Critical Review of Look Both Ways Movie


Critical Review of Look Both Ways

I saw a teaser of this movie and decided to watch it on the weekend. And, it was the best decision I made that weekend! 


Because not only is the acting admirable but also the themes of this movie. 

Let me give you a detailed review of this movie by discussing its plot and what themes clicked on me while watching this movie.

There are some spoilers in the plot section, so you can skip it from my point of view.

The Plot of Look Both Ways:

The main protagonist of this movie is Natalie who is a passionate student and has a five-year plan for her life. According to that plan, she wants to become a Hollywood Animator and has created a roadmap toward her destination. 

But, on the eve of her graduation night, she became pregnant.

From here, the story is split into two parts.

Plot 1:

In one storyline, Natalie got pregnant and was forced to stay in her hometown, fulfilling the mother's duties. All her five-year plans shattered, and her life revolved around her daughter only.

She was a bit depressed as her friends were pursuing their dreams and she was stuck in the house with her baby.

In one scene, she went to enjoy the vacation with her friend Cara but had to come back after only a night's stay as she became worried about her daughter.

Four years passed like this, and ultimately she got some time when her daughter started school. 

At that time, she created an animation "Night Owl" based on her daughter's sleeping habits. That animation became popular and she ultimately reached her destination.

Critical Review of Look Both Ways

Plot 2:

In plot 2, she didn't get pregnant and went to Los Angeles with her friend Cara.

There, Natalie got a job as an assistant in her favorite animation studio and became the assistant of her favorite boss lady Lucy. She began dating her co-worker, Jake. 

But, that life was also not easy and didn't go as she planned. Four years passed like that, and ultimately, she created a special animation with her imagination that gave her fame.

Themes of Look Both Ways:

Let's discuss some lessons I learned from this movie.

Critical Review of Look Both Ways

  1. Life is fair.

Sometimes, there are a lot of fears and we get depressed by seeing other people's lives. We think that life is unfair to us and fair to others.

"What ifs" keep lingering in our minds, and we get fearful when life puts us on other paths. 

This movie teaches you that everyone is struggling and that whatever life is putting toward us is fair. 

No one's life is perfect, so we should remain optimistic and focus on our life goals.

Optimism, and making your way in every situation will help you to reach your destination.

  1. Fate has its plans:

Natalie created a five-year smooth plan toward her destination. But, things don't work out as she has planned.

In one storyline, she became a mother and all her plans crashed. In another storyline, she got into a job that prevented her growth.

But in the end, she reached her destination in both plotlines.

  1. The struggle of Mothers:

I feel that the mother plotline is dedicated to all the mothers who sacrifice their dreams, and life goals for their children.

Critical Review of Look Both Ways

It portrays the depression a girl undergoes when she is unable to pursue her dreams. And, it also shows the care and loves a mother has for her children.

It shows the dynamics of a mother, and it is a message of hope for every mother that they can pursue their dreams if they are dedicated and keep struggling.

It gives them a message that it is okay if they feel like taking a break from family. It is okay if they feel depressed because of their family. It is okay to wish for the girlhood phase.

It is the realistic picture of a dedicated, passionate mother who has dreams and love for her family.

  1. All is Well!

Throughout the movie, in both plotlines, Natalie remains depressed. There were a lot of moments when she felt that life is unfair.

But in the end, Natalie of both plotlines went to the washroom where she did her pregnancy test, and her life took a turn. There, they both smiled while glancing in the mirror, and said that all is well. 

Critical Review of Look Both Ways

It means that don't fret or get depressed in your life. Ultimately things will get right, and you will get on the right track.

Don't give up on your dreams because of depression or life situations. Keep moving with an optimistic mindset.

  1. Listen to your intuition:

Mother Natalie opted to give delivery to the baby because her intuition said so. She felt that it was the right thing to do. She had to become a mother.

So, despite her parent's and friends' advice, she became a mother and saw success in the long run.

In another plotline, Natalie created a masterpiece by tapping into her uniqueness. What her mind asked her to do, she did it. That masterpiece led her to success.

It means that we should have faith in our heart's voice and skills. Ultimately, they will help us to reach a destination.

My Point of View:

The points which make this movie unique are there are no cliches, and it portrayed some bitter realities of life realistically.

I highly recommend this movie to every solopreneur, entrepreneur, mother, student, and to person who has dreams and a destination to reach.

One thing which I don't like about this movie is that both plotlines don't reach a similar conclusion. This aspect somewhat upset this movie's plot and didn't fulfill my expectations.

Except for this point, this movie is full of positive messages and ideal to watch for having a quality and relaxed time.

Quotes from Look Both Ways:

Some quotes which I love most from this movie. These quotes will give you an idea about this movie.

  • If you fail to plan, you should plan to fail.
  • What do people have against planning?
  • You mourn the person that you used to be. Because the fact is, no matter how much you wanna be a mom, you’re never not going to be one again.
  • I look like a mom. I just feel like I don’t have a life anymore. Because I don’t draw. I don’t see my friends. I don’t do anything. I feel like I’m just this.
  • The biggest lesson I learned is that I was spending so much time helping people find their voice that I had no time to find my own.
  • I don’t want to worry about if it doesn’t work out, because what if it does?
  • What we are doing now is setting ourselves up for our future.
  • We only have this moment once. The present moment.

Wrap Up:

This is all about this movie's plot and themes. Do watch it on Netflix and share your perspective with me in the comment section. Do tell me what is your favorite quote from Look Both Ways.


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