Her Soulmate Chapter 11

 How vainly you say, "I will stand firm".

"If life itself won't stand firm, how will you? "


The sound of thunder and rain falling could be heard in the darkroom of Dilawar's Villa, where he was sitting on a chair, near the window. The whole scenario was like a haunted place. And in this scenario, Dilawar was sitting with a picture in his hand and was staring at it with void expressions. In the picture, a seven-year-old girl was giving a toothy smile. Dilawar gazed at the picture with hollow and tearful eyes. 

My Zainab

His mind started to roam toward the time when her daughter was with him. When her laughter could be heard in the house. When this house was lively due to its residents. But, everything tumbled down with her death. With this thought, his mind roamed toward his and A.S.P's conversation which happened this morning. 

"Mr. Dilawar, we want some details about your daughter's murder."

These words of A. S. P pierced his heart. With most difficulty, he composed himself and started telling them about that day's events. 

Zainab was very close to her maid because her mother had no interest in her family or daughter. She remained busy in her social activities, and Zainab remained on servant's mercy. She was close to her father, Dilawar, and her maid, Sania. Sania remained with her the whole day and in the evening, she had to leave for her house which was in Shaheenabad. She was a married woman and had a five-year-old daughter. 

Dilawar's whole life depended on her daughter. His whole life, love, and family were just Zainab. He could do anything for his daughter. 

On that unfortunate day, Dilawar became late due to his meeting. He called his wife and asked her to return home because Sania had to leave for her house and Zainab would be alone. But, she turned a deaf ear to his words and remained busy in her activity. Sania waited for some time but when it started to get late she decided one thing. She decided that she would take Zainab to her home and when Dilawar would be free, he could pick her up from Shaheenabad. Zainab became excited at this thing and quickly became ready to go with Sania. Sania's intentions were not wicked but the worst thing happened in their fate that night. 

Sania messaged Dilawar about this and took Zainab with her. In Shaheenabad, Zaianb started to play with Sania's daughter. Sania became busy in the kitchen while Zainab and her daughter came into the street to play. Sania's husband was coming home when he saw both girls playing.

Majeed, Sania's husband, was drunk at that time. He had a bad reputation and a criminal mind. He was the type of person who had no sense of good and wrong, who had no realization that daughters are the apple of their parent's eyes and that females also have respect just like men. He just saw women as a playing things and inferior to men. So, when he saw Zainab his devilish instincts woke up and he dragged the girl with him. His mindset lead him to abuse and rape the Zainab, the girl who was of her daughter's age. He dragged Zainab into the room and locked the room. Sania started to shout and started knocking on the door. Sky and moon witnessed a horrible sight that night. The innocent girl who had come to play in a house, who had never seen the evil side of a person: had seen the worst thing in life. 

 That moment was horrible when Sania's call came to him. She was weeping and begging him to come sooner. She told him that Zainab was in trouble. Listening to that, he went to Shaheenabad rashly driving. When he reached Sania's house, Zainab was no more in this world. Majeed, while raping, put a pillow on Zaianb's face to stop her cries and yelling. And, she died due to suffocation. When Dilawar entered the house, Majeed had already left the house and Zainab was dead. Sania and her daughter were standing near Zainab's body and were wailing. And Zainab; his world, his everything; was lying there with wide-opened eyes and a tear-stained face. There was horror and pain in her expression. Dilawar yelled and wept that night. He slapped Sania for her carelessness. Her daughter started to weep more on it. She was weeping and yelling at Dilawar to stop beating her mother. But Dilawar became furious enough to listen to anyone at that moment. She slapped Sania multiple times and then again came near his daughter. He closed her eyes and wept bitterly. 

Dilawar's eyes became moist at remembering those moments. 

Dilawar told A. S. P his story and he sighed with grief. 

"I'm so sorry for listening to that. Did the police find Majeed? Where is he now? "

ASP's next question made him furious and bitter.  

"No! They were not able to find him! "

ASP nodded and asked the next question

"Where is your wife now? "

With this question, new memories come to his mind. 

Dilawar had recently come back after burying Zainab. His eyes were red and he seemed wounded and in immense emotional pain. His wife came near him and sat beside him. She was also weeping and lamenting her daughter's death. But Dilawar found no soft corner for her. It was due to her carelessness that Zainab was no longer with them. 

"Dilawar I'm so sorry," she said and tried to hug him. But he didn't let her. 

"Dilawar? "She became hurt and shocked at this. 

"I gave you divorce. Divorce, divorce, and divorce. Leave my house in an hour" he said while standing from the couch. 

His wife's eyes became wide at this, and a cry left her lips. Dilawar gave no importance to them and went toward Zainab's room. That day, his wife left the house and Dilawar never heard about her.  

Power came back and the whole room flooded with lights. With this, Dilawar's train of thought was interrupted and he came back to the present. 


The lounge of that small house was still in darkness, in which two soulmates were sitting on the floor. Daneen was still weeping and Faris was sitting near her, looking at her. There was a mobile flashlight in between them. 

Faris stared at her and for the first time after their marriage, he tried to find his Daneen; whom he aspired to and loved. For the first time, he committed to finding Daneen. 

"Daneen" he called her softly and put his hand on her shoulder. 

Daneen gradually came to her senses and raised her face from her knee. 

"I'm so sorry that your father died, it is really a big loss that has no substitute. I had also lost my parents so I know the grief of it." He said in a low tone. Daneen saw his face with her tearful eyes. His face was full of pain. It seemed that he was in his past, remembering that bitter moment. 

"I'm sorry that life treats you bitterly, but let me tell you one more thing.. "Here his tone started to become bitter. "That no one's life is a bed of roses. There are hardships and problems in life and we have to struggle with it. This is life. We have to be strong and positive during our hardships. We have to prove to the world that they are not able to break us. They are not able to waste our life. We have to prove to the world that we are the saviors of ourselves. So, these hardships should make us strong, not weak."

His tone started to rise with these words. Daneen saw his face which was now full of bitterness and hate. It was like these words were also for his healing purpose. He was saying these words to Daneen and also to himself.

"You were a strong Daneen then why did you become weak? Why did you let anyone raise questions about your character when you were right? Why do you let the world crush you?  Why do you depend on others to make you strong or weak? Why? " 

These words of Faris astonished Daneen. They remained on the floor staring into each other's eyes; One's eyes were full of tears and the others were full of hurt. Daneen was wondering about the sudden change in Faris. 

And Faris, he had become tired of being alone. He wanted someone and now only Daneen was his world, his only relation. So, he decided to sort out the problems with her. He wanted to know about her past, to know about the truth of rumors about her and Ahmad. He was a human and every human wanted someone for him, for consoling and for friendship purposes. And for Faris, that person was Daneen. So, he wanted to clear up his misunderstandings with her. At this moment, he was in an emotional stage and the same is the case with Daneen.

Daneen gazed at him and nodded her head. Her nerves soothed down due to his soothing and motivating speech. She wiped her tears and composed herself. The curtain of hair was on her face, and through it, she glanced at the serious expressions of Faris, who was getting illuminated by the flashlight. They remained on the floor for some time when Daneen smelled something weird. She acknowledged the smell and with horrified expressions, she ran toward the kitchen. Faris frowned at her act and followed her to the kitchen, with a mobile in his hand.

Daneen checked the food which was now burning. She turned off the stove and put some water in the pot. But, food had already been burnt and water didn't do anything. 

She stared at the food with irritation. 

"It's okay, Daneen. We will order something. There is no need to worry about it," he said in a calm voice. 

Daneen nodded her head. They come out of the kitchen with an awkward silence between them. 

Faris placed an order for food and they both sat on the sofa, waiting for the delivery boy. An awkward silence hung between them. The incidents that happened some seconds before still had effects on their emotions and mind. 

They both were in their thoughts when the bell rang. Faris opened the door and found the delivery boy at the door. He paid him and put the pizza box on the table. Daneen had gone into the kitchen to grab plates and a jug of water. They both sat at a table and started to eat pizza. The mobile flashlight was in between them. 

The whole room was in darkness except for the flashlight, which was illuminating their faces. The sound of thunder and rainfall was still echoing through the house. Faris, while eating, saw her face which still had traces of tears. Faris stared at her face for some seconds and then concentrated on his food. He repeated this act several times and each time, Daneen pretended to remain busy with her food. This situation was making her confused and timid. 

Today, the whole personality and actions of Faris were making her shy and confused, and deep down she was loving those feelings. 


Thunder was also booming into the small house of Shaheenabad where Ayesha was sleeping and Salma was lying near her. She was gazing at the ceiling while her mind was wandering into the fields of her village.

"What are your hobbies?" Sohail asked her while they were strolling into the fields.

"Sewing, trying new recipes, and understanding the translation of the Quran. These are my hobbies." She replied with a shrug at which Sohail hummed.

"Yours?" She asked with great reluctance and fear. 

"Well, in the city it is reading books but in the village, it is reading and understanding my wife." 


He replied with a bright smile plastered on his face at which blush crept on Salma's face.

"What is in me to read and understand?" She asked with curiosity.

"Your intensity of love!" 

He replied with glinty orbs at which Salma lowered her orbs and remained quiet. Sohail glanced at her shying form with a smile.

Tears broke down from her orbs and fell on the pillow while a sob escaped from her lips.

"These ten days were the best period of my life"

Birds were singing when the melodious voice of Sohail echoed in their room.

"Mine too." She murmured with lowered orbs at which Sohail stepped forward and engulfed her in a hug.

A tear fell on her cheek as she was feeling gloomy at the thought of Sohail's leaving.

"Don't weep, Salma! I will be back in a few days."

Least they knew that these ten days were the only golden period of their life.

Thunder was still booming outside and Salma's heart was burning due to grief and pain.

"Sohail has no right to know about his daughter. That coward doesn't deserve us." 

She thought with determination. But alas! She was unaware of what the next morning's sun was going to bring!


It was the time of morning when police officer Sohail was in Shaheenabad. He was in a house and investigating a woman about the rape case of her daughter. He was visiting all the houses whose daughters had been raped in the past. The mother was telling her daughter's story while weeping and cursing the rapist. He was listening to her with pity and anger. He was pitying her and feels angry at the rapist. While listening to her, a weird thought came into his mind. 

"These parents are so helpless. They have lost their daughters and they don't even know who has done that, and how much their daughter has suffered. They are so helpless. What should I have done if I had a daughter and she also got into this situation? I might be dead with grief."

He shuddered with fear and thanked Allah that he was not in this situation. With that thought, someone came in front of his inner eyes, and he shooked away that memory. But, least he knew about his fate. 

He completed the investigation with that woman and set off to another victim's house. 

He came near the house but found a lock on the door. It was the last house which he had to investigate. He remained standing there for some minutes, and then decided to ask the neighbors about the residents.

He knocked on the neighbor's door and waited for a few seconds. 

"Who is at the door? " A child asked from inside. 

"Please open the door, I need some information" he said. 

Slightly, the door opened and a girl peeked from the crack of the door. 

"What do you want uncle? " that little cute girl asked. 

Sohail smiled at her. Her heart melted at seeing that innocent child, and she seemed so familiar to Sohail. 

"Child, I want to meet your father or mother," he said. 

"Ayesha, who is on the door? " A female voice came from inside. 

And this voice! 

Sohail could recognize that voice in thousands of other voices. He was shocked and remained immobilized at that voice. 

"Mama, an uncle has come and is asking about you" that innocent child said.

Door fully opened and Salma came into the sight of Sohail. She was working in the kitchen when the bell rang so there were some sauces on her face and hands. She seemed worn out and tired. 

Sohail stared at her with dumbfounded expressions. And Salma, she had become pale and shocked on seeing him. They both remained in their places frozen. Black orbs were staring in brown ones with disbelief, pain and hate.

After eight years, they were seeing each other with void eyes, those eyes once had love for each other, but now that emotion was not in their eyes. 

"Mama? "

 They both forgot about the third wheel of their life which was still present in the scene. Ayesha became confused and fearful at her mother's expressions, so she called her and shook her hand. 

They both snapped their faces toward her. Sohail saw her with wide eyes. He couldn't believe that life could play wicked with him. 



  1. I dont like Sohial's character
    ....dont know why ?


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