Her Soulmate Chapter 7

Her Soulmate Chapter 7

Within me last night, the voice of your love did break


Hassan was sitting on the couch and watching the television. Clad in a trouser-shirt with, a plate of noodles in his lap; he was getting relaxed.

"In Sargodha, one girl has been raped and killed by a rich boy

He listened to the news at 9'o clock. Such news has become so common that people have stopped giving importance to such unfortunate incidents. But, ASP Hassan felt ache and rage in his being at this news. 

What a pathetic society we have become

He thought with bitterness.

 He has failed to solve Sana's murder case and this thing was increasing his frustration. His seniors were just scolding him for not solving the case but were not helping him which made him furious and bitter. 

Suddenly a possibility, a spark came into his mind, and he quickly dialed a number. 

"Sohail! I need the details of the rape cases in Sana's area. Find out how many rape cases occur at that place and give me a full report till morning" He gave an order to his junior. 

"Ok sir" his junior replied and he cut the call. 

Different possibilities were running in his mind. 


Ayesha didn't stop weeping till her teacher came to class. The teacher tried to soothe her but she continued to weep. She kept on whispering her dead friend's name. 

Everyone became worried and were trying to console Ayesha who was now having a high fever. 

At last, the teacher dialed Ayesha's mother's number and asked her to pick up her daughter.


A male figure was stalking on the roadside while pitch blackness covered his surrounding. Only a few stars were in the sky which were not enough to give some light to the world. 

After his conversation with Daneen, he left the house and was now standing in an abandoned place, thinking about his past. His past had been filled with many dilemmas and many stories, making his life complex and bitter. But in all these stories, there was also a love story. His hidden love for Daneen which he had concealed in his heart

                        Start of February :

He was a twenty-five-year-old lively and serious person at that time. It was the time when he hadn't seen the bitter side of life.

 At that moment, he was with four year Anaya and was walking in a garden. Anaya had recently started school and was telling Faris the stories of her school which he was listening to with a bright smile.  Faris, looking all around and listening to Anaya, had love and glow in his features. At that moment, his eyes fell on a girl. That girl was wearing a yellow dress with a yellow staller around her neck and was standing across the road. What attracted him to that girl is her activity at that moment. She was having a verbal fight with a boy who looked like a spoiled child. Faris noted that another girl was also standing with them and was weeping. Boy, while doing a verbal fight, came near the girl, and was going to hit that brave girl. Faris quickly moved toward their direction with Anaya in his arms. Anaya started to protest at this but Faris ignored it. Boy came near the girl and the girl stepped back in fear. Faris came in between them and asked the boy to abandon the girls. He was a teenage boy and was afraid of that grown-up male's anger. So, he quickly ran away. 

"Coward! " Faris muttered and turned his attention toward the college girls. 

"Are you both ok? " he asked. 

"Alhamdulillah! " That eighteen-year-old brave girl replied. 

"What happened? What has he done with your friend? " he asked while pointing toward another weeping girl. 

"She is not my friend. I came here for a walk in the garden when I saw the boy disturbing her and weeping. So I helped her" She replied. 

"You don't know her and still you help her? " Faris became surprised at this courage. Such courageous girls were rare in our society. 

"Yes! " she seemed to be proud of this. 

Her personality and courage mesmerize him. He saw the girl with awe, who was now soothing the weeping girl and taking her to the garden. Faris saw her going. That was the first introduction of Faris and Daneen. 

"Uncle, she has gone already! " Anaya's angry voice snapped him out of his awe. He stared at her angry face and promised her to buy her ice cream. She smiled at this and they both went to buy ice cream. 

In this first interaction, they both didn't know each other's name and after some days, the faces in their memories also became blurred. 


More than a year had passed since his interaction with Daneen.  Night had fallen in Islamabad city where Faris was sitting in Monal restaurant, busy on his mobile while waiting for his friends. She was indulged in his mobile when he heard a shout. He turned his face and saw that a waiter had spoiled a woman's dress who was in her late forties and was a proudy rich woman. Accidentally, juice slipped from the waiter's hands and ruined her dress. She was shouting at the poor waiter and the manager was trying to calm her. 

"Ask him to pay for my dress! He has ruined it" That waiter was seventeen years old and seemed that he was going to weep at the situation. All the people were looking at him with pity

"How much expensive was your dress? " One girl of nineteen years old came forward and asked. 

"Ten thousand rupees" that arrogant woman replied. 

"Ok," that girl said and took out the money from her bag and handed it to the woman. 

"Take this and abandon the poor boy", she said and thrust the money into the woman's hand. Everyone became shocked at this and Faris was no exception. He was mesmerized by the girl's actions When the girl turned around and her face became clear to Faris, he became confused. He had seen the girl but didn't remember where. After rummaging through his mind, he remembered their first encounter. 

That was the second encounter of Faris with Daneen. But that was also vague and they still didn't know each other's names. 


He and Momin were sitting in the room while eating popcorn and staring at the LCD. Anaya and Momina had gone to visit Momina's parents.

"I want you to get married, " Momin said to him.

"You don't like my freedom? " he asked with a smile. 

"No! I don't! Because you are getting spoiled. You need someone that will keep you in line" Momin said with a teasing tone. Faris laughed at this. 

"Be serious, Faris, you are now twenty-six. You need a partner " Momin said with seriousness. 

"Yeah. You are right" he said. 

"Then? Do you like any girl? " Momin asked.

"No! " was his reply. 

"Then? Which type of partner do you want? " Momin asked. With this question, that girl came to his mind. 

He smiled remembering her. Her face was blurred in his mind but her personality had been imprinted in his mind. He wanted that type of girl in his life. 

"A courageous and beautiful girl" he replied. 

"I think you have someone in your mind," Momin said, seeing his smile. 

"Yes. But I don't know anything about the girl "

"Uff! Now what? " Momin said with annoyance. Faris saw his face and smiled. 

"I will marry the girl you and Bhabhi want," he said with a smile. 

Momin sighed at this. 

                End of July:

The weather was rather pleasant that night in Murree. Faris was sitting on the bench at Mall Road and was seeing people going and leaving the place. Momin and Momina had gone into the shop and five-year-old Anaya was with him. Wearing a pink frock, two ponies, and doing childish talk; she was adorable. 

"Uncle! I need ice cream, " she said.

"Ok, my child," Faris said with love. 

The ice cream parlor was very near to Faris's bench, so he went there leaving Anaya on the bench. Ice cream man took a long time to make ice cream and Faris was so engrossed in conversing with him that he forgot about Anaya. He came into his senses when he listened to the weeping voice of her. He turned and saw that two bulky men were present near his baby girl. He stepped toward them with concern and fear whipped across his facial features when he saw a girl coming toward them. That girl embraced Anaya in a hug and said something bitter to men. Faris quickly came near them. 

"Oyee, what are you both doing? " he said in a loud and booming voice. Those men saw him and a frown came on their faces. 

"Do you also want to enjoy the girls? " A man said with a sarcastic smile. That boiled Faris's blood and he punched the man. Another man came forward and slapped Faris. He quickly recovered from it and quickly came forward to slap another person. People came near them and helped Faris in beating those two men. Police came near the crowd and took the men with them. During all this, Momin and Momina had also come. They embraced Anaya in a hug who had now stopped weeping. 

"Anaya are you alright," Faris asked her with panic. 

"That uncles are bad. They were trying to tear my frock but that anti stopped them" she said in a moist and cute voice. 

For the first time, they noticed the girl who was still standing there. She was nineteen years old and the same girl which Faris had seen some months before. 

"Thank you so much," Momina said with tears of gratitude. 

"No problem. I can't bear any social injustice in society. So that's why, I frequently find out fighting on roads. My father said that I can be a good social worker in the future." 

That girl said with delight. She was also a talkative and cute girl which had imprinted her personality on Faris's mind. Faris remembered their previous two encounters. But, he always forgot her face after some days. But this time, that face was imprinted in his mind. This time, he felt a crush on that courageous girl. 

"What is your name? " Faris asked curiously. 

"Daneen! "

She turned around on the voice. Her father was now coming toward her with a worried expression. 

"Are you ok? " he asked. 

"Yes, Papa! I'm fine" she said. 

"Thanks to Allah," Anwar Khan said. 

"What happened? " he asked. And in turn, Daneen told him the full story. 

"Sir, we are very grateful to you and your daughter for this help," Momin said while shaking hands with Mr. Anwar. 

"No problem. Glad that the child is saved." 

Mr. Anwar said while giving a gentle smile to Anaya, who was now hiding her face in her father's chest. 

After some minutes, they both left. But, Faris felt something in his heart. He found this girl courageous and of strong character. Faris Shahnawaz Khan wished to marry that courageous and unique girl.  

"She is so young that she will not soon get married. After getting fully settled, I can make her mine"

 Faris thought with a smile and hope in his eyes. 

At this moment, he trusted that girl's character and appearance, but this trust would break down after two years. 

At least he knew that this was his last meeting with a courageous and confident Daneen. 

Next time, when they will meet, a new personality of Daneen will be revealed to him. 



His chain of thoughts broke down with the voice of the phone. 


A file was in front of A. S. P Hassan, and he was engrossed in reading it. That file contained all the rape cases that happened in that area in previous years. 

"Sir, In this area, rape cases have become frequent in the previous two years. Before it, rape cases were rare there."

"Hmm.... It means that someone is raping and killing girls in revenge. Someone is taking revenge on this area. " 

"What can it be? " Junior asked. 

"We have to find out this thing Sohail," A. S. P Hassan said with thoughtfulness. 


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