How to Start Fiction Writing? Tips for Beginners!

How to start Fiction Writing?

Fiction writing is a different skill from article writing or non-fiction writing as it requires creativity, character development, plot development, storyline, and unique vocabulary.

If you have a story idea in your mind, and you want to express it to the world, you must have fiction writing skills to explain your mundane thoughts to the people around you.

This article will help you in developing your fiction writing skills, and start the journey of becoming a writer.

So, let's start with the tips which I have for you through my fiction writing experience.

8 Fiction Writing Tips for Beginners:

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved fiction and wanted to start her career as a fiction writer. She struggled a lot in her journey, and ultimately, she succeeded in writing three novels and various short stories. 

But, on the journey, she faced a lot of monsters who stopped her to reach her goal. She fought with those monsters and gained victory in the end. It doesn't mean that her learning has stopped. No! She is still learning and has vowed to keep learning till the last breath of her life.

The girl is me! This is the story you have read in the previous two paragraphs. I have struggled in the journey, and have learned a lot in it. Now, I wish to share lessons with you so that your fiction writing journey can become a bit easy.

Should we start? Yes? Okay then!

  1. Start with Short Stories:

You should start your fiction writing career by writing short stories as they are easy to write and manage. There wouldn't be many plot twists, characters, and themes so you can manage short story writing easily.

Read some short stories of your favorite theme to get some inspiration, take out pen and paper, and start writing short stories.

  1. Observe Your Surroundings:

You should be a keen observer of the events, people, and society around you so that you can write on these themes.

Fiction writing is all about originality so your thoughts, your observations, and your life's perspectives should be a part of it. Even if you are rewriting a theme, there should be some unique aspects of your personality in the writing.

So, observe your surroundings and gather themes and topics from there to write your novel or short story.

  1. Read as much as you can:

I have been a fiction reader since fifth grade so I have the knowledge and skills to write fiction. So, I will also suggest you read as much as you can.

Read novels, short stories, blogs, non-fiction, and newspapers to gather ideas, enhance your vocabulary, and observe the writing style of other fiction writers.

Reading will tell you how renowned writers are managing the specific theme and what their writing style is. While writing, you can mimic their writing style in the beginning and can develop yours with time.

You should read your favorite genre in the beginning but gradually move toward other genres too. It will broaden your mindset and will develop your writing muscles.

  1. Watch different movies or documentaries:

Watching different movies, series, and documentaries will give you immense knowledge about different topics and will help you to write well-researched content. It will also broaden your vocabulary, and mindset, and can enable you to write renowned fiction.

  1. Jot down every thought coming into your mind:

Random thoughts, ideas, and novel scenes will pop up in your mind while you are reading, watching, or observing your surroundings. So, be ready to jot down those thoughts instantly somewhere so that you will not lose them.

I mostly use Google Docs or notepad on my mobile to jot down the thoughts coming into my mind. It is an easy method as mobile phones always remain with you, and it takes a few seconds to record your thoughts there.

If you will not write down the thought instantly, there are chances that you will forget it later on. It has happened to me a lot of times so you shouldn't do this. Record your thoughts instantly.

  1. Write an Outline:

You can write the outline of the whole novel or can write the outline of each chapter so that you can have a clear road in front of you.

It will happen a lot of times that you will change your outline, will add new elements, or characters, or can delete some. It is part of fiction writing so you shouldn't fret about it.

I mostly write the outline of each chapter before writing the chapter. It gave me a rough idea of which element should be covered in this chapter and how to enhance the conflict or storyline of my novel.

It also happened to me that I have to do a major change in the outline of a novel even though I have written four to five chapters of that novel. Now, I have to implement the changes throughout the novel to make it renowned writing.

So, outlining will help you in dealing with the conflict and plot in a great manner, and will allow you to do experiments with your writing. It improves your writing and ensures that you have covered all the elements and conflicts in a great manner.

  1. Don't get disheartened with your first draft:

I am warning you that your first draft will always be crap. When you read your draft, you will think that you are the worst writer on the face of Earth.

Yes! It happened to me! It has happened to every writer! Because the first draft is supposed to be crap.

While writing your first draft, your main concern should be completing the plot or storyline. Forget about everything and just write. 

When you will write your last scene, take a deep breath and celebrate your first draft.

  1. Editing:

After writing your first draft of a novel or short story, leave it for one to three days, and then come back to edit it.

In the editing, new scenes can be added, the writing style can be tweaked, and new characters can be added. Be mentally ready for this while you sit for editing.

Do editing three to four times and it will prepare your novel or short story.

Key Takeaways:

These are the eight tips from my side if you want to start your fiction writing career. These tips will help you to create a ground for your writing career and will help you in writing your first draft.

Remain with my blog as I will keep sharing different tips, advice, and facts about fiction writing with you.


  1. I just wrote one pg on fictional story being a newbie 2 yrs back and I always wanted to resume but cudnt get time nor the correct plot..but before resuming I want to know how do u create a website? I want to make one for my novel writings..Idk being a teenager hw to do dat..can it b done through phone? Plz post some yt links of making a website 🙂 it wud b of grt help.
    Btw this post was of real help for me. Thank you😊


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