Her Soulmate Chapter 5

Her Soulmate


"Time doesn't heal anything.... It teaches us how to live with the pain."

Daneen looked at that side and her eyes clashed with Ahmad's. He was looking at her with his heated gaze and bitter expression. Daneen quickly averted her gaze from that furious person. At that moment, seeing him would create many difficulties for her. She averted her attention toward Faris, who was glaring at her with a furious expression. Fear engulfed her heart and she lowered her gaze.

After some minutes, she saw Mr. Jalal coming towards them with a formal smile.

"How are you Faris? " he asked him, totally ignoring Daneen.

"Fine," he curtly replied.

"That's good"

He said while taking out an envelope from his pocket.

"Here.. It is the gift for you"

"Thank you," Seriousness was still in his expression.

Daneen remained standing there as a statue, as no one was giving importance to her.

At the far end, Ahmad remained standing and staring at her. His heart was filled with pain at seeing Daneen becoming someone's bride, but he was helpless in this case.


The whole day, ASP Hassan remained in Shahinabad, questioning different people about Sana. He asked her friends who told him that she got missing when she went to take football on the road. When Sana didn't come back after five minutes, they went to see her, but she was nowhere to be found.

A. S. P Hassan also met her parents. They didn't know anything about Sana's rape, and neither Hassan dared to tell them. They also told the same story which the children told him.

He asked the nearby shopkeepers if they have seen anyone or if they have cameras in the shop. They knew nothing, nor did they have cameras.

"Today was a failure sir," His junior officer Sohail says to him when they were in the car.

"Don't lose hope, we will be able to find him" Though Hassan was also worried he didn't show it. He was a senior and he had to manage his team.

"Hope so" Again the junior said with a low tone.

Hassan ignored it.

After coming back home, he made coffee for himself because his head was pounding with all the tension. While sipping coffee, he opened WhatsApp on his mobile and started checking messages and the status of different people. His eyes stopped at one update. His cousin, Amal had updated the selfie with Daneen's couple. Grief struck his heart at seeing the bridal look of Daneen.

"Stop looking at her Hassan! She is now someone's wife."

While chanting this in mind, his eyes stopped at her groom. Seriousness and authority were covering his personality.

"I have seen him somewhere! " Hassan's mind was giving him this signal and he tried to recall this person, but failed to do it.


She was staring at her bridal reflection with hollow eyes. She started removing her jewelry and dupatta while staring in the mirror. At that moment, Faris entered the room and saw her putting her dupatta on the couch. Her curly beautiful hair came into his view, which was increasing her beauty ten folds more. But Faris didn't give a second glance to that spellbound beauty, and went into the washroom.

Daneen turned around at the voice of the door, and her eyes widened with realization.

"He was in the room! "

She shook her nervousness and took out her night suit.

After some minutes, he came out in his pajamas and tight T-shirt. His clothes were revealing his well-built body, on which Daneen, unconsciously, started gawking. He lay on the bed, with his back toward her.

"When you are done staring at me, you can lay on the other side of the bed. "

Daneen's eyes widened at his comment and heat rushed down her cheeks

"How does he know I'm staring at him? The whole time, his back was toward me"

She thought while entering the washroom.


Salma and Ayesha entered their house. Ayesha silently entered the washroom while Salma sat on the bed and waited for her. Ayesha's silence, her seriousness, was now making Salma worried. Her sixth sense were giving a red signal now.

"Ayesha! " She called out to her daughter who was now in shirt trousers.

"Yes mama" she replied while coming near Salma.

"Do you enjoy today's event? Do you like Faris and his bride? " she asked with a fake smile.

Ayesha just nodded her head.

"Why are you so serious? Why are you not talking to me? " Salma asked her.

"Nothing happened," Ayesha said with a moist voice.

"Ayesha! " Salma became worried at her tone and embraced her in a hug. Ayesha started weeping.

"What happened? Please tell me" Salma said with worry.

"I can't, " Ayesha said while weeping.

"But why? " Salma asked.

"He will kill us," Ayesha replied. Her words made Salma afraid.

"Who? Why? " Salma asked her and broke the hug. Now Ayesha's tear-stricken face was in front of them

" I can't tell you," she said while weeping. Salma tried to ask her but she refused to tell anything.

After some more weeping, she slept. But Salma remained awake the whole night.

At that time of night, when Salma was getting worried due to her daughter, when A. S. P Hassan was trying to find some clue in Sana's murder case, when Daneen was thinking about her life; there was a man who was sitting on the couch of his room. He had a cigarette in his hand and was thinking about a white color figure. He had a devilish smile on his face while thinking about that figure. After some moments, he stood from the couch and entered a door that was on the side wall of his room. In that room, his new prey was present. The night witnesses his evilness, and darkness concealed that act from light.


The voice of Adhan spread into the city and true Muslims started to awaken. Daneen's red and tired eyes also opened with her alarm. Throughout the night, she kept on thinking about her father, her uncle Jalal's attitude, Ahmad, and her soulmate. While thinking, she saw his sleeping form.

"Faris! " she called him.

"Hmm," an immediate reply came.

"It is time for Fajar," she told him.

A smirk came on Faris' face at her words.

"Do you expect a criminal to Pray? Go away Daneen" he said with bitterness.

"You should pray. Pray is the thing which makes you different from non-believers" Daneen again tried

"Then I am a non-believer. So, stop bothering me" he said with more bitterness.

Daneen stared at him and stepped out of the bed. She got the message that he is a hopeless case.

Meanwhile, Faris was staring into space. He listened to the voice of the washroom door and sighed. He lay straight on his back and his mind ran wildly around his past.

Two to three years ago, he was the one who woke up first in the morning. His everyday life starts with Fajar prayer and he never left any Salah. But, after a bitter experience, his belief had been finished from goodness. He had many queries and anger toward Allah. And for expressing that anger, he had stopped praying.

His dilemma and his pain had made him hard. Life teaches him to live with pain.

He came out of his thoughts at the voice of the door. Daneen came out of the washroom and was now looking for a hijab. Faris saw her wrapping a hijab around her head and spreading a praying mat on the floor. Faris saw her praying and then he averted his gaze. He lay on his side and tried to sleep.


Many pages were spread on tables and some were on the wall. A. S. P Hassan and Sohail were working on Sana's murder case, but unfortunately, they didn't get anything.

"Sir! I don't understand one thing" Sohail said.

"What is that? " he asked with a tired voice.

"Why that person has raped her? I mean she was dirty and even not beautiful. A rapist always finds a beautiful girl."

A. S. P Hassan laughed at Sohail's innocent question.

"Who says that rapists always find a beautiful girl? A rapist just wants a girl. His concern is just about her body, not her face or her age or status. He just has to satisfy his wild need and he just needs a target for it. He doesn't see if his target is in a veil or if she is in a tight dress. He just needs one" A. S. P Hassan explained to him.

Sohail's eyes got widened at his words.

"Such persons are so dangerous for society," he commented.

"Yes! " Hassan replied.

"That's why our Islam has given a very strict punishment to a rapist," Sohail added.

"Let's move toward the case," Hassan again said. Sohail nodded and they both again started to discuss the case.


Daneen was getting ready for dinner which would be held at Dilawar's house. She was wearing a golden and black long frock, with light makeup and long hair on her back. After getting ready, she started to wait for Faris.

Faris, in the morning, went out and still, he had not come back. The whole day, Daneen remained busy with Salma and Ayesha. She tried to talk to Ayesha but maybe she is a shy baby because she remained stuck with her mother. Salma quickly completed her work and left for her house.

At 6 pm, Daneen was lying on the bed when Faris called her and told her to get ready. And now at 7.30 pm, she was waiting for Faris.

After half an hour of waiting, the door opened and a tired Faris came into the house.



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