5 Online Pakistani English Fiction Magazines to Publish Your Write-Ups!


5 Online Pakistani English Fiction Magazines to Publish Your Write-Ups!

In Pakistan, fiction lovers and writers always struggle for a platform to quench their thirst.

A lot of writers and novelists have amazing pieces of English literature in their notebooks and diaries which deserve to be shared with the world. But unfortunately, writers and poets don't know where to share their write-ups.

If you are also clueless about where to share your write-ups, this blog post is going to help you.

It has five amazing online fiction magazines where you can share your write-ups for free and can unleash your inner writer.

So, let's start with it.

  1. Causerie:

Causerie is a monthly fiction magazine where you can share your novels, short stories and poems for free.

It is a multilingual magazine where you can share your write-ups in nine different languages. Pakistani languages in it are Urdu, English and Punjabi. You can share your write-ups in these languages.

You can share your short story, poem or novel here. Short stories and poems will be published in a single edition while your novel will be divided into parts and will publish monthly. You have to share the part every month. 

To publish your write-ups, you have to go to their website, go into the Submission part, fill up the details and copy-paste your write-up.

Make sure that your writing is around about 1200. It is a requirement.

There is news circulating that Causerie is going to expand its platform. You can publish your E-books and blog posts over there too. 

  1. Tasavvur:

Tasavvur is another amazing online magazine where you can publish fiction and non-fiction.

For it, your write-ups should be South Asian origin-specific. They should have a fantasy or supernatural element touch as this magazine prefers such writings.

You should read their previous editions to get an idea of their taste. And let me tell you, all the pieces are worth reading!

Your fiction piece should be between 1000-5000 words. Your non-fiction pitches should be between 250-500 words. They have a specific format which you should follow while writing for their magazine. 

And the amazing part of it is that you will get paid! 


If your write-up is accepted you will get paid for it. For fiction pieces, 2.5 cents for each word. And for non-fiction, 100 dollars for commissioned pieces.

 And if it doesn't, you will get a detailed email in which they will mention the reason for rejection. You can work on it and can polish your skills.

  1. The Walled City Journal:

This magazine is named after the Pakistani city, Lahore. In this Pakistan-based magazine, you can publish your short stories and poems.

You have to submit it here through their website. For prose, your word limit should be under 1000. 

They will respond to you back after 2-4 weeks of sending your publication. In case you want a quick editorial critique, you have to pay for them.

In their third and latest edition, they pay 10 dollars to those whose writings were accepted in the magazine. Let's see if this offer will be present in their fourth edition or not.

  1. Perspective Magazine:

The perspective magazine is another amazing site where you can submit your write-ups.

It is a website, not a magazine, and they will publish your write-up over there. This website is best to create your writing portfolio and build your audience. It will help you in expanding your network.

They have a monthly theme which you have to follow. The theme will act as a prompt for you and will give you ideas of what to write. 

This magazine accepts non-fiction, fiction, poems and art. 

For sending them your write-up, you have to go to their website, go into the "Submit" part, read the requirements and fill out the form. 

  1. The Aleph Review:

It is an annual anthology which can make you a published writer. Its submissions are open till the 15th of August 2022.

It has a theme which you have to follow. It accepts prose and poetry. The word limit of prose is 2500, and there is no word line for poetry. You can submit multiple poetries for consideration in a single doc. 

You have to send your biography along with your picture to their email "thealephreview@gmail.com"

But, before submitting, make sure to go to their website and read their submission guidelines. They are imperative for your submission approval.

You can also submit your fiction or nonfiction piece to get published on their website. It is open throughout the year, so you can send your write-up anytime. 

Fresh and unpublished write-ups are the magazines' demand. After getting published over there, you will get the rights back.

In conclusion, I only want to say that keep on trying. If you will be rejected in your first attempt, don't quit. Do remember that J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter was rejected 12 times. And today, it is one of the best-selling novels.

If J.K. Rowling had quit at that time, the world will never know about Harry Potter. 

So, where are you planning to submit your write-up? 

Select any one or multiple magazines and start your journey right now!


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