Interview of Saba in Love Starts After Nikkah

Love Starts After Nikkah Characters interview

(In bold, it is interviewer. And in normal text, Saba is answering).

What is the specialty of your name?

Actually, Saba is an Arabic name that means morning. It symbolizes hope, warmth, and beauty. I wish to be a fresh morning, a fresh breeze in the life of my loved ones. So, I think this name will suit me best!

How do you start freelancing? What was the motive for starting it?

I started freelancing in my fourth semester's holidays. I was surfing YouTube when I stumbled on a video related to freelancing. When I started online work, I realized I could manage it with my studies. Well, sometimes it does get handy (laugh) but overall I can manage it. So, why not bear my expenses myself?

Great! Bearing the expenses yourself is the best thing a woman can do.

Right!!! And you know it gave me mental peace that I am not a burden on someone else! Though my father, and I am sure my husband will also, support me and will never think of me as a burden; I want it for my personality and my development!

Okay Saba, tell me do you have feelings for Sahir?

(Blush crept on Saba's cheeks)

Actually, Love is not everything. When you have deep respect for someone, you start misunderstanding it as love. You think you love that person while in reality you just have a deep sense of respect for him. My story with Sir Sahir starts with a deep sense of respect, and it starts evolving into love after our nikkah. But, I am not sure whether that love will remain after our marriage or not.

Why do you do nikkah in such a hustle? 

Umm, basically it is the decision of my family. My father was suffering because of a heart attack, and he had fears related to my future. At that moment, only his daughter's future was important. So, he made the marriage decision. 

So, do you think marriage is important to secure the future of a girl?

A great companion is important to secure the future and deen of boy and girl. It is the right sentence. If you don't have a great companion in marriage, then you should get a divorce because your future is not secure now. But if that companion makes you feel special, respects you, and is with you in every phase of life; then he or she is worth living with. 

So, if Sahir speaks rudely to you, will you divorce him? 

Well…. Not confirm it. I have seen the soft nature of Sir Sahir and have noticed that his personality changes after the accusation scene happened in the marriage. That's why I will not take the hasty decision of getting a divorce. I will try to find the real reason behind his rudeness. But if things start getting out of my hands, then I will be forced to think of divorce.

"Okay. Let's see how your marriage will go. By the way, why are you still saying Sir to him? 

(A slight blush crept on her cheeks and a chuckle emerged from her lips) 

Because we haven't started our married life. The respect and the relationship we have before our nikkah are still going on. His first image is still in my heart and I have grabbed it firmly. Until we will not start married life, I want my Sir Sahir to be with me. I don't want to lose him until I will not have a new and improved version of him with me.

Okay then, Best of luck! We will have another interview with you when Love Starts After Nikkah will end! Until then, we will wait for love to unfold among both of you.

(Blush deepens in Saba's cheeks)

Let's see where life will take us. 

Sure, Saba, we will wait. And then will ask you about your experience!


Okay then, Goodbye everyone! Saba, do you want to say anything in the end?

"Well, I will advise every one of you to start your financial independent journey as soon as possible. Learn from my and Sir Sahir's experience and utilize them in your life. If you need any guidance, you can ask us in the comment section. And, Goodbye everyone! And stay tuned with Love Starts After Nikkah!"


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