5 Best Pakistani English Fiction Writers!

5 Best Pakistani English Fiction Writers!

Pakistani English Literature is quite famous around the world. It contains various themes and has given us a peek into the different aspects of Pakistani Society. 

Some amazing Pakistani fiction writers should be a part of your bookshelf if you want to enjoy desi literature.

These writers have written in different genres of literature, so lovers of every genre will find this list interesting.

Let's have a look at the list of amazing writers.

  1. Awais Khan:

Awais Khan is quite famous for his books "No Honour" and "In the Company of Strangers". These two books discussed a wide range of sensitive themes and touched on various aspects of Pakistani society.

No Honour revolves around honour killing theme which is quite common in a lot of Pakistani households. 

In the Company of Strangers discusses terrorism and the evils of the elite class. It lets us peek into the black world of fashion and also speaks of patriarchal aspects of our society. You can read its full review here.

It is the news that Awais Khan is working on his third novel too. Let's see when it comes out and what theme it will contain.

  1. Moni Mohsin:

If you are a lover of satire and wit, you should read Moni Mohsin. She is famous for her entertaining and biting writing style which will leave you in awe. 

She is a British Pakistani author who is famous for writing a long-running satirical column "The Diary of a Social Butterfly" for the Friday Times. She also has a book with this name.

She satires in society's political and social condition, and boldly points toward human flaws and social issues.

She has written a total of 6 books which are all famous. 

If you want to read light-hearted literature, do read her novels. You can read the detailed review of her novel "Duty Free" on my blog.

  1. Omar Shahid Hameed:

I am reading his novel "The Prisoner" and am in love with the writings of this fantastic author.

He is a serving police officer of the Police Service of Pakistan, and his novels revolve around suspense, police and the law and order condition of Pakistan. 

His writings are based on his experience and job which gave us unique perspectives and an in-depth look at a policeman's life. 

If you are a lover of suspense and social issues, you should read his novels. Soon, I will share the reviews of his novels.

  1. Sara Naveed:

If you are a lover of romance and want to read some cute love stories, you should read Sara Naveed. Her novels will take you into the desi households and will let you enjoy a Desi love story.

She has four novels; Undying Affinity, All of my Heart, World Between Us and Our Story Ends Here. Her fifth novel, The Cold Heart, is also out and its preorders are going on. 

It is the news that she is writing another novel too which plans to come out this year. Let's see when it will come.

  1. Omar Iftikhar:

Lovers of science fiction, you should read Omar Iftikhar's novel Divided Species.

He is a Karachi-based fiction writer who has written various articles in various newspapers. There are almost 800 articles of his in different English newspapers. Recently, he has written an eBook on how to write articles which is present on Amazon.

His science fiction novel is set in Pakistan's city Karachi and is full of interesting elements which every science fiction lover will love.


So, to satisfy your desi cravings and get a peak at Pakistan's society, you should read these authors.

 Do read them and share your favourite one in the comments section!


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