Her Soulmate- Prologue

Her Soulmate Prologue



"Life is not a bed of roses, and even if it was
Roses to come with their share of thorns"

The thunderous night was making every creature of Islamabad, fearful. The horrendous night was at its peak, so every individual was on his bed. On the such night, only one person was awake. He was sitting in a dark room and was staring at the rain with a cigarette dangling in between his fingers. He was staring at the bathing city with red and hateful eyes.

"I will make everyone suffer!"
He growled.

Outside, thunder and rain were going on, and in him, rage and fire were going on.

Daneen! Wake up dear" A male voice was calling her.

She opened her eyes and her lips curled into a smile at seeing her father, standing near her bed.

"Assalam o Alaikum Papa! " she greeted him in a sleepy voice.

"Walaikum Aslaam! Wake up dear," he said with a smile. Every morning, he came into his only child's room to wake her up

"Just give me ten minutes. I will be on the table" she replied and went toward the washroom while yawning.

After ten minutes, she was sitting with her father, eating breakfast.

She was wearing white jeans with a black top, and a black staller around her neck, and was ready to leave for university.

"Allah Hafiz Papa! And I'm taking Parado today" she said and kissed her father's cheeks.

Her father smiled at this.
"Sure dear! " he said.

She grabbed the keys from the table and went toward her Parado.
All her friends were sitting in the cafe, eating and enjoying this moment.

"Life is so beautiful" One of Daneen's friends commented.

"Yeah, true! Life is just a bed of roses. Get whatever you want from your father and after that, from your husband. And just enjoy life with friends and family." Daneen commented with sparkled eyes.

"Life is a bed of roses for you because it has treated you very well"
One of her poor friends replied with a bitter tone.

Though Daneen disagreed with her friend, still she remained quiet.

Daneen was standing on the terrace of her mansion. She was seeing the beautiful view of the city, in front of her.
"Anwar's mansion" is so high that you can see the whole city from there.

"Life has treated me so well! Alhamdulillah! Being the only child of Anwar Khan, he had treated me like a real princess. After my mother's death, he just gave his whole life to me. And now, he is looking for a perfect soulmate for me. I'm one of the lucky people in this world." she thought with a beautiful smile.

My partner, my soulmate.

She felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of her soulmate.

Just like a typical girl, she starts to dream about her perfect soulmate.

She was sitting in her huge lounge when Mr. Jalal and his son, Ahmad entered the house.

"Assalam o Alaikum" she greeted him.

"Walaikum Aslaam! How are you, my child? " Mr. Jalal asked with affection.

"I'm fine Uncle! How are you Ahmad?" she asked.

Ahmad was two years older than her. He had graduated from a foreign university and was also the only owner of his company. He had handsome features, a polite personality, and bubbly nature.

And the most important thing about him was he liked Daneen.

"I'm fine! What are you doing nowadays," he asked with a beautiful smile.

"Busy in studies" she replied with a shrug. Ahmad nodded.

"Where is your father? "Mr. Jalal asked.
"In his office" she replied. There is a home office of Anwar Khan in the house.
Mr. Jalal nodded, and he, with his son, went toward the office.

Life had treated Daneen with love. She was blessed with everything in the world. Life was a bed of roses for her. She had never seen the cruel side of life, until the day, when she became late due to her friend's party. Heavy rain was there and it made her late.

That afternoon in mid-April was the cruelest time of her life. That day, she realized that life is not a bed of roses.

On that same afternoon when Daneen's life took a drastic turn, on the other side of the city, the prison's gate opened and a prisoner came out of it. He was a tall man with dark brown eyes and hair. His hair was long enough that they were touching his shoulders, and his beard was irregular. He looked like in his late twenties. Despite his irregular beard, he was a handsome man. In that vulnerable state, people were still attracted to his personality.

Guards closed the door behind him and said.
"You are free to go"

He saw them with disgust and anger.

"Faris! " he turned his head toward the voice and found a man coming toward him. That man was in his business suit, and it looked like he is of Faris's age.

"Dilawar" Faris muttered his name.

"How are you? I'm here to pick you up! " Dilawar said with happiness.

Faris nodded his head. He was so tired that he didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Let's go! " Dilawar said. They both moved toward the car.

"Thank Allah that you are free now" Dilawar again said with happiness.
"Hmm" Faris again gave no response.
"Everything will be normal now" Dilawar tried to give him hope.

"Nothing will ever get normal now," he muttered with anger and hate.

Dilawar remained silent after that.

Someone was knocking on the door when Faris came out of the washroom. He opened the door and found Dilawar standing there.

Faris turned around and went into the lounge, followed by Dilawar who was eyeing every nook of the house.

"How are you Faris? " he asked.
He was now looking very decent because he had trimmed his beard and had given a cut to his hair.

"Fine" he shrugged and sat near Dilawar.
"What was your routine this week?"
Dilawar asked with concern. At that moment, he was like a big brother of Faris.

"Nothing special. What can I do after coming back after two years? " he said with hate.

"You should look for a job" Dilawar suggested.

"Who will give me a job? " he asked, bitterly.

"Well, there is one," Dilawar said and got Faris's full attention.

"They are my friend and they wanted a person who can check their security programs"

"Who? " Faris asked.

"Jalal Khan! In his company, I have talked for you and they are ready to give you a chance. You can join them tomorrow. The salary package is attractive." Dilawar told him.

Faris considered the offer. He had no option, so he accepted it.

"Ok! Tomorrow I will go and will meet Mr. Jalal," he said.

I'm back with my second book. ♥

I hope you will love this book... It contains many turns and twists. Be ready for it😎

Tell me your thoughts about the prologue! I will love to read your comments.


  1. Prologue is interesting. Excited to see how the characters of Daneen, Ahmed and Faris turn up.

    1. There are a lot of things in it. Keep reading with patience!


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