Her Soulmate Chapter 8

Her Soulmate 8


 Daneen was afraid of darkness and silence, and that night it was more intense and horrifying as she was alone in the house. The place was new to her and she felt afraid of new places. 

She didn't have Faris's mobile number, so was unable to contact him. After waiting for hours, she decided to do something. 

She searched the different places of the house and at last, found a visiting card from Dilawar's company which contained a landline and phone number. Firstly, she felt a little bit reluctant to call at this hour. But after some more wait, she gave up and dialed Dilawar's mobile number. 

Bell continued to ring and after four to five bells, someone received the call.

"Hello? " Dilawar's sleepy voice rang from the other side. 

"Hello. How are you, Dilawar? I'm Daneen." She said nervously. 

"Daneen? What happened? Is everything all right? " he asked, concern laced in his tone. 

"Actually, Faris has not yet come home and this thing is worrying me. Please call him and ask him to come home." 

A thick wave of tears struck her throat, making her voice moist. 

Dilawar became silent at this. After some seconds pause, he sighed and said


Daneen cut the call and gazed at the dark sky through the window. Her heart was yelling at her that something is going to get wrong. Rejecting all the negative thoughts, she leaned her head against the back of the sofa.


The whole day, Ayesha kept on weeping while Salma tried to console her daughter.

"He will also kill me as he killed Sana"

She thought with horror. 

Salma remained at her side for the whole day. She took off from her work due to Ayesha. Her sixth sense was blaring a red alarm, and she wanted to deny them. 

"Ayesha, tell me what is the matter? Share with me. Please, my daughter! I'm so worried for you. Different thoughts are making me so anxious." 

She pleaded to her daughter.

And here, Ayesha gave up. A seven-year-old girl didn't have much tolerance and so was the case with Ayesha. She started to weep in her mother's embrace and started to tell her everything about that horrible rainy night. 

Some days before

It was the night of Faris and Daneen's marriage when Salma was with Daneen and Faris was away. Ayesha was all alone at home. That was the first time that no one was near her at night time. She was scared of darkness and rain. She was weeping and anxiously waiting for her mother. Suddenly, the door knocked and she became happy. She thought her mother had arrived. She quickly stood from her place and ran toward the door, and opened it without asking. 

"Mama! " 

She screamed with happiness and opened the door. But she flinched in fear when she saw that a large man was standing at the door. He was clad in black overall and his face was covered with a black mask. Ayesha tried to close the door in fear. But, that man stopped her and stepped into the house. 

"What do you want uncle? " That innocent child asked while weeping. 

"Your body, dear," he said in a low and husky voice. Ayesha didn't understand the meaning of the sentence but she could sense the bad intentions of the man. 

"Mama! ''This time she screamed with fear but the man put his hand on her mouth. He took him to the room effortlessly. And then closed the door. That night was the hardest night of the child's life. 

Rain, night, and moon witnessed that beast's act. They were also weeping with the child and thanking Allah that He has created Karma and the Day of Justice to punish such monsters. 

That monster stopped when he listened to a neighbor's voice. Someone was calling Ayesha and asking her if she was ok. That monster quickly left her body and covered her with clothes. She was weeping and shivering with fear. 

"I'm so sad that I can't take you with me because of the aunty present outside. But I will have my eyes on you. If you ever try to tell anyone about this event, I will get to know and then I will kill you and your mother. " 

He said in a harsh tone while grabbing her arm mercilessly. That threat course a shiver through her body and she nodded. That man climbed the wall and jumped to the other side. 

"Ayesha! Ayesha" That neighbor woman was calling her. 

"Auntie, I'm ok. I was just afraid but I'm ok." That seven-year girl said that after much effort. She didn't open the door because of fear and pain.

"Ohh.. It's ok" That woman didn't care to see her. She was so busy in her home that listening to Ayesha's voice made her relieved and she immediately left. After that, Ayesha kept on weeping till her mother came. 


"I was so afraid that I didn't tell you anything. But, Sana has died. That man had killed her. He will kill me too. Save me Mama"  she said while hugging her mom. And Salma, all her world had shattered after listening to the event.  A new chapter of pain had opened in her life, making it more difficult for her to bear the pain of this world.


It was 3 am and still, Faris didn't come home. Daneen became worried now because it had been two hours since she had called Dilawar. She was currently sitting on the couch of the lounge and waiting for Faris. Despite the anxiety, her eyes started to become heavy. And after a few minutes, she went into the dreamless slumber.

It was 3.30 am when tired Faris stepped into the lounge while a frown was etched on his face. There he found Daneen sleeping on the couch. His tensed face and frown melted after seeing this. 

She was waiting for me? 

He came near the couch and saw her. Her head was lying on the back of the couch while she was sleeping in a sitting position. Faris stared at her angelic and tired face.

She is a completely changed girl from the girl which I once fancy to marry. What has she done with herself? Or was it life who has done bad to her? 

His mind again started to wander into the past. 


            Start of August 

It had been three and half months since he had come back from jail and became the security head of Jalal Sins. This was night time and he had been managing the security of one of Jalal Khan's family events, which was going on a rooftop of a hotel. 

He was talking to one of his co-workers when he saw her. It had been two and half years since he had seen Daneen Anwar for the last time. And, that day, Faris Khan saw this new Daneen Anwar for the first time. He didn't know that Daneen was part of Jalal Khan's family. At that moment, she was standing alone in a corner, eyeing each and every person with nervousness. She was no more that brave Daneen which he knew. That was a cowardly girl who was unknown to him. Her cousin was enjoying with each other and she was not part of any group. Hurt, fear, and loneliness were vibrating from her being. Faris could relate to her because he was also experiencing those feelings in his life. They both tasted the bitterness of life. 

He was seeing her when he felt a burning gaze on him. He turned here and there and found Mr. Jalal looking at him. Averting his gaze from every family member, he focused on the work on hand.


The next day, he was in his office when Mr. Jalal asked for his presence. He entered his office with a serious expression. 

"Come, Come, Faris," Mr. Jalal said with a fake smile. 

He entered and sat on the seat. 

"How is your job going on? Do you have any problem?"

"No sir, thank you," he said with a serious expression. Smiles became rare on his face. 

"Faris! Do tell me about yourself. I want to know much about you" Mr. Jalal said.

"Why did you become so interested in my life? You have never asked me about it" he became a little bit surprised at this question. 

"I just want to know more about my employee. I'm just curious about you" Mr. Jalal said with a fake smile.

"I'm sure, sir, there is a solid reason behind this question which you are not telling me. But I will answer you. I'm Faris Khan. I was in the Pak Army before I went to jail. And I went to Jail because the police doubted that I had killed my brother and raped my niece. For two years, they kept me in Jail and the case remained in court. But then, they realized that I hadn't done anything wrong so they released me. And now I'm your security head. "

He answered it in monotonous tone and with expressionless face, but fire was blazing in his orbs. Jalal Khan became tongue-tied at his explanations and started at his cold expressions and burning gaze. 

"Now, you are not in Pak Army? " Mr. Jalal asked. 

"No sir" 

"Faris, who is the criminal of your brother? " 

"Don't know sir. Police failed to find him." Still his voice was monotone. 

"Ok, you can go," Mr. Jalal said. 

He nodded his head and left the office. 


It had been fifteen days since Mr. Jalal asked him about his past. And again that day, he was asked to come into the office. 

He entered Mr. Jalal's office and sat in his seat. Today, Mr. Jalal's expression was serious. 

"I have to talk something serious with you Faris."

"Sure sir! "

"Since you haven't any family then you should need a family member who can take care of your house. "

"A wife? " he asked, confusion etched in his voice. He didn't understand where all this discussion was going. 

"Yes! I have a proposal for you"

"What? " he asked, unsure of the situation. "I want you to marry my niece. Her name is Daneen Anwar" 

Faris' whole world stopped at these words. He always thought that jail had burned all his emotions. But, at that moment, he realized that he still has heart and feelings. 

"Why do you want her to marry me? " he controlled his emotions and asked. 

"Faris, you have a dark past and due to it, no one will be willing to give you their daughter. And my niece has a stained character. No one is willing to marry her. So you both can complement each other."

A sarcastic smile etched on Mr. Jalal's face in the end which boiled Faris's blood. But, he ignored it because he was desperate to know more about the girl who had his heart.

"What is with her character? " Faris's eyes got narrowed at this. 

"She is involved in my son. And I don't want it. So, you have to marry her." Mr. Jalal replied while shrugging his shoulders.

Faris' face became hardened at this. His heart wept at these words but he hardened his nerves.

"And why should I marry your waste?" He asked in between his gritted teeths.

Mr. Jalal became furious at these words. But, he controled his emotion. He wanted him to marry Daneen. 

"If you refuse this marriage, then I will tell police that you are helping a group in a robbery. You are giving them way to my security system." he said mercilessly.

"Excuse me? Who told you this fake news?" he asked with fury. 

"You are not doing that Faris?" Mr. Jalal asked with a calm voice. 

"No, I'm not," he said with gritted teeth but helplessness was gripping his being.

"Who will believe you? Who will believe a criminal? " There was still calmness on his face. 

"You are planting me in your plan? " he asked furiously while a flash of pain came into his orbs.

"Yes of course. This is the only way. Think about it and give me your positive answer as quickly as possible." 

Mr. Jalal said and opened his laptop and started working on it, indicating furious Faris to leave his office.

He turned around from Mr. Jalal while his mind was a hodgepodge of thoughts. Different feelings, pain and fear, hit his being and he felt helpless and alone in that situation.

He was furious at Jalal's blackmail. He didn't want to go back to Jail. And, he also wanted her to be a part of his life. 

"Daneen Anwar, you have done a lot with a beast's heart. I'm afraid, how will you manage his dark emotions and dark life

So, after some days, he said yes to Mr. Jalal with stern expressions. Both parties started to prepare for the event. But a flame remained in Faris's heart, the flame of fury, hate, and bitterness. 


His mind came back to reality with the voice of Adhan. It was time for Tahajud prayer. Faris shook his head and left the lounge. While climbing the stairs, he saw Daneen waking up from her slumber. He ignored her and entered the bedroom. 


There was still darkness in the city. A car stopped near Shaheenabad. A man came outside from the car and opened the back door to put a sack on his shoulder. He threw the sack on the pavement. And then quickly entered his car which zoomed out of the area. Moon was in the sky and he witnessed that the son of Adam had thrown a daughter of Eve on the road. 


Shaheenabad-Name of an area


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