Interview of Sahir in Love Starts After Nikkah

Interview with Sahir in Love Starts After Nikkah

What is the specialty of your name?

Sahir is an Arabic name that means friend, charming and enchanting. I want to be a loyal and attractive friend to every deserving person around me. So, I think this name will suit me best!

That's a great thought! So Sahir, why do you want a side hustle? Why are you going into freelancing?

Well, why not? Fiction writing and teaching is my passion and if I want to monetize them, then there shouldn't be any issue in it. When you make your passion your profession, things start getting sorted out in your life. 

And with it, there is another reason for starting this side hustle too, but I will not share it in this interview. Maybe next time.

Wow! We are waiting for it now! In the next interview, we will discuss this point. For now, kindly tell us why you are resisting the marriage with Saba?

Well, that is a sensitive question. The thing is…… I am unable to accept this marriage. In fact, I don't want to marry at this moment. Some past pains have caused fear and uncertainties in my life. I am trying my hardest to beat them. Let's see will I be able to beat them or not. (A sad smile came on his face.)

We are hopeful that you will be able to beat them. Can you share about those past pains?

No, I am uncomfortable with those past pains. I never want to share my deepest secrets with anyone. And, I will advice everyone to never share their secrets or weak points with the world.

"Okay! We will not discuss these points! Well, tell Sahir you have said it numerous times that there shouldn't be any boyfriend girlfriend relationship. But, you were the boyfriend of Zahra. How will you justify it?"

(A bright smile came on Sahir's face!)

Thank you so much for asking this question. Well, the thing is, I have always emphasized that if you love someone, you should be loyal to that person. You should share your feelings with him, and if he agrees, then you should take your parents to the house. I had the same believes when I started my relationship with Zahra. But, as I was inmature at that time, I did some blunders in the relationship. I did mistakes and then paid heavily for them. That's why, I don't want this thing to happen with anyone else.

"Oh. That is sensitive! It seems a person can understand the concept of Love Starts After Nikkah after a hard trial?" 

"Not, necessarily. Some people learn from the lessons of other people, and apply them in their lives, and some people never underestand other person's experiences. They want to do experiment themselves to feel the same pain. That's why, I love fiction reading and writing. This fiction tells you other people's experiences from which you can take lessons. You can change your life through fiction reading and writing."

"Oh, waoo! That's a great theme. Now, I want to read and write fiction too. Can we have your lessons?" 

(A laughter came out from Sahir's lips)

Soon! Soon, I will share my whole playlist with you. 

"That's great! We are waiting for it. Well, I think it is end for now. We will again interview you when Love Starts After Nikkah will end."

"Sure!! And, then I will share my playlist or blog post with all of you too." 

"Thank you so much!! Do you want to say anything in the end?"

"Yeah, I just want to say to young generation that a lot of things are going on in the world. You have the potential and opportunities to change your life and fate of your nation. Stop wasting your time and energy in running behind mirage. Stop running behind fake loves. Utilize your time effeciently and pray to God for the true love. That's it. That's only what I want to say!"

"Okay. A beautiful message from your side! Thank you so much, Sahir!"


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