Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 20

Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 20


"Long time, Zarina." Saba said with a forced smile while her anxious orbs went toward the end of the hallway where washrooms were present.

She shook her hand, while her mind was a whirlwind of different thoughts.

"How is life treating you?" Zarina asked with a smile at which Saba gulped. 

"Yeah, good." 

Her orbs again went toward the washroom side and it skipped a beat. Sahir was coming toward them.

"That's great! What are you doing nowadays?" 

Sahir had come near them and was looking at Saba with quizzical orbs. Zarina also looked toward him and then shifted her gaze toward Saba.

"He is my husband. And she is my friend." Saba said at which Sahir gave a smile to Zarina.

It was the first time he was introduced as a husband, and it seemed really odd. 

"School friend, Saba! Give a proper introduction of mine!" Zarina said in an excited tone and greeted Sahir.

He nodded his head and excused himself at which Saba took a deep sigh.

"It was nice to meet you, Zarina. But I have to go. We will meet some other day." She said while stepping toward the shop where Sahir had gone.


She turned her head toward Zarina who had serious expressions now.

"Grow up now. School years have past now. We are mature, and should move forward in life." 

Flashes of her lonely self in the school classrooms and grounds came in front of her orbs.

"Some parts of us don't grow, unfortunately! And, a thing which is little for someone can be huge for another person." 

She said and stepped toward the shop where Sahir was present, leaving Zarina behind.


There was the noise of cutlery in the silent dining room of home. 

"What have you bought today?" Mrs. Amna asked Saba while chewing her rice.

"Nothing! Everything was too expensive!" She replied carelessly while eating her rice.

"Why? How much pocket money Sahir is giving you?" Mrs. Amna asked at which Mr. Sikandar also saw them.

Saba bit her lip at the question, and looked nervously toward Sahir. Sahir was shocked at the question and saw Saba. 

"Why are you looking at her? If she doesn't take money from you then it doesn't mean that you will not give her. It is your responsibility. " There was anger in Mrs. Amna's tone. 

"I.... I don't give importance to this point Mom. But now I will give her money and be careful in this matter." It was the best answer he could think of. 

"What do you mean that you don't give importance to this point! It is her right that you should take care of her basic needs." 

This time Mr. Sikandar was saying.

"Remember one thing my Son! When a Man at the time of Nikkah says that "He accepts' ', It means that he is saying that he accepts the responsibility of providing for his wife, loving her and protecting her! And you also have done the same thing Sahir. So accept every responsibility of Saba."

Mr. Sikandar was saying these lines at which blush crept on Saba's cheeks. She was so ashamed that she had no courage to speak and to see in the direction of Sahir. 

Sahir was biting his lip. He didn't want to argue with parents and deep down he knew that he was not totally innocent in this matter. 

"Saba, you should frankly tell him how much pocket money you want. This is your right and never hesitate to take your right!"

Mrs. Amna said at which she nodded her head.

Her gaze involuntarily went toward Sahir who was also gazing at her. They both tore eye contact and turned it toward the plates.


She was reluctant to go in the room. It was not that she was afraid of Sahir, but just was embarrassed due to the whole situation. She even prayed her Isha prayer in the lounge. Mr. Sikandar and Mrs. Amna were in their room and Sahir was also in his room. Now Saba sat on the couch to gather her courage. 

In the room, Sahir was waiting for Saba. When after a long time, she did not come, then Sahir came out of the room and stood near the reiling to see what she was doing. She was sitting at the front couch and Sahir could see her confused expressions.

"Uff! This girl has to get confused in every situation!"

He said to himself while gazing at the girl.

"Saba! " He called out.

"Yes! " Saba answered and looked in an upward direction. 

"Come in the room! It is already too late! " He said in an inflexible tone. 

Saba stood from the couch and started to move toward the stairs with a slow pace. She entered the room and saw Sahir standing in between it. He had crossed his arms on his chest and was staring at her. 

"Where were you?" He asked. 

"I was in the lounge praying my namaz!" She replied in a low voice. 

"Hmm… So, how much pocket money do you want? " He asked while stepping toward the cupboard.

Saba bite her lip at his words. 

"I don't want any pocket money. I can earn money, so I don't need someone else's money."

She replied firmly while seeing toward him.

"Another stupid decision." He said with a sigh at which she became confused.

"Saba, please sit." He said, pointing toward the couch.

"Taking money from me is your right. And, a person should never abandon their rights. Even though you are earning, you still should take pocket money from me."

She nodded her head while gazing at him who was going toward the home office. After a while, he came back with some notes in his hand.

"Take this money, Saba! " He extended his hand toward her.

"These are too many. I can't take this much money."

She said with rounded orbs. Frustration took over his being and he took her hand and put the money on it!

"You should take this money with full confidence. You should know your rights and you should claim them and remain confident not guilty!" 

Sahir was standing near her and was saying with a scolded tone. She gazed at their hands and then gazed at his face which was so near to her.

They maintained eye contact for some moments and then he stepped back from her.

"Spend this money as you want. They are yours now." 

He said and turned toward the bed. Saba gazed at his back, gazed at the money and a smile etched on her face. Heart bloomed with happiness, and hope pumped in her veins.


"Welcome to my channel. Today we are going to discuss…. Umm. No!" 

Frustration took over her being as she deleted the recording on slide. She was recording a YouTube video for her channel, but lack of confidence was making her delete the recording again and again.


She murmured and again started the recording. 

Gazing at the script in front of her, she said it in a go with the right connotation and pronunciation.

Taking a deep sigh, she listened to the recording.

As expected, it seemed horrible in the beginning. But the pronunciation, pitch and flow was right so she went on another slide in Canva. 

After an hour, she succeeded in recording one YouTube video on Canva. 

After getting relaxed from it, she went toward the bed, switched off the lights and slid into the covers to have a nap.

Sahir entered his house and saw Mrs. Amna in the lounge. 

"Assalam o Alaikum!"

"Walaikum Assalam. Sahir, where is Saba? '' Mrs. Amna asked.

"Mom, I think she is still in university. Maybe enjoying the time with friends. " He replied carelessly, and yawned.

"Ok! You are right. You must go and sleep for a while." Mrs. Amna saw at which he lazily nodded his head.

He opened the door of his room and entered it. The atmosphere of the room is so sleepy so he did not switch on the lights. He just took off his shoes and socks, closed the door, and sat on his bed. Thin ray of sunlight was coming into this room, illuminating a bit of it.

The duvet was already spread on the bed. 

"Why is it here?"

The thought came into his mind but he ignored it and lay on the bed as its body was aching. 

While sliding into the duvet, a fragrance came into his nostrils.

"This is the fragrance of Saba! "

He thought and unintentionally put his hand on the other side of the bed. A shriek erupted from the other side.


She got disturbed in her sleep. She felt someone come near her. But she rejected that thought in her sleep. But then, her senses started to awake and she felt someone's fragrance. Before she could open her eyes and understand the situation, she felt someone's hand on her chest and she shrieked.

Two side lamps were switched on at the same moment, and they both gazed at each other with slightly apart lips and wide opened eyes.

Saba was astonished at the situation and was not able to understand the situation. The atmosphere of the room was sleepy. Whole room was dark and only lamp lights were there. That light was reflecting on their faces. Her orbs were pink and there was redness on her cheeks too. 

Sahir was gazing at the beauty in front of him who was confused, red and astonished. 

"Umm.. Sorry, I really don't know that you are sleeping here." 

He tore his gaze from the sleeping beauty in front of him and spoke.

Saba suddenly stood from the bed and started looking for her dupatta. Her mind was numbed and she was unable to find something in the dark. 

A smile etched on Sahir's face at her foolishness.

"Saba, First switch on the light. In such darkness, you can't find anything. " He said with an amused tone.

In reply, he listened to her "sorry" in a weak and sleepy voice. 

She quickly moved toward the switch board, and within seconds, the whole room was bathed with lights and Saba hurriedly moved toward the couch where her dupatta was present. She was in loose trousers and shirt while her long black hair was lying on her back.

Sahir's gaze was on the innocent beauty and she was getting embarrassed under his gaze. 

"I thought that you would not come till night." She murmured while sitting on the couch. 

"Yes! But I just got tired, so I came home to sleep for two hours. After that, I have to go again."

Saba nodded while her gaze did not meet him. 

"When you came back from university?" 

"Almost two hours ago. I recorded a YouTube video, and then went to sleep." She replied.

"Ahan! On which topic?" 

She raised her gaze to see the glint in his orbs. A smile etched on her face. 

"Personal branding"

A smile etched on his face, and they both gazed at each other for a few seconds.

"Should I switch off the lights? You want to sleep? " She asked.

"Yes, Please switch it off." He said while lying back on bed. 

She came out of the room and closed the door. Sahir was lying on the bed and looking toward the window. 

The scenes of a recent incident came to mind. The beauty and innocence of Saba, she was so confused that she didn't meet his gaze. 

The blend of her foolishness, strong personality and shyness made her personality unique. 

A smile etched on his face, and happiness flooded in his veins. He closed his eyes, and flashes of Saba's face came in front of them.

Pure love, which comes from Heaven and with the permission of Allah, had come to conquer Sahir's heart. A small plant of love grew in his heart. 


  1. Masha Allah the chapter was just fantastic

  2. She should not have accepted that money, she should have questioned him with what rights is he giving it to her, when he made it clear that they would be divorcing soon

    I'm not saying whatvubhave written is wrong , it's just that I'm more into women power and when the situation is something like this .

    Anyways the storyline I good . Well done

  3. Ch 21 ? It was supposed to be uploaded on 24th on Saturday as u said na?
    Btw I like the story n I'm interested in it that's y I'm asking....

    1. I am sorry for delay. Maybe, it will be published today or tomorrow.

  4. Assalamu Alaikum
    Kindly plz update. Your story is really good and I have been eagerly waiting for it.

    1. Chapter 21? It's not posted yet!

  5. Hey...
    Love your writing!!!
    Waiting for the next chapter.


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