Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 21


Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 22

Saba was sitting in the front lawn and was waiting for her group, when a message came on her mobile. 

"Come to the cafe! We are here" Iqra messaged her. 

She moved toward the cafe and saw her group sitting at the girl's side. 

Their cafe has two parts. One part was reserved only for girls and the other part was for everyone. Boys and girls both can sit there. 


She moved toward the girl's side and approached the table of her group. 

"Assalam o Alaikum! " Iqra, Fiza replied to her but Nimra remained indulged in her mobile, typing furiously. 

Saba gave her a glance and sat on the chair. Iqra, Fiza was silent and looking toward Nimra. Saba sensed an excitement and tension in the air. 

"What happened? " She asked. 

"Nimra is talking with her fiance!" Iqra informed her. 

"And her fiance is coming to University for meet her! " 

Fiza increased her information. 

"But why? " She asked in astonishment. 

"Because he is my fiance! And we wants to develop some understanding before marriage. " Nimra said while putting mobile on the table.

"Does your parents or his parents know about it?" She asked.

"Never! They will never approve of it!" Nimra said with rounded orbs as if horrified with Saba's words.

"Oh. Okay! Don't you think you should be distant with your fiance? Family politics and hidden meetings can spoil your relationship."

"Why are you saying this? Be my friend Saba not my enemy who curses me!" Nimra said with annoyed expressions.

"I am your friend Nimra. That's why I am stopping you. This thing is not right dear. Share it with your parents. Hidden meetings with the opposite gender always leads to disruptions in the relationship, even if that person is your fiance." 

Saba tried to stop her but that was not the appropriate time. 

Fiza sensed the fury of Nimra, so decided to conclude their talk. 

"Ok! Leave this topic. Nimra, is he really coming? What he was saying in messages?"

"He was saying that he will come in half an hour. And he wants to meet all of you too. So please meet him. I am also getting a little bit nervous because it is my first time. So all of your presence will make it easy for me. Please Iqra, Fiza and Saba."

Iqra and Fiza agreed at once, but Saba hesitated. She wanted to stop this all but Nimra wanted her to be a part of it. 


She was going to say something when Iqra kicked her feet underneath the table which stopped her from saying something.

"We all will go with you." Iqra said with a smile.

Later on, when Nimra went toward the washroom, Iqra said to her.

"That is not the right time to guide her, Saba. Leave her like this, and later on, we will again discuss the topic. Being friends, we all don't want her to spoil her life in any way.


After some time, Zeeshan's (Nimra's fiance) call came. He was sitting at the other part of the cafe where they also went.

Zeeshan stood when they approached his table. Nimra introduced them and they all sat on the table. Saba also sat hesitantly. 

"How are all of you? " He asked them. 

"Fine! How are you? " Iqra asked. 

"Very much fine! In fact after engagement it becomes moooor fine! " He prolonged the word "more" and glanced at Nimra at which she blushed.

"Oooh! Means there is much understanding between both of you! "

Fiza asked mischievously. 

"To a very great extent! She in fact calls me in the night and never lets me sleep. I am amazed how much she spoke! '' Zeeshan said mischievously. 

"Lie! He called me and he has many things to tell me! Most of the time, I just listen! " 

Nimra added and gave a dreadful glance to Zeeshan for his lie at which he winked at her. Laughter emerged from their mouths.

Hollowness surfaced in Saba's heart as thoughts of her and Sahir's relationship came to her mind. Pain rippled in her orbs and the anxiety hit her.

"My relationship is halal then why..? "

She bit her lower lip and prevented pessimistic thoughts.

"Why are you not talking? Is everything ok" Zeeshan asked her, at which she swiftly composed herself.

"Yes.. I was just seeing your love Masha Allah!" Smile plastered on her face while she shook away pessimistic thoughts. 

Zeeshan and Nimra gave her a smile. And again started with each other. Iqra, Fiza was also giving their comments in between the conversation and she was just looking at them! 

While gazing at the apparently perfect couple, her stare went toward the doors of the cafe. 

There, through the glass doors, she saw Sahir standing with a group of female students around him. He was smiling while the girls were giggling.

Her stare bore on them while bitter feelings emerged in her heart. 

While talking to the girls, Sahir's gaze also went toward her. They briefly made eye contact and then Saba tore it, focusing on Nimra and Zeeshan.

Sahir could see bitterness and hollowness in her orbs, and uneasiness in her demeanor.

Dismissing the girls, he went toward the office while words of post-marital depression lecture were echoing in his ears, bitter thoughts running in his mind.


They all were going toward the class. Zeeshan left some time before and now they were discussing him and laughing. 

"Saba you see! This is the relationship and understanding I was talking about. Whenever you are going to be married, then you should also do all what I am doing! " 

There was pride in Nimra's tone at which bitterness surfaced in her heart. 

Nodding her head, she prepared herself for the next lecture

Lecture of Sahir! 

They entered the class where students were talking animatedly as Sahir was not present there.

Some of the students were already sitting. Saba, for the first time, did not want to sit in front. For the first time, she didn't want to take Sahir's lecture! 

But she had to take it.

Because she didn't want to give any impression to Nimra that she was affected by seeing her relationship. So, she sat in the front and started to wait for Sahir.

"Assalam o Alaikum! " Sahir's greeting echoed in the class at which silence settled down there. 

She was not paying any attention to the lecture. The scenes and dialogues of Nimra, and Zeeshan flashed in front of her orbs, while scenes of her and Sahir also kept coming in front of her. 

Her gaze went toward the bag's pocket where she had kept some amount of her pocket money from Sahir.

Gazing at this, her mind drifted toward the moment when he gazed at her with the pocket money.

At that moment, she thought to question his role as a husband. She wanted to ask him which role he is giving her the pocket money. But then, she restrained herself.

She didn't want to spoil that moment. She decided to claim her rights as a wife. She decided to give Sahir a chance to think about his actions. Maybe, giving this pocket money will make him realize his duties, maybe he slowly started accepting this relationship.

Her self respect was important for her, but she didn't want to spoil her life because of her stupidness. She had decided to take her rights with grace and with a smile.

Sahir was observing Saba whose expressions were blank and gaze was on her bag's pocket. Somehow, he knew what was in that pocket at which his heart skipped a beat.

Shooking away the thoughts, he gazed at the class.

"Do any of you have any idea about the famous incidents of the Victorian Era?"

Posing the question, his gaze landed on Saba who was still gazing at the bag.

"Saba? Have you any idea?" He asked her when she came out of her daze.

"Hunhh! " She didn't understand what Sahir said.


"Victorian Era? " He asked. 

She shook her head at which Sahir nodded his head.


"Ok! Class, I will tell you now so please remain with me. " He said at which her cheeks blushed due to embarrassment.


She was sitting on the namaz rug in Zuhr. She was in her room and had completed her Namaz. Now, she was thinking of Nimra, and Zeeshan.

"Why am I thinking of them and feeling envious? Allah has blessed me with halal relationship, and love InshaAllah will come in it! "

She tried to focus her mind on the beautiful memories of their honeymoon, the beautiful moments they spent together in the bedroom at which a smile adorned her face. Hope and calmness settled in her heart when she raised her hands for Dua.

"Allah! Pardon me for those envious feelings. I am your weak slave and can slip many times from the right path. But I have realized that I have done the wrong thing. Please forgive me and give me wisdom and strength to remain on the right path! "

She completed her dua and stood up from the rug. 

At that instant, Mrs. Amna's call came, informing her that they are going toward the mall for shopping. 

Hanging up the call, she swiftly went to change the clothes and took out her pocket money. She was going to use Sahir's money and set her money aside.

This is it! She is going to grab all her rights from him with calmness.

They went to a nearby mall to shop. They were strolling in the hallway when Mrs. Amna's phone rang. Her sister was calling her. She took the call and while listening to it, anxiety morphed over her expressions. 

"What happened Mom? "

"There is some personal issue in my sister's home, so I have to go there urgently. You are also with me but I can't take you with me as it is the issue of elders." Mrs. Amna said with an apologetic smile.


"Then...? " Saba became puzzled. 

"I shall call Sahir. He will accompany you and I will go with your Dad. "

After fifteen minutes, she was in the car where silence was prevailing.

"What shopping did you do? " Sahir's voice broke the silence.

"Hijabs and shirts! '' she replied and yawned. 

Tiredness was evident on her face as today was emotionally and physically a tough day for her.

Sahir glanced at her tired face and turned the car toward a cafe shop.

"Why do we stop here? " She asked while gazing at the coffee shop in front of her.

"To have a coffee! You are tired and having a cup of coffee may refresh you!"

"What is the need of it? We can have coffee at home."

"You are so tired that you will not be able to make it and I am not so good at making coffee."

He said with amusement at which she smiled and shook away all the negative thoughts.

After placing their orders, Sahir asked her.

"Do you understand today's lecture? "

Sahir asked her so suddenly that she shook her head involuntarily. But then, a nervous smile etched on her face.

"Yes, How can you understand it? Because at that time you were sitting with a preoccupied mind and were just staring at me." There was amusement and sarcasm evident in her tone.

Saba just dropped her gaze and started playing with her fingers, mind was numb and was unable to answer anything.

" Have you any problem, Saba? " Sahir asked her while worry etched on his face.

You are the problem! This relationship is a problem. 

She screamed in her heart but didn't say it out loud. 

"No," She murmured, still avoiding his eye contact.

Frown settled on Sahir's face.

"Look at me, Saba." She raised her orbs, and Sahir saw some tears floating in them.

His heart constricted and pain settled in his heart.

"Saba, please don't do this." His shoulders slumped and helplessness seeped in his veins.

"I don't know what to do, Sahir." She said while gazing at his face. 

It was the first time she was using his name which felt a lot foreign to his ears.

"Just be strong." He said, not knowing what to say.

She nodded her head, and excused herself for the washroom.

Gazing at her retrieving and defeated form, Sahir was feeling helpless.

His heart desperately wanted to get rid of this helplessness but he didn't know how to do it.

Past fears, and future uncertainty was pressing his heart and mind, making him unable to focus on present moment.


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