 

"No sir. Our IT department fails to track it"  

"Damn it" Hassan cursed. 

"Take his samples to the lab and ask them to cross match it with the samples they get from the murdered girls" he ordered. 

"Ok sir" Sohail said and turned to leave. 


Faris parked his car on the side of the road. At this time, there was no one and he wanted loneliness for a few minutes. He took a deep breath and entered into the graveyard which was one the other side of the road. He entered into it and stood in front of three graves, the graves of his brother's family. He stared at them for some minutes. 

"Today, I'm again in that situation brother. I'm tired of this world, I just wanted to die and come to you. My heart is weeping at this moment." he spoke and stared at the grave, with sadness and tears shining in his eyes. He was reminiscing the beautiful moments of his life and wished to fly back to those moments. But alas! It was not possible. He had to bear everything which was written in his fate. 

He took a deep breath and fished out the mobile from his pocket and dialled a number. 

"Assalam o Alaikum!........ Police were again at my house..... I have to meet you.... At 11am?..okay " he spoke for some minutes on mobile and then cut the call. He again stared at the grave with painful expressions. After spending some time in the graveyard, he sat in the car and ignited its engine.

Fajar Adhaan was going on when he entered the house. He parked his car outside and came into the house with the help of a spare key. He was surprised to find Daneen sitting on the stairs of the porch, with her head on her knees. Dense frost was surrounding her, making her a part of nature. On the voice, She raised her head toward Faris and quickly rushed toward him. Whole night, she remained sitting there, waiting and praying for him. She rushed toward him and hugged him, instinctively. Faris startled on her action. Her head was lying on his chest and her cold hands were on his back.

She craned her neck and glanced at him with red eyes. 

"Are you okay? Do they torture you? What happened? " Faris stared at her anxious state and nodded his head. 

"I'm fine. Nothing happened to me." he says with an assuring smile. 

"Thank God," Daneen said with a smile, while breaking the hug. 

Faris was smiling toward her now flushing and embarrassed state. Previously, when Daneen was fighting for him with police and now when she was hugging him, a warmness and assurance filled him that now he was not alone, Daneen was with him. This assurance bloomed his heart and it felt lively after a century. 

And this situation had also grown a plant of love in their hearts. 


It was the time of 7 am and Sohail was in the street of Shaheenabad, in front of Salma's house. He knocked on the door and Ayesha opened it. A wide smile came on her face upon seeing him. 

"Assalam o Alaikum uncle" she said with delight. 

"Walaikum Assalam" he said while coming into the house. 

Salma came out of the room and stopped to see him. 

"What happened officer? " she asked with a straight face. 

"I have something special to discuss with you," he said with politeness. He saw her cold and distant attitude with a constricted heart, he wanted to apologize for everything he had done but he found no courage in it. 

"Is it related to her rape case? " she asked while pointing toward Ayesha. 

Sohail's heart shattered on listening to these words. He was still trying to digest the news that his daughter had been raped. 

"Yes, " he said and sat on one of the chairs. Salma sat on the opposite side and Ayesha sat with him. Salma glared at her but she ignored it. 

"Ayesha, why are you not going to school? Do I help you in getting admission?" he suddenly asked Ayesha, but indirectly he was asking this to Salma. Salma's eyes became red with anger on listening to this. 

"I was going, but now I have left it," she replied with sadness. 

"But why? " Sohail asked. 

"Ayesha, go and play in the room. GO!" Salma shouted at her. She became scared and ran away. Then, Salma turned toward him. 

"Do you really want to know the reason? It is because she has been raped. She is fearful of people. And people, they are not aware of the trauma. But when they will come to know, they will reject her. They will humiliate her, make it difficult for her to live in this society. You know very well what society does with the woman who has a spot on her character. You know what men do with a woman who has doubt on her character. They don't listen to her part of the story and just give their judgemental decisions. I'm saving her from society, from the hate of society" she said with tears in her eyes, with hate in her voice. 

And Sohail, he had been numbed on listening to it. He remained quiet because he knew what type of society we have, as he was also a part of this society. He knew very well how people treat the girls with doubtful character, as he had also done that act. His heart was piercing thinking that his daughter had suffered just due to his sin. Nature had paid him, which he has earned on himself. He had destroyed another person's daughter's life, and now his daughter's life had been destroyed. He acknowledged this whole fact with tearful eyes. 

He stood from the chair and started moving toward the door with dejection. But then, he stopped. He had to tell her what he actually had come to say. He turned toward her. 

"Salma, from now on, you will not go to Faris Khan's house. We have doubt on him that maybe he is the rapist" 

He didn't do eye contact with her and quickly rushed out of the house, leaving a bewildered Salma.


Salma was sitting on the bed and Ayesha was near her, playing with dolls. 

"Ayesha?" She called her daughter. 

"Yes" she came and sat near her mother. 

"My doll, I'm going to ask you something and you have to tell me the truth." she said while holding her hand. 

"Yes mom" she replied obediently

"Have you seen the person who has.. " Salma cut off her sentence and stared at the innocent face of her daughter. Ayesha shook her head in no. 

"There was a mask on his face," she replied. 

"Why do you remain fearful of Faris? Has he ever done something wrong with you? " she again asked, thinking about Sohail's words. 

"He has never done anything wrong but mama, his voice resembles that person who did that to me" she said while clutching her mother's hands. Salma's heart trembled at her daughter's words and she whispered.

"Are you sure? " 

"Yes mom, when I first heard his voice. I became fearful, because it is just like that dirty person who has done... " she started weeping in the end. Salma desperately hugged her daughter, with hurt and fear evident on her face. 



  1. Many people have same voice it's doesn't matter


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