Her Soulmate Chapter 6



"Smile doesn't mean that someone is happy. Sometimes it just means that you are strong"

Tired Faris entered the house. He filled the glass with water and gulped it in one sip. Daneen listened to the voice and came outside the room. Faris's eyes went toward the upper story and they stopped there, looking at that black and gold beauty staring at him with nervousness.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes," she replied and again entered the room. 

Faris entered the room, picked up his clothes, and started getting ready

After getting ready, they both descended the stairs and came to the porch. There a small car was present. Faris locked the main door and they both sat in the car. 

"Remain with me throughout the dinner. Don't remain alone. You know I don't trust you" Faris said with extreme bitterness. 

Daneen's heart stopped at his comment. 

"Why don't you trust me? You have never given a chance." Daneen said with a moist voice. 

"In the past, I had some trust in you, but you broke it, so I can't trust you now" Faris growled. 

"When? " Daneen became shocked at his confession. She had never seen him before their marriage, then which trust he was talking about? 

"Leave it! We are getting late " Faris said and started the car. Daneen opened her mouth to ask but his expression made her afraid so she remained silent. 


Sana's murder case was becoming tough on A. S. P Hassan. Police didn't find anything that will help them. They were getting hopeless about this case. 

At that time, A. S. P Hassan was sitting in his office with a tired expression. For the first time, he failed in solving a case that was nerve-racking for him. His mind was recalling all the events when a knock interrupted his train of thought.

"Yes Sohail? " he asked his junior who first greeted him and then gave him the message that he had been summoned to headquarters. 

"Ok," he nodded his head. 

After some minutes, he was driving toward the head office with serious expressions

"May I come in, sir? " he asked. 

"Come A. S. P" a senior officer said. There were three to four persons in the office, all in their uniforms. A senior Army officer, the Head of NAB, and one of his seniors were present in the office. 

A. S. P Hassan saluted them. 

"Take the seat"

One officer said and Hassan took one of the chairs. 

"Tell us about Sana's murder case. Do you find anything? " S. P asked. 

"No sir! We don't find anything. A criminal is a cunning person, he has done everything without any clue."

"But we have to find him, A. S. P Hassan. We have to stop such cases in society. And that is only possible when we will give strict punishments to guilty persons" an NAB officer said 

"Yes sir! I am trying my best" Hassan said. 

"Give your full effort to this case. It shouldn't remain unsolved" the Army officer said. 

"Yes sir! " A. S. P Hassan said with a serious tone and stood from his chair. Again saluted them and left the office. 


The car stopped in front of a beautiful villa. Daneen became awe at the beauty of that place. Faris gave a horn and the gatekeeper opened the gate. The car entered the porch which already had two parados and one limousine parked. On one side of the porch, there was a wall and on the other side, there was a garden which was full of different colorful flowers and beauties of nature.

"Let's go" She came out of her awe state with the voice of Faris. 

Dilawar is standing in the lounge with a welcoming smile. 

"Welcome, welcome " he said and took a bouquet from Daneen. 

Faris and Daneen sat on the couch while Dilawar sat on a single couch. TV lounge interior, wallpapers, furniture, decoration; all were in black and golden shade. Everything was expensive and telling about his rich owner's taste. 

"Your house is beautiful. MashaAllah" she commented.

"Thank you so much. Your dress colour is the same as the lounge interior. It seems that you are also a part of my house" Dilawar commented with a very gentle smile. 

Daneen's smile dropped at his comment and a frown came on Faris face.

"No! Don't take me wrong. It was just a joke" Dilawar quickly gave an explanation after seeing their expressions. 

"What type of joke was it?" Faris' angry voice came, which made Daneen to jump at her place. 

"Be open minded, Faris" Dilawar said with a frown. 

"If this is the case, then I am not open minded, so never do any comment on my wife" Faris said curtly. 

"As you wish," Dilawar said with anger. 

But then his eyes landed on Daneen's pale face who was staring at both of them. He gave a warm smile to her which she didn't return. 

After it, one hour passed decently. Dilawar changed the topic and started conversing about daily affairs; politics, the world's current situation and about weather. Soup was eaten in a pleasant atmosphere and now dinner was going on. To Daneen's surprise, both male became normal with each other. At one moment, both males were bitter and on the other second, they became normal. 

"Weird people" she thought. 

When Daneen was done with her food, Faris was still eating at that moment. 

 "I want to use washroom"

"Ohh.. Let me guide you " Dilawar said and stood from his chair. Daneen also stood and they both left the dining room. Faris remained unaffected throughout this act and kept on eating. 

They both were into the corridor which Daneen was seeing for the first time. 

"Do you live here alone? She asked with curiosity. 

"Yes," he replied. 

While passing through the corridor, Daneen's eyes stopped at a picture. It was a picture of a five year old cute girl. 

"Who is she? " Out of curiosity she asked. 

Dilawar stopped and followed her gaze. Pain came into his eyes when he saw the picture. 

"My daughter" he replied with pain. 


Salma was lying on her bed and staring at her daughter. Her words, her actions and her behaviour was scary for her. 

"Something has happened to her while I was away. She has been behaving strange since Faris's marriage. Do something happens to her on that day. But what? "

Possibility of a situation came in her mind and scared her heart.

"No Allah! please not that! Please save us from cruel society" 

She pleaded with watery eyes. And tightly hug her sleeping daughter.


"You are married? " Daneen asked him with shock laced in her tone.

Dilawar smiled at her question and nodded his head. 

"Where is your wife and daughter? " she again asked . 

"My daughter is in her grave" he replied ignoring his wife's question. Daneen became astonished at all this confession. 

"I'm so sorry, I..... " 

she tried to say but was interrupted by Dilawar. 

"Washroom is on the left side of the corridor" he said, with a sad smile on his face. 

Daneen became embarrassed at this and moved toward the left. 


Faris noticed her silence after coming back. He was lying on the bed with his laptop in his lap, while Daneen was sitting on the couch. They both were in their night dresses. 

"Have you forgotten your tongue at Dilawar's place? " he taunted her. 

"I have never been talkative to you then why are you feeling my silence?" she became angry at his taunt. 

"But your silence is never such silent and sad" 

Didn't know why was he getting anxious for her. 

"Do you give importance to my silence? " she asked slightly surprised at his comment. 

"Don't change the topic and tell me what is worrying you," he said sternly. 

For a while, Daneen thought to ask him about Dilawar's family but then rejected this plan. She was afraid of his reaction on Dilawar's topic, so she asked something else. 

"I am thinking of our conversation in the car. About that trust and past thing."

she asked, while staring at him, curiously. 

"I have seen you many times before our nikkah. And I also had feelings for you. But what you did was really unforgivable." Faris said while staring at the laptop screen. His fingers were no more typing now, and his face was totally blank. 

"What are you talking about?" she didn't understand all this situation. 

"You will never understand the feelings of love" he said with bitterness and again started typing. 

"Faris?! " she became astonished at his comment but he ignored her. 

"Make things clear". She asked patiently. 

And there, Faris lost his patience. 

"I had loved you before our nikkah, thinking that you are a pure girl but what you was? An impure girl! This make me hate you. This break my trust."

Faris's outburst shocked her. He tossed away the laptop and left the room with anger. And Daneen, she remained sitting there with her jumbled up state. 


Ayesha and Salma were going to Ayesha's school, which was present on the end of the road. All the children of that area went to that school. Salma dropped Ayesha at school and moved further to Faris house. 

It was her first day after that incident. Every male member was scary for her. She didn't want to come but Salma forced her by saying that she will feel good after meeting her friends. She entered into her class and sat on her seat. Teacher had not come to class as there was some time before the lecture. She sat on her seat when her class fellows asked her about her health. 

"I'm fine" she replied in a low voice. She was supposed not to tell anyone about that incident otherwise that man will kill her. 

"Thanks to Allah" One of her friends said. 

"Do you know? " her friend sat beside her and said. 

"What? " Ayesha asked her. 

"Our class fellow has been killed. Her dead body was found besides a road"

That news spreads shiver in Ayesha's body, fear clutches her heart. 

"Are you ok?" her friend asked. 

She saw her friend with watery eyes. 



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