Her Soulmate Chapter 4


The love of a family is life's greatest blessings" 

                    Mid December

After eating lunch, Faris left the house, saying that he will come in evening. Daneen sighed in relief at this. Now, she could have some time for herself. She took a trip of house and saw the backyard, which was in a bad condition. There was nothing interesting in it. She became disappointed at seeing it and moved toward her bedroom. She did her ablution and pray her Zuhar. After praying, she slept for three hours.

There was loneliness and silence in graveyard. Faris sensed the gloominess and silence of this place while making his way through graves.

Faris's face was emotionless and his eyes were in pain. He stopped in front of three graves. They were in row and there was written

Momin Khan
Momina Khan
Anaya Khan

He stared at the graves with moist, sad eyes.
Different flashbacks of his life came in front of his eyes.

He was twelve and Momin was eighteen when their parents died in road accident. He was weeping amd hugging to Momin, who also had moist eyes. After that, Momin played his guardian's role and became a fatherly figure for him.

He was twenty when Momina came in his brother's life. She was their cousin and they did love marriage. And after one year, Anaya came in their life. Her laughter, her innocent acts made them laugh. Their life was filled with laughter and happiness.

Faris recalled that good days and his heart became fill with hate and pain. He had lost the most beautiful blessing of his life.

"Momin bhai, I will find your murderer and make him regret to even born. Don't worry! I will never forget your's and Anaya's murderer. He will regret to kill you and Anaya. And I'm sure he sent me to jail"

He muttered.

"I have no family after you"

With this thought; his new family, his wife, came in his mind.

"I don't know if she is trustworthy or not. I am in confusion, brother. "

He remained standing there and opening his heart. That tall and tough man was standing in graveyard all alone, talking to himself with a moist eyes.

Daneen woke up at evening time and prayed her Salah. After that, she went into kitchen and opened different cabins. There was no meat in the refrigerator, only carrots were there. She didn't like to eat carrots and also didn't know how to make them.

"Now, what should I do? " she muttered.

She again saw the cabins but found nothing.

"It seems, today I have to make and eat them" she thought.

She googled the recipe and started cooking them.

Darkness spread outside when Faris entered the house.

He found complete silence in the lounge so he peeked into the kitchen and found his soulmate there, making food with a worried face. He could hear the video, telling recipe.

"Carrots? " he thought.
He cleared his throat which causeed Daneen to jump. She turned around with a hand on her chest. She continued to stare him with wide eyes.

"Walaikum Aslaam" he said sarcastically.
"Assalam o Alaikum" she said with embarrassment.

He took the glass and poured water into it. Daneen remained standing there, looking at him.

"Carrot will burn if you keep on staring me" he said with a calm tone.

Daneen again blushed due to embarrassment and quickly averted her attention toward stove.
He glanced at her before leaving the kitchen.

At dining table, Faris kept on eating his food, while Daneen tried to swallow it. It was very hard for her to eat the carrots.

"Papa please I don't want to eat them" she said with a pout.
"But dear, you should eat every vegetable. They are good for health"

"I do eat vegetables, but I just don't like carrots. Please papa, let me order something"

Mr. Anwar sighed in defeat and said Ok.
"Thank you papa! " she said with delight, and went to order pizza.

"Why are you weeping? " Faris voice shook her from thoughts.
At his question, she realized that she was weeping. She quickly wipe out her tears and saw him.
For the first time, she saw concern in Faris Khan's eyes.

"Nothing. I'm sorry" she said while lowering her gaze.

"Is something disturbing you? " he asked with patience.
She shook her head.

Faris became annoyed at her action but said nothing else.
After dinner, Daneen started to clean the dishes while Faris sat on the couch and switch on the television.

"One murder case has been found in Shaheenabad area! A child's body was lying in the bushes! "

He was watching news when Daneen completed her chores. She entered into room for praying her Salah.

After completing her Salah, she raise her hands for dua but nothing came out of her mouth. She just stared at her hands with moist eyes. She remained in that position for five minutes and then dropped her hands in her lap. She didn't say anything to Allah, she didn't converse with Him verbally.

"Maybe my heart has become hard, just like a stone. I think that these hardships are increasing my and Allah's distance. "
She thought.

When these thoughts was moving around her head, door opened and Faris came in it. She became stiffened at his presence but he ignored her and went into the washroom. Daneen wiped her tears and folded her prayer mat. Different thoughts had made her tired and worn out. She loosened her scarf and combed her hair with her fingures.
She glanced at bed and bit her lips with nervousness. Things were going to be hard on her.

She was in her thoughts when she heard the soft click of door knob. She turned around and saw Faris, clad in T shirt and trouser, stalking toward her with serious expressions. When he came very near to her, her heartbeat stopped and eyes widened with fear. Unconsciously, she stepped in backward direction and stumbled on side-table. A photo frame slipped from the table and shattered into pieces. Daneen turned around to see that and then turned toward Faris who was standing there with expressionless face and arms around his chest.

"Are you done with hitting things and breaking them? " he asked with very calm and intimate tone. She felt tingles in her whole body, and nervousness washed over her.

"If you are done then please go to your side. Because this side is mine"

Daneen sighed in relief and nodded her head. She tried to get away, but he was standing in front of her, glancing at her with his piercing gaze. She nervously stopped there and stared at his serious expressions. She was sandwiched between him and table, and this thing was arousing fear in her. She glanced at his face which now contained smirk, and at last, he stepped aside to give her space. Sigh of relief came out of her mouth and she came out of that congested place.

That night, they both remained awake  on the far corners of the bed.

Faris eyes opened with sunlight in the room. He grab the alarm clock and glanced at the time.
"8 am"

He sat on bed and eyed another sleeping body, lying on the bed. Faris saw his sleeping beauty who was looking innocent and cute. While watching his face, a past moment resurfaced on his memory.

Start of August:

That was a roof top of a hotel. He was standing in a corner and was managing the security. There was not much work at that day because it was a family event of Mr. Jalal. So, he was relaxed and was eyeing the movements of event. At that moment, his eyes catched her lonely form. She was dressed in a white frock with white trouser and red staller. Her long, black hair was lying on her back, making her more beautiful. Every teenage in the party gathered to take a group picture, but she was not in them.  Hurt, pain was evident in her eyes. He saw that gloomy and lonely beauty, with sense of relatedness.

And now, that girl is in his bedroom, on his bed was the only relation he had. He sighed at this fact and left the bed. Life had really played many tricks with him.

He freshened up and made coffee for himself. He was drinking the coffee when bell rang. He opened the door and found Salma standing there with a little girl.

"Assalam o Alaikum sir"

"Walaikum Aslaam" he replied and let them in the house. Her daughter had a tight grip on her mother's hand, and she was just staring at floor.

Faris saw her timid form but ignored it. At that moment, voice came from stairs and he found Daneen standing there.

"Assalam o Alaikum ma'am"
"Walaikum Aslaam" she replied and decended the stairs. Smile came on her face at seeing that small, cute girl.

"She is my daughter Ayesha. Ayesha she is bride, say salaam to her" Salma said with excitement. But Ayesha didn't respond to her.
Daneen crouched to her level and said with sweetness.

"Assalam O Alaikum Ayesha. How are you? " But Ayesha didn't respond.

Embarrassment came on Salma's face and frown came on Daneen's face. She straightened her body.
"Sorry ma'am. She is just shy" Salma said with apologetic voice.
"It's ok" Daneen sayd with a sweet smile.

"Salma! " Faris's serious voice rang in the lounge.
Ayesha flinched at his voice, and squeezed her mother's hand while trembling.
"Yes, Sir "
"Iron my clothes which are lying on bed" he said.
"Ok sir" she said and enter into room, with Ayesha.

"I'm going outside and will come in evening. Beautician will come and prepare you for reception."
"Ok" she said in low voice.
"Salma will prepare your favourite breakfast. Make sure to have it."
Daneen became surprised at his concern, nevertheless she nodded her head.
Faris saw her nodding head and left the place.
She was wearing silver colour gown with diamond jewelery, and was looking exceptionally beautiful for her reception.
She was in her room, staring at her reflection.
Click of door knob made her to turned around, and there she found Faris, clad in black pant coat, standing on the threshold of room.
He was spellbound at the beauty of his bride. Different emotions aroused in him which he ignored, and coldly asked her to come with him.

During the drive, they remained silent. When hall came in their view, Faris spoke.

"Remain with me throughout the event" he said with sternness.
Beautiful decorations, read roses on stage, red carpet leading toward the stage, photographers, soft music in background; everything was making the event admirable.
When Daneen and Faris came near the enterance of hall, movie maker and photographer came near them.

"Please both of you come near to each other" Photographer started to give instructions.
Faris kept the decent distance between them, but still he could smell her scent. Her beauty and scent was affecting him.

Photographer asked them to walk toward the stage with Daneen's arm around Faris arm. Daneen was reluctant to do that, but many guests were there so she had to follow the instructions.
She put her arm around Faris and felt his body getting stiffed.

With tense state and fake smiles they sat on the stage.

Now different guests was coming and giving them gifts and blessings. Dilawar came on the stage with handsome smile and bouquet in one hand and gift in another.
"Looking beautiful, both of you" Dilawar commented.
"Thank you so much" Daneen said with fake smile.
"Do you like the setting Daneen? The whole event? " Dilawar asked.
"Yes, it is all beautiful " she replied with sincerity
"I have done everything" Dilawar told her with pride.
"That's so nice of you" Daneen said with uneasiness.
"You both are invited tomorrow at my place"
"We do remember it, Dilawar" Now the serious voice of Faris came.
"That's good" Dilawar said with a smile. After taking some pictures with couple, he descended the stage.

Event was moving smoothly. They both were now moving in hall and meeting some guests. Many moments came when they both were very near to each other. That moments send shiver in Daneen's spine and tensed the Faris' body.

Salma remained in the far table of hall. Ayesha remained sitting with her with emotionless face. Salma started to worry about her lively daughter, who was now looking lifeless.

Daneen and Faris was standing in the hall when Mr. and Mrs. Jalal entered with their children. Daneen saw at that side and her eyes clashed with Ahmed's.


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