Her Soulmate Chapter 1

Her Soulmate Novel

 The most beautiful in the world was my own funeral. 

Mid December

Rain was falling with thunder and wind. The capital city of Pakistan was bathing in this weather. It was the cold night so half of the city was in their bed, while some were on the road, enjoying the weather. At this time, Parado, decorated with red roses, was moving on the main road. In the car, there was a driver on the driving seat, and bride, groom was on the back seats. Bride was looking beautiful in a red dress, with golden headscarf, and curly brown locks present on her shoulder. 

Though, her eyes were casted downwards, but sometimes, she raised them to watch through the window or to glance at her soulmate. Her soulmate, sitting beside her, was wearing a serious expression and was busy on his mobile. Deep silence was in the car. 

Drive was long and Daneen started to become tired. Heavy bridal dress and whole days events was taking a toll on her tired body. She again glanced toward the window and noticed that car was moving toward a middle class area. Not that this area was slum, but it was also not like a high class housing society where she used to live. She noticed the area and again glanced toward her soulmate. His face was not clear due to darkness and due to her peripheral side. 

Daneen again casted her eyes downward. 


After a few minutes, Parado stopped in front of a house. The driver gave the horn and a servant opened the main gate at which car zone in into the garage. Faris, the groom, came outside and moved toward his soulmate's side, and opened the door.

"Come out from the car" 

 He said with cold tone and was gazing her coming out with his black orbs. From one hand, she was holding her outfit and from other the car's door. She managed to come out of the car but stumbled a little due to her heels and her back hit the car. 

"Be careful" Faris said with irritated expressions. 

Daneen, the bride, saw toward him who was clad in a black suit and was looking handsome. But, he was cold, distant and a complete stranger for her. She just knew his name before her nikkah, even she first saw him when she sat beside him after their nikkah ceremony. 

Dilawar, who was driving the car, came forward and asked Daneen that if she is ok. 

"Yes. Thank you" she said in a low voice. 

Dilawar gave her a gentle smile and called a maid to help her. 

A woman, in her late twenties, came forward and lifted the tail of Daneen's dress. Faris saw this whole scene with an expressionless face. He entered the house without waiting for them. 

The house was small. When you passed the garage and opened the inner door then the lounge came in your view. On one side of the lounge, there was an open kitchen and on the other side of the lounge, there were two doors. One door was the guest room and the other was the drawing room. With the kitchen, there were stairs which were going in an upward direction. The lounge is of medium size with couches in it and a central table. L.C.D was also present on one wall of the lounge. 

Maid and Daneen moved toward the couch where Faris was sitting. 

"Why are you coming here, Salma?" Faris said to the maid in a harsh tone. 

"Settle her in our room" He pointed toward Daneen and said. 

Daneen's face became red due to his harsh tone. She was a strong and bold girl, but the situation and tone of Faris was making her petrified and fearful. 

"Sorry sir" Salma said and moved Daneen towards stairs. 

In the upper portion, there were two rooms and a lounge. Two rooms were on opposite walls and in between, there was a medium-sized lounge. On one corner of the lounge, there were stairs climbing up.

Salma moved Daneen toward one room. That room was decorated with red roses and was filled with fragrance. That room's furniture was also expensive and brand new. On one wall of the room, there was a door to the balcony and on another wall, there was the door to the washroom. 

Daneen settled herself on the bed which had rose petals on it.

"Do you need anything? " Salma asked her. 

"Just a glass of water" Daneen said with a smile. 

Salma smiled back and left the room to get water. 


Faris was having a headache due to this whole situation. Some bitter memories were teasing his mind, causing his veins to start throbbing. 

"Bitterness has filled my life! 

Instantly, he felt someone beside him and he knew that he was Dilawar. 

"Are you content with this marriage? "

Dilawar asked in a concerned tone. Bitter smile etched on Faris's lips at his question. 

"Faris, please do give this marriage a chance. Believe me, Daneen is a mature girl who can handle this relationship in a better way."

Dilawar's tone was pleading at which Faris took a deep sigh and nodded his head. 

At that moment, they felt movement on the stairs. Salma was coming downstairs. 

"Salma, you have to stay here today. You have to help Daneen if she wants anything."

Faris ordered her at which she became tensed. 

"But Sir, my daughter... " Faris saw the reluctance in her expressions. 

"You get money for this work so there should be no ifs and buts" he said harshly. 

Salma became quite at this. She was a divorced woman and had a seven-year daughter to feed. She was poor and always in need of money to fulfill her necessities. So, she didn't argue further and nodded. 

"Poverty is really a curse in this world"

Salma thought with bitterness. 

"Ok sir. " She sighed in defeat and went toward the kitchen. 


There was no window in the room so Daneen couldn't see the rain but could listen to its voice and thunder. Nostalgia hit her at listening to the tip tap of rain. 

The rain was also falling on that day of Mid-April when her life turned around. That day, when she came late from her friend's party and found dead body of her father. That day, she buried brave and bold Daneen with her father's body.

Hand on her shoulder snapped her from deep thoughts. Salma extended the glass of water toward her. 

"Thank you" Daneen mumbled and gulped down her tears with water. 


Faris was standing at the entrance of the backyard. In the guest room, one wall was of sliding glass door. You slide the door and could see the backyard of the house. In the backyard, barren flowerbeds and  trees were present with the wall. Once, this area was rich with flowers and with different types of plants. But now, there was no flower or plant in the backyard. After Faris went to jail, there was no one to care about plants. 

At this moment, Faris was standing in the guest room with the sliding door open. Rain was still falling in the backyard and with that, memories were also haunting him. In front of his inner eyes, backyard was full of flowers and people. 

A small girl was playing and giggling with a teenage boy. A couple was sitting on the bench near them. Smiles were on their face and love was dancing in their eyes.

He was remembering his family when the voice of loud thunder snapped him from his thoughts. He sighed

"That rain is constant in my days of grief. The day of September when life became bitter on me, the rain was falling. And the day of mid-April, when I entered into the second bitter phase of my life, the rain was also present with me. And now, when I have entered into a third bitter phase of life, rain is again present with me"

With this thought, his mind roamed toward his bride who was present in the room. 


Voice of thunder could also be listened  in the lounge of the mansion, where Mr. Jalal was sitting with his wife. He was drinking tea while his wife was telling him about Ahmad. 

"He is very upset because of Daneen's marriage. You should talk to him. He has locked himself in his room" Woman was pleading to her husband. 

"Leave him, He will become normal after some days." 

Mr. Jalal said sternly. 


A male figure was standing in the washroom and splashing water on his face. His eyes were red-shot, and a red-figure was coming again and again in his mind. He was trying to reject that girl clad in a red dress but failed to do that. 


Rain was also falling in that small house where a little girl of about seven years was present, alone. She was trying to sleep but the voice of thunder was making her scared. She was weeping and praying for her mother's return. 

Suddenly, the door knocked. The girl became happy because she thought her mother was on the door. 

"Mama" she screamed happily and opened the door. 

Least she knew that a monster was standing on the other side of the door. 


Police officer ASP Hassan was sitting on his desk and working on a file. He was a young and enthusiastic officer who had a bright and ideal thinking. There was determination in his gleaming dark black orbs and somber expressions were on his glowing face. Dark night was outside but he was oblivious of this fact, and was engrossed in his work. This hardworking was the reason of his fame in such young age. 

At this moment, a frown embossed his fair skin sharp features face while dark brown orbs were rummaging through a case file.

His junior officer, Sohail, entered into his office after taking permission.

"What is the issue, Sohail?" He asked while averting his gaze toward him.

"Sir, we got a call from a citizen. He found a dead body of seven to eight years old girl in Nazamabad area." 

"Quickly ask officers to ready the car." 

His eyes became alert and he stood from his chair, and put the file in his drawer.

After a few minutes, a police car was on the road, moving in the thunderous night. 


Salma and Daneen were sitting in the room. Daneen was eating dinner, while Salma was sitting on the chair. Physically, she was in the room, but mentally, she was near her daughter. She was getting worried for her seven-year-old daughter. Faris had gone somewhere and asked Salma to stay with Daneen till that time. 

After that, she could go home. 

She was engrossed in praying for her daughter when door opened and Faris stepped in the room. 



  1. Poor salma her daughter is dead?!!!

  2. Yehh..cant imagine the guilt faaris would get...don't let the poor soul die..

    1. Keep reading! There are a lot of twists in it!


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