Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 29

Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 29

Saba stepped toward Asma's bedroom where guests were gathered, a similar sight when Saba and Sahir were accused during Zain's marriage. Karma hit Asma and she was standing on the receiving end of people's snarky remarks while Saba was standing on the opposite side, watching her with a boy.

Asma fell in love with a boy Kashif during their online conversation on the social media platform. That interaction led her to meet him in a different cafe where she became impressed with the personality of the boy.

She invited him into this marriage ceremony so that she could introduce him to her family members. During marriage events, she met him in the drawing room or lounge area of her house, but in the previous meetup, she found Saba staring at her and Kashif which made her anxious and fearful.

So, she decided to have the meetup with Kashif in her bedroom where no one could find them. But, to her dismay, a female relative stepped into her room without knocking and found her with a boy.

Her shouting caused a ruckus in front of Asma's room. She was not doing something outrageous and sinful with the boy in her bedroom, but a large and ugly stain got labeled on her character after this ruckus.

She was gazing at the guests' faces with misty orbs when her gaze landed on Saba who was silently standing among the guests. There was no impression in the orbs or expressions of Saba, but pain and fear were rippling in Asma's orbs.

Her heart was constricted and the pain was rippling into her being at the false accusations of guests. Kashif had left long ago and she was alone in this whole situation. 

With slumped shoulders and eyes cast downwards, she faced the world's ugly remarks.


Sahir was typing on his mobile while occasionally glancing at Saba who was leaning against the headboard and gazing outside while utter silence prevailed in the room.

"What is the issue, Saba?" The gentle voice of Sahir rippled into the room, tearing the silence.

"I am thinking about Allah's justice." She replied, focusing her eyes on his face where thoughtful lines were present.

"Let's go for a walk. Let's see the beauties of the village."

He said, standing from his couch which she followed. She was desperate for a change so Sahir's suggestion was a welcoming suggestion for her.

After half an hour, they were strolling through the greenery of the village. Men and women were working in the fields while they were passing through them, immersed in their conversations.

"Were you always a shy girl or was it in front of me only?"

Sahir asked her with a smirk at which her cheeks got pink.

"I am always like this." She told him with a chuckle.

"Well, I love you this way." He replied at which blush crept on her cheeks, making them beet red.

"I…" she was going to say anything when she saw a  herd coming toward them at which her orbs rounded and fear rippled in her orbs.

"Ahh" She gasped when they came near and she swiftly hid behind Sahir who was trying to understand the reason for her fear.

"They will say nothing to you." He took a deep sigh and said to her who was hiding behind him with a pale face.

"Let them go." 

She said beneath his back at which a smile adorned his face and he gazed at the shepherd who was taking his herd toward the green area.

At last, they passed near them while Saba held her breath.

"You can breathe. They are gone." There was a smirk on his lips at which anger rippled into Saba's orbs.

She remained quiet and stepped toward the haweli with crossed arms at which a smile dropped from Sahir's lips.

"Wait! You get angry?" He asked with wide eyes at which her lips remained in a tight line, giving him her silence.

"Wow, dude! It was just a joke." He said at which Saba gazed at him who had a friendly expression and a polite smile on his face. At this, her expressions also get relaxed and a smile adorned her face.

"I think we should go now. I have to get ready for Walima too." She said at which he nodded his head, and they both stepped toward the haweli.

When they entered the mansion, there was a hushed silence as everyone was in their rooms, most probably discussing Asma. At this thought, her heart felt heavy and gloominess wrapped her whole being.

"Have you enjoyed the village trip?" Saba's mother approached them and asked Sahir who smiled at her and gave a positive response.

"That's great. Do both of you have a comfortable night?" 

At this question, flashes of her golden night came in front of her at which her knees became weak and a blush crept on her face.

"Yes, we sleep soundly." 

He replied to which Saba's mother nodded her head and went toward her room leaving her smirking son-in-law and shying daughter behind.

"Let's get ready for the event now." He whispered at which she nodded her head, and swiftly went toward the room.


Night engulfed the mansion where hustle and bustle were present. Everyone was leaving for the other mansion where Walima was going to be held.

Asma's parents had plastered fake smiles on their faces, giving different explanations to people while desperately hoping that Walima takes place without any incident.

Asma remained in the house, and no one had seen her after that accident.

Among this whole hustle and bustle, Saba was sitting in front of the mirror, applying mascara to her eyes. Clad in a gray shining dress with the same color hijab around her head with light makeup, she was giving innocent and attractive vibes.

Sahir stepped on her back, clad in a black coat while applying perfume on him. They made eye contact through the mirror and flashed smiles at each other.

Silence and fragrance was prevailing in the room while they both were staring at each other.

Breaking the eye contact, Saba swiftly started giving the last touch to her makeup at which Sahir smiled at her and left the room, causing a sigh of relief to erupt from her lips.

It was dark when they entered the house greeted by the sight of Mr. Sikandar and Mrs. Amna, waiting for them in the lounge.

"Assalam o Alaikum!"

Giving warm greetings to each other, they settled down on the couches, chatting with each other animatedly.

"Do you want to go to university tomorrow?" 

Sahir asked her when she came out of the dressing room.

"Yeah" she lazily murmured and yawned while standing in between the room.

"You can take the left side of the bed." 

Sahir said while remaining busy with his clothes, avoiding eye contact.

Saba nodded her head in understanding and stepped toward her side of the bed while a smile caked on her face.

"That's it! Life is becoming normal!"


"When will you get free from your classes today?"

Sahir asked her when she was going to step out of the car.

"5 pm"

"Okay, I will be there at that time." 

She nodded her head and stepped out of the car while gazing at the distance she had to cover yet.

As usual, Sahir had dropped her a few buildings away from the university. He had taken this precaution to avoid any scandal, but he didn't know that a storm was waiting for him in the coming days.

A set of eyes gazed at Saba and Sahir's car while remaining at a distance from them.


She spotted her friend's group sitting on the bench in the corridor, talking animatedly with each other. A bright smile etched on her face and she stepped near her friend's group who became silent at seeing her approaching. A frown settled on her face at their action but she didn't point it out.

"Assalam o Alaikum everyone!" She greeted at which everyone nodded their heads while Fiza murmured "Walaikum Assalam".

Now, a red alarm blared in her mind at their action, and different queries spun in her mind.

"Is everything okay?" She asked while sitting near them.

"You should tell us this thing." Nimra's snarky remark came at which irritation and fear seized her being.

"What do you mean?" She asked, slightly irritated with her snarky remark.

"Saba, who is Sir Sahir to you? He is not your family member I know, then who is he?"

Iqra asked in a deadly serious tone at which Saba's heart skipped a beat.

"He is nothing….." She tried to reply but was cut short by Nimra.

"Don't try to lie. I have seen you with him coming out of the car. Sara and Minal were also with me at that moment. The whole class is discussing your affair at this moment."

Nimra said at which her eyes widened and fear gripped her being. Flashes of the school's classroom came back to her. Her and Zaheer's name on the chair, girls' snarky remarks, and smirky faces flashed in front of her orbs which make her eyes misty and her vision blurred.

"That is wrong." She murmured but her friends ignored her and stood from their place, leaving her alone.

Tears fell on her cheeks as she saw their retrieving forms. She shifted back to school life where she was alone, all her friends had abandoned her.

Pain plastered her face, and with misty orbs, she averted her gaze from her friends. She looks in front of her only to find Sahir standing a few feet away from her.

His expression told her that he had heard everything. His lips were in a tight line, and anger was rippling in his orbs. His expressions were blank, not giving her a hint about his thoughts.

Sahir kept standing there for a few minutes and then stepped back, leaving her alone to mourn.

With shaking hands, she dialed her father's number.



  1. Wait! y would he leave her there like that? I don't think so let's see😅. Plz announce your Nikah n get out of this mess and then no one should have problem with it na🧐🤨...

    1. Because he was also hurt and had nothing to console her.

  2. Literally loved your surprise

  3. just update it already laibaaaaa! anddd pls do come up with such a story again


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