Her Soulmate Chapter 15

Life is not about how many breathes you take but the moments that take your breath away

Start of January:

It had been fifteen days since the first murder in Shaheenabad. And, still the police hadn't found the murderer. In the last days, a new murder case of girl "Hooriya" was also added in the list. After her murder, Police requested the people of that area to not let their children play and roam in the streets alone. Some police officers also remained in the area to check out the people. They sometimes remain standing on the street and sometimes they roam in the area. After this step , no murder case and rape case was recorded.

These days, Hassan tried to ask different questions from Ayesha but she was not cooperative with them. The girl was really scared of the murderer and started weeping whenever Hassan tried to ask her about the incident. So, he remained patient with her in order to gain information from her. In those days, whenever he went into Ayesha's house, Sohail was with him. But, there was something abnormal about him during these visits. Hassan noticed that Sohail just remained standing there with an expressionless face and whenever Ayesha started weeping, hurt, anger and grief came on Sohail's face. He became anxious at her weeping. Hassan did ask him about it but he kept quiet or ignored the question. So, Hassan also let it go.

In those days, Hassan had been called by his seniors for this case. They have just scolded him for not being able to complete Shaheenabad's case. And this thing boiled his blood. 

They have not even given us the complete resources and are asking for a complete result and report. 

He muttered every time when coming back from the senior's office. 


It had been eight to nine days since the outburst of Daneen. After that outburst, Daneen and Faris were having a cold fight. They were completely ignoring each other. There days remained uneventful, and a little bit bored, till that morning of January. 

In that morning, Daneen was making breakfast for herself and Faris. She was wearing a pink salwar kameez with dupatta. That dupatta was of silk material and was continuously disturbing her as it was slipping again and again from her shoulder. Daneen was becoming irritated from it. 

She was beating the eggs and the stove was burning, present on her back side. Her dupatta again slipped and, with irritation, she forcefully put it on the shoulder. In doing it, the end of her dupatta catched the fire from the stove. Her dupatta started burning but she didn't know about it. Faris descended the stairs and came into the kitchen area. He saw the scene and his eyes widened with horror. 

"Daneen! " he shouted and came near her swiftly. Daneen startled at his action. He quickly took off the dupatta and threw it away. Daneen acknowledged the situation and she became numb with fear. If Faris will not be here, her shirt will catch fire in a few seconds and then.... She was unable to think after this. 

She remained motionless and Faris eyed her with a worried expression. 

"Are you okay? " he asked her. His voice was also wavering. 

Daneen shook her head in no and tears spilled from her eyes. 

"I... I can... die after it" she said with a shivering and damp voice. 

Faris' heart was throbbing due to the incident and he can also sense the condition of Daneen. So, instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her torso. And Daneen, she also wept in the crook of his neck. The sweet womanly and manly scent mingled with each other and started dominating their senses. They remained in the entangled state for a few moments and then separated their bodies.

"Stop weeping Daneen. I will never let you any harm. I will save you. You are the only loved one I have in my life" Faris said this with emotions and started wiping her tears. The moments had also stopped to watch those two soulmates who were now gazing in each other's orbs. 


Fog had totally covered the sun and made it unable to send its soothing rays to Islamabad's residents. It was freezing cold when Salma and Ayesha had buckled up and were going to Faris's home. In the streets, they could see different police officers standing and guarding the people. She felt happiness and pity at that moment, happiness was due to the help and protection provided by police and pity was due to their condition. In this freezing weather, they were standing in the streets just for them. Every police officer let them go except of Nazim. That person just wanted to take his revenge from them as he was scolded by Sohail on that day just because of them.

"Where are you going with the child? Don't you know that this is harmful. Go and take her back" he says with a booming and authoritative voice. 

Salma saw him with disgust. Just because of such officers, the police were having a bad reputation in the society. 

"We are going for work" she replied and tried to quickly pass him but he stopped her by coming in his way. This thing scared Ayesha and she started weeping with a loud voice. 

"Go back to home. And stop her volume" Nazim said while shooting daggers at Ayesha. Ayesha shielded herself by coming on the backside of her mother, and she was continuously weeping. 

"It is important, please let us go" Salma became tired of the situation. Nazim firmly shook his head in no. In that instant, a police cab stopped near them and Sohail came out of the cab. 

"What happened Nazim? " he asked while glancing at three of them. 

"That woman is not cooperating with us," Nazim said in a humble voice. 

Sohail glanced at Salma who had a frown on her face. 

"No, he is not cooperating with me. I have to go to my workplace and he is stopping me" Salma said with fury. Sohail glared at Nazim and asked him to go away. 

"I'm so sorry for his attitude, this will never happen again" Sohail said to her, while avoiding eye contact. 

Salma just nodded her head and turned toward Ayesha who was still weeping. Sohail's gaze turned toward her and fixed at her weeping state. Sohail noticed that her eyes were just like him. The blood attracted and he stepped toward Ayesha. He crouched down to her level and smiled at her. Ayesha stopped weeping and saw that kind and smiling uncle with curious eyes. 

"Ayesha, my name is Sohail. Do you want to be friends with me" Ayesha saw him with curiosity, but said nothing. 

Salma glared at him, but he was ignoring her. 

"No? You don't want to be friends with me." Sohail said with a pout. Ayesha giggled at this and nodded her head. 

Salma glared at this and quickly took Ayesha's hand. 

"We have to go, we are getting late" Salma said while quickly grabbing her daughter's hand. 

Sohail saw Salma's face and straightened himself. 

"Okay, so Ayesha is getting late from school," Sohail said while smiling toward Ayesha. 

"No uncle, I don't go to school. I'm going with mama." Ayesha quickly said. She wanted to have a conversation with that uncle. 

 Sohail remained motionless on listening to this. His heart pierced on acknowledging the fact that his daughter has not the privilege of education. 

Salma quickly grabbed her hand and left the place. 


Daneen put the breakfast on the table. Her face was still a little bit flushed due to the previous situation. After weeping, she felt embarrassed on weeping at Faris's neck and also without a dupatta. Her shirt was tightly fitted, that's why she was wearing a dupatta. But at that moment, she was not having dupatta and she was hugging Faris. She broke the hug and went into the room to get dupatta. 

Now, she was putting breakfast and thinking about the situation. She was grateful to Faris and wanted to end this cold war which was in between him and her. Faris came on table and started eating breakfast. Daneen also pushed the chair and sat in front of him, and started eating her breakfast. In the previous days, she was having breakfast in the lounge, but today she sat with Faris as an initiative to end this war. They started the breakfast in complete silence. 

Daneen wanted to say thank you to him but was not able to find the appropriate words for it. . 

While eating, something stuck in her throat and she started coughing. Faris quickly poured the water in glass and put it on her lips. He was in a bending position and she was sitting on a chair. After having a sip, she felt normal so Faris put the glass on the table. 

"Thank you for today," she said in a low voice. 

Faris nodded his head and sat on the seat for having breakfast. Dannen saw his expressionless face while chewing her lips. She stared at him for some minutes and then mustered her courage to speak. 

"I'm sorry Faris for that day. I just become emotional" she referred to her outburst. 

Faris saw her with amazement. This sorry was unexpected for him, but now he was smiling on these words. 

"I'm also sorry for not informing you about my job. I resigned from that job because I don't like Ahmad and your uncle. But, I am trying to get another job" Faris said with a smile. 

He was happy with Daneen's sorry and this act also reduced his ego. Daneen nodded her head with a smile. Her heart also bloomed with Faris's sorry and his explanation. Indeed, a sorry can change everything. 


Daneen was stalking in the backyard and observing the poor condition of flowerbeds and trees. 

"They are in really bad condition. From today, I should take care of the backyard." she thought with determination. She had decided to give full time to her house's decoration from now on. She glanced at the backyard and decided to have the seeds of different flowers to sow here. After coming from the backyard, she started checking the drawers and cupboard of the guest room. In the cupboard, there was nothing. In the drawers, she just found some small and useless things. In the cupboard, one drawer was locked. Daneen wondered what was special in this drawer. She started searching for the keys in the room. In the drawer of a side table, she found the key, unlocked the drawer and glanced at it. In the drawer, she found some pictures. The pictures were of a family, Faris's family. In one picture, there were four people standing in a garden. Faris was there, one man and woman were there, and a small girl was in Woman's arms. Daneen shifted the other photo and in it,  a man and woman were only there with a baby girl in the man's arm. She turned the photo and it was written on its backside

"Momin and Momina Khan with their daughter".

In one picture, Faris was there with a child in his lap. On the backside it was written. 

Faris with his niece, Anaya Khan

There were different pictures of these four people. From the pictures, she deduced that Momin and Momina were Faris brother and bhabhi and Anaya was his niece. 

In one picture, There was a man and woman and two boys of eleven year and of nineteen year were standing with them. On the back side it was written, 

Shahnawaz Khan and Saima Khan with their sons

This was the picture of Faris's parents. She glanced at the young smiling and lively Faris. That boy was so similar and at the same time different Faris from today's Faris. In fact, in all the pictures, there was a smile or softness in Faris's expressions but today, there was nothing like that on his face. 

Daneen shifted the pictures and glanced at second last. In the second last picture,a baby of one year was sitting on the floor. There was cerelac on his face and clothes, and a bowl of cerelac was near him. Daneen turned the picture and her eyes widened at the writing. 

"Baby Faris"

Daneen turned the picture and laughed. The picture was really cute.

Daneen glanced at the last pic and here her eyes widened with shock. In it, Faris was standing in Army's uniform. On the back side of picture, it was mentioned:

"Officer Faris Khan"

  This was really unbelievable. Her breath stuck in her throat on seeing that big truth. She quickly put them back and locked the drawer. At this moment, she was not in the position to ask Faris about it. 


It was the night time and A. S. P Hassan was sleeping on his bed. His mobile started ringing which startled him in his sleep. He switched on the lamp and saw that it was 2 am. He narrowed his eyes with irritation and glanced at the mobile screen. An unknown number was on the screen.

"Hello? " he asked in a sleepy voice. 

" I can tell you who is the murderer of Shaheenabad girls."

Hassan's eyes widened on the words of the person on the other side. He sat on his bed with shock clearly written on his face. 

"Person's name is Faris Shahnawaz Khan and his address is...... " The person told him the address and quickly cut off the call. 

Hassan kept on asking him his name but he didn't give any detail. Hassan again dialled his number but it was switched off. 

"Damn it! " he threw the mobile away and quickly came out of his bed. He had to do a lot of work, and the first one was to visit Faris Shahnawaz Khan. 


I'm back with the update. So far, what are your thoughts about the novel? What do you think will happen next? 


  1. Faris is not the rapist but I think something bad is going to happen

    1. Wait for the next chapter to know your answers!

  2. I'm pretty sure rapist is Ahmed


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