Love Starts After Nikkah-Chapter 10 (part 1)

Love Starts After Nikkah Chapter 10

Morning Sun's rays and the thin layer of fog had covered the sky when hustle and bustle started at University. As it was 8 am, only those students there whose classes were going to start. 

At that hour, Sahir entered the classroom with an expressionless face and stood behind the dais. He gave a glance at the classroom where second-semester students were sitting. 

"Assalam o Alaikum, Class! Welcome to the new semester and new course. I have replaced your previous teacher as he has left the university. Hope so, we will have a nice journey ahead." He said to the class with a polite smile at which they all nodded their heads with enthusiasm. 

Among those enthusiastic students, two were gazing at him with irritated and frustrated expressions. 

While rummaging through the classroom, his gaze also stopped at them and his smile dropped. 

Those two were that couple whom he insulted a few days before. 

Sahir could feel hate in their orbs, and he could see a difficult journey with these two students. 

Ignoring them, he again smiled at the class and started his lecture.


Later on, in his break time, he was strolling toward the cafe when his gaze fell upon Saba. She was sitting on the lawn and talking to a boy with a smile on her face. He knew that the boy was not her class fellow. 

Curiosity and uncertainty took over him while he continued his steps toward the teacher's cafe. 

He went into the washroom to wash his hands when he again saw Zahra standing beside him with a smirk. He was gazing at the mirror where Zahra was standing beside him. 

While gazing at her reflection, his mind went toward a memory.

"So, would you love to marry a teacher?"

The scent of breakfast, animated conversation, and laughter of students were echoing in the background.

Zahra's smile dropped and the glint from her orbs vanished. 

"First tell me what will be the financial situation of the teacher's wife." 

Sahir became shocked at her question. It was an unexpected one.

"It depends on fate, Zahra. The profession is noble, and struggle is in a person's hand." He replied while the red alarm was blaring in his mind.

"Your thoughts are old-fashioned, Sahir." She replied with a pout at which shock took over Sahir's body.

That night, he kept on thinking about Zahra's words.

"I will do a side hustle to earn extra money." He murmured to himself, stood from his place, and opened his laptop. 

The whole night, he kept on researching and planning about his side hustle. When Fajar's azan resonated in the city, Sahir stood from his place with red but glinty orbs, and tired but enthusiastic expressions. A small and genuine smile etched on his face while heart was full of hope.

"How are you, Mr. Sahir?" His colleague came near him at which he came back from the past. Zahra's reflection was nowhere to see at which he took a deep sigh. 

Replying back to his colleague, he turned around to leave that area.

After having lunch, he again went toward the lawn area where Saba was still sitting with the boy.

Instantly, they both dissolved and new faces emerged in place of them. 

Sahir was sitting with Zahra with a plate of fries in between them. They both were mocking a teacher while laughing. 

"Stop it now! When we become teachers, our students will also mock us." Sahir said in between the giggles at which Zahra stopped laughing.

"I will never be a teacher. It is so boring!" She replied with a frown at which Sahir's face also became sober. 

"But, I have to become a teacher. I am a literary soul who loves teaching and writing." He replied.

"These are female professions, Sahir." She said with a frown and irritating expressions, at which anger took over him.

"I love these professions, and want them to be my identity." He said with hints of anger in his tone at which Zahra's face became pale.

"Okay, let's leave this discussion. These decisions are to be made after graduation, so no need to think about them at this moment." 

She replied while nibbling on her fries. 

"Assalam o Alaikum, Sir!" A student Salaam him at which he came out of his thoughts and gave a smile to the student.

"Walaikum Assalam. How are you?" 

After having a little chat with the student, he went toward the office with a heavy heart. 

Past memories and fears were haunting him now.



  1. How eagerly I'm waiting for next parts writer

    1. It will come on every Sunday now! Kindly wait for one day more and you will get a new chapter!

  2. Dear aren't u posting new chapter today?


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