Honeybees a Symbol of Allah
Von Frish received a nobel prize in 1973 for his research on honeybees. Different scientists have been researching honey bees for a long time and have spent a lot of resources and effort on it. But, the Quran has mentioned honeybees for like 1400 years ago. There is a Surah in the Quran “Nahl” which means honey bee. In this surah, there is Ayahs 68-69: “And your Lord inspired the bee: Set up hives in the mountains, and in the trees, and in what they construct”. “Then eat of all the fruits (and flowers), and go along the pathways of your Lord (for the making of honey), with precision. From their bellies emerges a fluid of diverse colors, containing healing for the people (honey syrup). Certainly, there is a sign (and a sign of Allah's might) for a society to think about”. If we think about these Ayahs, we realize that Quran has mentioned bee dance, hives, their process of making honey, honey bees gender, and the healing powers of honey in these Ayahs. The hives of honeybees ...